Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Everyone hates Jawas... (Moss, Cross Ikon)

Makkik ran through the streets of a small village on Deneba, chased by a pair of Gammoreans waving sticks around. How was he supposed to know that Hutt was a crime lord? All he did was give him a brochure on liposuction! He thought the Hutt would be happy! He was just trying to help! The two bodyguards chasing him, hovever did not want to help. In fact, Makkik thought the Hutt's exact words were "Bring me a Jawa-fur scarf!". So, yeah.... He didn't plan on slowing down any time soon.

The Jawa quickly turned a corner, ducking through the legs of a merchant, and dodging around a group of angry-looking humans squabbling amongst themselves. He could hear the Gammoreans getting closer... Makkik risked looking abruptly over his shoulder to see if he was being followed. Only two run into a pair of legs.

[member="Moss"] [member="Cross Ikon"]

(Well, it's hostile to Makkik now. <_<)
"Hi, there, little guy. What'cha running from?"

I looked away from the little hooded guy, up to the two ugly Gammoreans that were chasing him. I sighed.

"Fething pig-men. Just watch the little show I put on."

I cocked and aimed my cuff-mounted flamethrower.

"I'mma have me some green bacon."

I let loose with a burst of fire, and the pigs stopped in their tracks.

Makkik's amber-covered eyes flicked quickly from the man, to his weapon, to the green pigmen behind him. Sudeenly the air smelled like bacon. Two howling gammoreans started running around in frenzied circles, waving their hands above their heads, as fire spread amongst their garments. Sadly for both Makkik and [member="Cross Ikon"], the Hutt he offended was something of a local crime lord. (wouldn't want one of the reasons it's hostile territory to go before the third post. :p). And, typically those Hutts who operated more then shady cantinas had more then a few Gammoreans to send after peoplke that annoy them. Luckily for the two, however, it was just two overweight pigmen for now.

While the Gammoreans ran around in howling circles, Makkik glanced up to Cross- a smile building under his cowl. "Oooooh....YousavedMakkik!"
"Uhm, yeah. Gotta admit I don't like pig-men much. Too much muscle, and it's not between the ears."

I disengaged the flamethrower and sat down in front of the robed guy.

"Your name is [member="Makkik"]? You a Jawa?"
Makkik glanced down at himself, then up to [member="Cross Ikon"]. "Nope, I'maWookiee! Can'tyouteeell?" The Jawa released a high pitched laugh, sounding like a cartoon character on helium, and nodded several times, as if he was at the apex of a sugar high. "Nicetomeetyou!"

( Lets wait for [member="Moss"], we need three for it to count. :p )


Where the Truth Lies
"You don't understand," said Moss with increasing frustration. "It's a relic of the Great Sith War, not farming equipment!"

The shopkeeper, a Chroman, placed a webbed hand on the artifact. Moss watched him move it from the display shelf to a compartment beneath the counter. "No sale!" he yelled with a wet voice, crossing his arms in defiance.

"I'll pay you three times what the farmer will." He dug through his pants pockets. The coins from the money-changers rattled within.

"No sale to Bothan!"

A sigh drifted from his furry lips. "Maybe I can arrange for a colleague to-"

A loud crash started both men. The burning figure of a screaming Gammorean writhed on the floor. Outside the broken shop window, more charred puppets danced and yelled in the street.

"No, out, fire!" yelled the shopkeeper. He rushed around the counter to stop the spread of flame in his business. Moss took a step in his direction to assist, but a thought occurred to him before he could do so. The relic was left unattended in beneath the counter. It didn't take much reasoning to arrive at the conclusion - it would benefit not just Moss, but the community as a whole if the artifact were properly preserved and catalogued by experts in the field. He took a glance around the shop to see that nobody was watching. The growing crowd were too distracted by the dispatched Gammoreans, so he took the opportunity.

Moss slipped behind the counter and found it laying there. Dusty and worn, but undeniable in form. There was no way to tell exactly without the correct tools, but Moss was nearly certain that he had found a lightsaber hilt dating back to the Great Sith War - 4500 years earlier.

And to think it was nearly to be used as an irrigation valve.

Gently, he wrapped the treasure in a towel plucked from another shelf and found his way out the back door, into the alley. He scarcely made it to the street before he heard familiar yelling.

"Thief, Bothan! Thief! Thief!" The worm-man waved his arms wildly and drew attention from the crowd. Moss turned to run down the dusty, busy street, unsure if anybody was actually following him.

To avoid pursuit, he turned off into a quieter, darker side-street and tripped right over the tiny form of a hooded Jawa. The ancient hilt came loose from its wrapping and landed in the street, rolling to the feet of a second man standing over the pileup.

[member="Makkik"] | [member="Cross Ikon"]

I'll be using my new Moss account to continue RPing as him in the future!

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