Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Open Market Everyone Deserves a Blanket, LLC

  • Image Source: N/A
  • Canon Link: N/A
  • Primary Source: N/A
  • Corporation Name: Everyone Deserves a Blanket
  • Headquarters: Sojourner-class Cruiser Sanctuary
  • Locations: Sojourner-class Cruiser Sanctuary
  • Operations: Humanitarian Aid, providing hot meals, clean water, temporary housing, and blankets to war torn populations
  • Parent Corporation: N/A
  • Subsidiaries: N/A
The galaxy, its a mess, but there are some beings out there who are willing to go the extra parsec to help others. That is where Everyone Needs a Blanket comes in. Founded in part by the Yinchorri Vodet and the Naboo noble Dani Stellaris Dani Stellaris , Everyone Needs a Blanket is a humanitarian organization designed solely on helping others. While there are people who tend to appear on the galactic stage, the aim of this company is to provide assistance where it is needed most. Using Dani's inheritance, as well as funds procured through fundraising, good will ventures, and Vodet's savings, Everyone provides temporary housing aboard the Sanctuary while settlements get back on their feet. Those under their watch do not need to worry for anything, and of course, everyone walks away with a warm, fluffy blanket, that some swear was imbued by a Force user for a sense of calm.

Upon the specially modified Sojourner, the Sanctuary provides food and housing both for those running from war torn planets. Using the ship's shield generator, it provides additional support and safety for those running from harm. Dani brings her contacts, several pilots in otherwise unarmed Gallofree or Silk Limited transports to extend their reach and speed up delivery of vital services.

Vodet joined the Foundation after leaving the Jedi Order, feeling the latter was not doing enough after the spotlight was off one world or another. After petitioning Coren Starchaser, Vodet and Dani were able to secure one of the new Sojourner class cruisers. Stripping the vessel from its research capabilities, weapons, the vessel focuses solely on purifying water, growing and preparing food, and providing housing to those in need. An entire modular is repurposed as a loom for creating blankets. After the fall of his world at the hands of the Bryn, Vodet felt that people needed something concrete, and thus Everyone Needs a Blanket was formed.

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