Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Evincar Ascendant

NAME: Evincar Angrus Ascendant
RANK: Acolyte
SPECIES: Epicanthix
AGE: 30-ish
SEX: Male
HEIGHT: 1.90 meters
WEIGHT: 230lbs.
EYES: Blue
HAIR: Dark
SKIN: Caucasian


STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) :
(+) As an Epicanthix he has the species genetic immunity to force assisted mental tricks, influence, domination and mind reading. Also has the standard epicanthic fold on his eyes inherent to the species and a slightly longer than normal lifespan of up to 130 standard years.

(+) Is a skilled duelist with almost any weapon though he prefers a sword or lightsaber to others. Naturally he also prefers melee weapons to ranged ones though he can still fire a blaster proficiently even though he tends to abhor them.

(+) A Tank. Large and muscular he can take similarly large amounts of physical punishment and continue to function in combat. He feels the pain of his wounds but is able to ignore it in most cases and continue to fight on unless his wounds are truly severe. Besides this when he hits it is usually quite hard and he can dish out punishment when his blows connect with his opponents.

(-) Arrogance is naturally his enemy. He believes he's better than his opponents which can cause him not to take them seriously and overlook threats to his safety.

(-) Anger. He's quick to anger and when he becomes angry he tends to focus on the instrument of that anger. Often he will become oblivious to what's occurring around him while he hunts down the subject of his rage. It's a weakness because when he sees red he literally sees nothing else; enemies could start swarming all around him and he won't notice until it's to late. Of course this still might not be good for the individual he's focused on.

Evincar is large and muscular. He keeps his dark hair short most of the time but will let it grow out occasionally and makes sure he's properly groomed. His jaw is square, serious, and hard and his eyes match with a barely hidden rage manifest behind them at almost all times. When he moves it's with obvious strength and purpose and when he fights his attacks are always hard, powerful and intended to break his opponents body as well as their spirit. Evincar has scars across his abdomen and torso as well as several on his arms and legs due to various injuries sustained in combat.

Evincar was born on the Epicanthix homeworld of Panatha. There he was indoctrinated into the warrior culture and trained to fight from a young age. As is common with many of the Epicanthix he traveled the outer rim as a soldier for hire or, as need necessitated, returned home to help the Epicanthix wage war on their neighbors. Even at a young age Evincar was sensitive to the force, especially the dark side, and the anger and desire towards blood lust in his heart ensured that he never strayed far from the darkness.

When the time came for Evincar to evolve beyond working as a nameless soldier for hire he sought out the New Order for training in the dark side. He was already competent when it came to physical combat but his force training would become a new adventure, a new way for him to evolve, and he would embrace it, and the passions of the dark side, wholeheartedly. With no ties to the Jedi or anyone else in the galaxy Evincar felt no remorse knowing he would need to kill or conquer in the name of his new allegiance. In fact he would revel in the idea.

Evincar vowed to train hard and then light the galaxy on fire when the time came...

Tachyon Class Light Freighter: Cheap, fast and common. Evincar has modified the vessel to bring it further in line with his own needs however it retains most of its stock profile.

Lightsaber (Vexxtal Crystal)
Phrik Bracers
Battle Axe

At any given time it can be assumed Evincar has access to a variety of grenades on his person. He believes in the force but recognizes that different types of weaponry can be equally effective.





(More to come as I figure it out)
[member="Maria Zambrano"]
I'd rather listen to skrillex drop acid and play a five hour set at burning man, I'd rather have a make out session with predator, I'd rather get a massage from a pterodactyl, I'd rather be a fruitiarian

Kung Seilois

Freelancer Extraordinaire
A fellow with another Tachyon! They are fine ships aren't they? Nice, cheap, and easily repaired, a working man's ship. I also see you are in your thirties just like a certain awesome Freelancer is...

I like you. :)

[member="Supreme Overlord Dredge"] Dunno, her face seems nice. Got a nose, eyes, eyebrows, lips, seems to have all the pieces required for a face.

Also what is wrong with making out with a Predator!? They are rather fetching... if they leave that mask on.

Kung Seilois

Freelancer Extraordinaire
[member="Evincar Angrus Ascendant"]

BF 4 Eva!

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