Wild Thing
The true soldier fights
Not because he hates what's in front of him,
But because he loves what's behind him.

Name: Evok Romel Halver
Aliases: Garrus Tomb, Strider Copper, Gas Mask
Nicknames: Evi, Rome, Griffin
“Life will break you. Nobody can protect you from that, and living alone won't either, for solitude will also break you with its yearning. You have to love. You have to feel. It is the reason you are here on earth. You are here to risk your heart. You are here to be swallowed up. And when it happens that you are broken, or betrayed, or left, or hurt, or death brushes near, let yourself sit by an apple tree and listen to the apples falling all around you in heaps, wasting their sweetness. Tell yourself you tasted as many as you could.”
Call-Sign: Gas Mask
Home Planet: Boz Pity
Official Title: Beastmaster of Boz
Chapter 1: The BasicsFaction: Undecided.
Rank: Beast Tamer, Scavenger, Mercenary
Force Level: Apprentice
Gender: Male
“Man often becomes what he believes himself to be. If I keep on saying to myself that I cannot do a certain thing, it is possible that I may end by really becoming incapable of doing it. On the contrary, if I have the belief that I can do it, I shall surely acquire the capacity to do it even if I may not have it at the beginning.”
Age: 15 GSY
Species: Epicanthix 50%, Null 50%
Height:5 feet, 11 inches
Height:5 feet, 11 inches
Weight:153 pounds
Chapter 2: Building it upHair: When someone covers up completely, all day, every day, knowing what they look like is neigh impossible. However... there are a few rumors that claim to know what Evok's appearance is. A few pictures of him without a hood (but still with a mask) let us see at least his hair. All of the locks on his head are a shaggy, dark brown. The longest pieces are only around three inches. It's unknown who cuts his hair, or when, seeing as no one's caught him without something covering his head for longer than a few minutes. Most assume he does it himself (which would explain the overall messy look it has).
Eyes: What? Do you honestly expect me to-... Okay, fine. Evok's goggles on his gas masks tend to have blue lenses, though one does have red. Rumor has it that his eyes are bright blue, and that staring into them will wipe your memory of his existence. Weird. Other sources say that getting close enough for that to happen will simply result in a headbutt... causing minor injury and temporary memory loss. Now that makes more sense. Which one you want to believe (if either) is up to you.
Eyes: What? Do you honestly expect me to-... Okay, fine. Evok's goggles on his gas masks tend to have blue lenses, though one does have red. Rumor has it that his eyes are bright blue, and that staring into them will wipe your memory of his existence. Weird. Other sources say that getting close enough for that to happen will simply result in a headbutt... causing minor injury and temporary memory loss. Now that makes more sense. Which one you want to believe (if either) is up to you.
Skin: Once again we have a bit of an issue. Luckily for us, those pics of him with a mask show a tad bit of skin. Lad is lightly tanned. Somehow. When does he find the time to lay in the sun? Or does he do that whole 'tan-in-a-can' thing? If so... why? Not like anyone can see him. It seems that there are more mysteries regarding this man than there are answers. Or even theories. Maybe that'll change in time*.
Body Structure: Finally something we can actually address without relying on whispers in the wind for information. Evok is quite tall for his age, a result of his Null heritage. It appears that he has a fair amount of muscle (though nothing to body-builder-like). However, he does have a slightly odd shoulder-to-waist ratio. Much like Chris Evans (the famed holovid star), is shoulders are a bit wider than his hips. Enough for it to be noticeable. Obviously. Not like any of us have seen him without a stupid trench coat.
“Few will have the greatness to bend history itself, but each of us can work to change a small portion of events. It is from numberless diverse acts of courage and belief that human history is shaped. Each time a man stands up for an ideal, or acts to improve the lot of others, or strikes out against injustice, he sends forth a tiny ripple of hope, and crossing each other from a million different centers of energy and daring those ripples build a current which can sweep down the mightiest walls of oppression and resistance.”
Tattoos/Modifications: Gimme a break already... Man. Gas mask. Heavy cloaks. No see body. Ever. Then again... said gas masks all have voice changers built in, so Evok's voice comes out as a low rasp, or growl. Those who have worked with him while he is wearing but a mask believe that he purposely changes how he speaks... Huh. Maybe he has another identity? One that he uses to go out, socialize, and get both tanned and shaved? That would explain several mysteries...
Clothing: This is something that can be described fairly easily. If one looked in his closet, they would find an assortment of long coats, scarves, masks, and trousers. Plus some military boots. Even a few cloaks thrown in. Mostly dark colors, or some camouflage. One would not find any undergarments though. Those are kept locked up, for some odd reason. Perhaps he has a fear of people raiding his boxers? Or doing nasty things with them... like taking a leak on 'em. That would leave a bad stain.
Quiet- Don't expect him to talk much. Doing so will only lead to your understandable disappointment. This guy talks when necessary, rarely otherwise. If he's gonna say something... you should listen. Because there's a 90% chance it'll either be hilarious or vastly important. Unless you asked him a question he knows the answer to. Then it'll just be his response. Sometimes this makes it hard to tell his mood. Luckily for you, one of his masks has a special feature! There are a pair of secondary caps that are above his goggles' lenses. These mimic the movements of his eyebrows. THE WIGGLES WILL SPEAK VOLUMES... er... Yeah.
Brave- It's safe to say that this man is quite brave. Not to the point of danger, luckily. But he does march head-on into plenty of things others would not. For one, he's walked straight into a cave of rather large arachnoid without pausing to worry. Though that example might have something to do with his ability to work with, and tame, animals... He did also defy his family of cultists. In the middle of a ritual. On a holiday. Okay, maybe that one time was a bit dangerous... but it was indeed brave.
Out to Prove Himself- Being fairly new to the galactic scene, he is constantly trying to show that he can do this on his own. If a challenge arises he won't stop until he's completed it. Tame a Gundark? You got it. Salvage something outside a Tusken Raider camp? Easy. Beat a Sith Lord in a duel?... Maybe not. Though he'll probably still try. End up with a few missing limbs or no head... He'd still work hard. Even if it's crazy. He'll try.
Shifty- One byproduct of always hiding your appearance is coming off as shady. Seeming like a person who can't be trusted. When you're quiet, and try to be as vague as possible when people ask personal questions... well, it certainly doesn't help. At all. Evok essentially radiates an aura of mystery. Though some think that something in his voice has a way of making you think he's being honest. Vague, but honest.
Curious- Even if this trait killed the cat, satisfaction was there to bring it back. From head to ground, it was safe and sound. Ahem. Old-school poetry moment over. If something seems off, this lad is bound to try to figure out why. He'll go to extreme ends to find things out. When there's something to be discovered you can be certain he'll be one of those trying to discover it. Sometimes he'll be the first to do so.
Chapter 3: Filling in the GapsBiography:
Pre-Birth- There is a cult on Boz Pity. It's name has long faded into history, but still it's followers gather. Their agents are all across the galaxy. Together they do the bidding of wicked Gods and Goddesses. Every member is given a specific task. Warriors fight their enemies, scientists create their warriors, and priests keep the Lords pleased until then. Two of the soldier-makers were in love. Nights of passion lead to the birth of Evok and Romelia Halver, twins. While they slept in their mother's womb a storm was brewing in a lab. The cult had achieved their goal. Dawn Irisael was created just two months before Evok first opened his eyes. They were to be siblings of a kind. Unsurprisingly, one would be treated far better than the other.
Childhood- Both Dawn and Romelia were the cult's shining stars. Their brother? Covered up, hidden away, as if he didn't exist. Because to them he didn't. While his twin was paraded around in dresses, he was taught to stay quiet unless asked a question. Everyone else would eat before he could. Instead of going to school he played with the (deadly) animals of his home planet. It wasn't until he was eight years old that he was allowed to do something special. Those that took care of him sent him to Coruscant, where he spent two years getting a minor education. Luckily for him he learned quickly. Otherwise he would have only gone through a couple lessons.
Once he returned he was allowed to participate in various rituals. Soon they started depending on him for animal sacrifices. Even at age ten it was apparent he had a gift for taming beasts. That was what got him to be acknowledged. And so it was what he worked hardest at. Whenever he wasn't helping the family he was training. Quite a boring life for a child. But it was far better than being ignored by those you love.
Running Away- Thirteen years. Dawn was now biologically 28, due to her quickened aging. The most important change, however, was Evok's realization that his family was not what it seemed. It was dark, twisted. Evil. Born of darkness, nothing more. That wasn't what he wanted to be part of. So in the middle of a ritual, when he was supposed to bring forth a prize Nerf Calf, he refused. Standing tall he declared his self-exile. His 'sister' struck him in the face in response. Then he was carried away from 'home'. Wounded by Irisael he slowly made his way across the land. Eventually he would discover the wreckage of an old freighter. It became his home.
Scavenging- Another two years passed. During this time he ran about the ruins of his home planet in search of parts. Finding them was rather difficult. Luckily he made a few droid friends who helped him out. Even helped him learn a bit more about repairing things. Together they fixed up the ship. Even got it ready for flight. Unfortunately they had to wait a few months before finding some friendly traders who gave them enough fuel to get off planet. After doing so they sold all their salvage. Things started going smoothly after that. The boys (Evok and his robot buddies) have been traveling and scavenging ever since. Find things, fix 'em, sell 'em, repeat.
Force Abilities:
Novice- Telekinetic Abilities
Apprentice- Beast Trick
Potential Lifespan: 80-100 Years
“War is an ugly thing, but not the ugliest of things: the decayed and degraded state of moral and patriotic feeling which thinks that nothing is worth a war, is much worse. When a people are used as mere human instruments for firing cannon or thrusting bayonets, in the service and for the selfish purposes of a master, such war degrades a people. A war to protect other human beings against tyrannical injustice; a war to give victory to their own ideas of right and good, and which is their own war, carried on for an honest purpose by their free choice, — is often the means of their regeneration."
Notable Possessions:
- 4 ASP-Series Droids for Labor.
- 2 G2 Repair Droids for maintenance.
Tropes: To be added!
Chapter 4: Smoothing it OutStrengths:
Physical Strength- Being part Null + healthy diet and plenty of exercise= Strong muscles. Simple as that. How does this help? Lifting things (like people), throwing things (like punches), overpowering someone (like a mugger), etc. Being strong comes in handy in plenty of ways. Even if you don't look as strong as you are.
Beasts are Beautiful- Evok has a natural gift: Working with animals. Though, based off plenty of things you've already read, you probably already figured that out. How does this help? Well, if there's a Bantha charging at you, you might be able to calm it down. Or you can get some jungle animals to tear apart your enemies. People using war beasts or mounts? Make said creatures rebel. Plus, having cute cuddly friends is a nice feeling.
A Way With Machines- Having a bunch of robots as best friends is sad. However, they can help you learn things about machines. After years in their company it becomes enough to work with common systems fairly easily. Our friendly lad has done just that. While he can't put a computer together by himself, he can repair one. Or a ship. Plus the occasional droid. If he can't, he has his buds help. The holonet has many helpful tutorials. One must simply know where to look... and have the capability to understand said guides.
Anonymity- We live in a very large galaxy. Coming from a backwater planet leaves you as an unknown force in a vast plain of existence. You begin to feel small. Because you are. No matter where you go, no one knows you, and you in turn know no one. There is no one to help you. Your face is just another blur in the crowd. As it will always be. You are alone.
Old Habits Die Hard- Spending five years on the run changes people. This kid it used to having to run from place to place, never staying for long. Just the concept of settling down makes him uneasy. Even if he makes friends, the chances of him staying with them... well, they're slim. All he is these days is a wandering vagrant. A loner. And as the Galactic Insurance commercial said that one time: Loners have to stay alone.
What Helps But Harms:
Size- When you consider his Null heritage, it's no surprise that Evok is tall for his age. While this gives him both a height and weight advantage, it makes both stealth and moving around more difficult. At his current size he can still fit through most doorways. Give him a few years. It might change. Nulls can get up to around nine feet tall. Usually a half-Null wouldn't get that high... But he is also part Epicanthix. They get a bit tall as well. So you really don't know.
Resistance to Mind Tricks- This kid is half Epicanthix. While he isn't immune to attacks on the mind, he does have a slight resistance to them. However this also reduces the benefits he gets from abilities like Battle Meditation. Delivering information to him via telepathy is also difficult. Luckily things like Aura of Uneasiness don't affect him as much as they would the normal person. Though, as mentioned, he can still be targeted by things like it.
Extreme Force Focus- When it comes to the force, Evok doesn't try to spread out his abilities. Since he has a natural ability to work with animals, he focuses on beast mastery. Everything else? He'll do as little of it as he can get away with. While this does allow him to be especially good at one thing... his other skills will be quite lacking. Controlling animals is only helpful in so many situations.
"A man who has nothing which he is willing to fight for, nothing which he cares more about than he does about his personal safety, is a miserable creature who has no chance of being free, unless made and kept so by the exertions of better men than himself. As long as justice and injustice have not terminated their ever-renewing fight for ascendancy in the affairs of mankind, human beings must be willing, when need is, to do battle for the one against the other.”
Habits & Quirks:Nothing substantial or noticeable.
Sexual Orientation: Bisexual; Attracted to two or more genders.
Languages Spoken: Umbaran (Fluent), Basic (Rough), Epicant (Rough)
The Epilogue:Relationships: To be added.
Ship: One Space Master Medium Transport, called Daedra's Fist.
Kills: No important ones yet.
“It's being here now that's important. There's no past and there's no future. Time is a very misleading thing. All there is ever, is the now. We can gain experience from the past, but we can't relive it; and we can hope for the future, but we don't know if there is one.”
Bounties: None on him or collected.
Playby: Various men with Gas Masks.
8 Things You Don't Need to Know About Evok:
- According to the Holonet, Evok has a twin sister named Romelia Evo Halver. It's unknown why their names are so similar.
- No one has seen the boy with his face uncovered. Even on Boz Pity, his family had him cover up. Those that saw him as a baby are nothing but bones buried in the ground now.
- Both of his parents were lead scientists of the cult that created [member="Dawn Irisael"]. He's considered her brother. However, the two have seen little of each other, even during childhood.
- Asking Dawn about him would get you the response "I have no brother. Only a sister." This is likely because Evok betrayed the family, and is considered an exile.
- As a child, he reportedly was on Coruscant when a tamer's Boma escaped. According to the official report, the Boma 'relaxed by itself' before slowly laying down for a nap. It's unknown whether or not the boy had anything to do with the incident.
- Most of the gas masks he has have a way to drink/eat while still wearing them.
- It seems like Evok feels a need to make sure women and children are safe. He makes it clear he knows that plenty of women are capable of defending themselves, but he tries to protect them nonetheless. Sexism is something he despises, no matter what gender is being affected.
- Shockboxing is his favorite sport. When he's not working, he'll probably be sitting on the couch, watching the latest match.
Evok works on mastering his control of beasts, while trying to survive the new Galactic War.
To be added as time passes.
Notes: This is the second character I've used my writer account for. Hopefully things will go smoother than they did last time. Now, to clear up those lovely 'mysteries', marked with various asterisks (*).
*: By 'in time', I mean roughly 400-600 posts. Around that time (or whenever he reaches master rank, if it comes sooner) all will be revealed in the most important arc of his story. Want to be a part of that? Help get him to that many posts! It'll only be exciting for those that really know him. He's a scavenger, so he can go all over the place. Pretty much anyone is fine to do a thread with him.