Makkik ran through the streets of a small village on Deneba, chased by a pair of Gammoreans waving sticks around. How was he supposed to know that Hutt was a crime lord? All he did was give him a brochure on liposuction! He thought the Hutt would be happy! He was just trying to help! The two bodyguards chasing him, hovever did not want to help. In fact, Makkik thought the Hutt's exact words were "Bring me a Jawa-fur scarf!". So, yeah.... He didn't plan on slowing down any time soon.
The Jawa quickly turned a corner, ducking through the legs of a merchant, and dodging around a group of angry-looking humans squabbling amongst themselves. He could hear the Gammoreans getting closer... Makkik risked looking abruptly over his shoulder to see if he was being followed. Only two run into a pair of legs.
[member="Moss"] [member="Cross Ikon"]
(Well, it's hostile to Makkik now. <_<)
The Jawa quickly turned a corner, ducking through the legs of a merchant, and dodging around a group of angry-looking humans squabbling amongst themselves. He could hear the Gammoreans getting closer... Makkik risked looking abruptly over his shoulder to see if he was being followed. Only two run into a pair of legs.
[member="Moss"] [member="Cross Ikon"]
(Well, it's hostile to Makkik now. <_<)