Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Exar Gorganus


NAME: Exar Gorganus
Alias: Exar ShipMaster, Exar the conqueror
Titles: Ship-Lord
Home-world: Marlozrk
Marital Status:
FORCE SENSITIVE: force sensitive
​Character Alignment: Pichilus Oligornuth Empire
FACTION: Marlozrk-exar

RANK: Leader of Marlozrk-exar, Ship-Admiral and Lieutenant grade 1 in the Oligornuth Empire
SPECIES: Pichilus
AGE: 25 ( average lifespan of a pichilus is 100 standard years )
SEX: Male
HEIGHT: 8'1 Ft
WEIGHT: 265 lbs
EYES: Blood Red
SKIN: Pale brown
Distinctive Features: Has a steel horn guttering from the right side of his head and a normal bony one guttering from the left side of his head


Parents: Senator Oigus Gorganus ( Father ), Classified by the Oligomuth Military
Friends: Classified by the Oligomuth Military
Siblings: Classified by the Oligomuth Military
Relatives: General Zandar Tillk, Senator Gorga Gorganus
Children: N/A
Spouse: N/A


STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) :
- Iron strong bones
- Strong resistance to damage
- Exar Has steel-plating engraved into his skin making his resilience to damage increased with the decrease of nerves because of the steel
- Cold: has no resistance to cold because it evolved in a arid environment, meaning if not in a protective suit or a massive environment change happens they could easily die off
- Exar doesn't have much resistance to fire since 23% of his body is covered with steel from wounds and scars
Has a steel horn guttering from the right side of his head and a normal bony one guttering from the left side of his head. Steel covers 23% of his body because of war wounds and scars. Exar wears a battle mask across his face with two red lines going down it and it is made purely of durasteel. He wears worn mandalorian armor which is black and two red stripes going down it. His gauntlets are made of durasteel with spikes on the fists that are capable of breaking a man's jaw with enough force. He wears a black cloak and his helmet is a damaged mandalorian helmet with holes for his horns to sick out of. He wears heavy hiking boots made of rancor hide and it is painted a dark brown with a black outline.

. Worn mandalorian armor which is black and two red stripes going down it
. gauntlets are made of durasteel with spikes on the fists that are capable of breaking a man's jaw with enough force
. wears a black cloak
. damaged mandalorian helmet with holes for his horns to sick out of
. heavy hiking boots made of rancor hide and it is painted a dark brown with a black outline
. VibroBlade
. Worn purple lightsaber found in the Cryligor Capital
. Dual DH-17 Blaster Pistol
. Wrist rockets
. Wrist flamethrower
. DLT-19_heavy_blaster_rifle
Melee: Exar was trained in the arts of close combat. He knows many fighting moves and tricks helping him to fight others in close range. This skill helps him defend from attacks and deliver devastating punches capable of breaking a man's jaw. His pure durasteel gauntlets also help with his melee moves but it slows him down.
Imperial Victory-Class Star Destroyer



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