Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Everyone loves a wedding...

Looking for Sith and Republic. I mainly need a female Republic faction member who is willing to, for the RP, get captured by the Sith and forced to marry me. Then the Republic will retaliate and seize the opportunity to try to kill the Sith that are here. Oh, and I also need a Sith to perform the ceremony.

Any takers for this odd request?
Darren I think he was looking for a Female Republic PC, although in my book you will always be purty......or maybe that is the rum talking. hahahaha.
hahahah no. Im more of a Sith than I am a Jedi. I could have been any of thoes characters. (maybe) I do have a republic Jedi (Carmen) BUt I dont use her very often.

You hit me :(

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