Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private Excision of Incandescence

Location: Conference Room, Fortress Ultima, New Kaas City - Dromund Kaas
Time: Early Morning
Dialogue Legend: <<Ghoul-Speak>> │ “Galactic Basic”

Equipment: Frostfire AzaleaPurifying LashFreezing Fates
Tag: Eira Dyn Eira Dyn

Kass City had been devastated. In the aftermath of the raid by the Lightsworn, much of the city’s infrastructure was left destroyed or damaged by opportunistic cells of Ashlan rebels that had taken advantage of the attack to enact their terrorist agendas. While many of the rebels had since been hunted down, the destruction that they had inflicted upon the city struck a humiliating mark across the urban landscape, even as repairs quickly went underway.

Thus, as the gunship flew by the spires of the Sith Citadel, many of which bore scars from the raid, Phaelissia gaze upon the structures therein with a cold, icy stare, her synthetic eyes unblinking as her lips were pursed tightly together. However, in spite of her anger at the corruption of what had previously stood as a dogged symbol of Kainite resilience, the Aetharian did not pull her attention away from the Citadel until it fell out of view a few minutes later, at which point the gunship had arrived at her destination.

Fortress Ultima.

Disembarking from the gunship’s passenger bay as soon as it touched down, Phaelissia wasted no time as she made her way into the military base. Once inside, the short-statured Cipher Agent swiftly made her way to her assigned conference room, passing rows of marching soldiers clad in red and black armor as she did. Their presence was a consequence of the high readiness levels that were still being maintained even after the Lightsworn raid had concluded, owing to the fact that a few Ashlan rebel cells remained hidden within the city, while most others had retreated deep into the jungles.

It was the latter groups that Phaelissia and a Sith Acolyte who she had yet to meet had been tasked with neutralizing.

Soon, Phaelissia arrived inside the conference room, more than a few minutes early. While she had spent most of the night before preparing her briefing, the Aetharian could not hold back the crimson flush that came over her features as she waited for the Sith to arrive. The emotion that might have triggered it—anxiety—was not one she felt often. However, in this case, where she was expected to take the lead on a mission with a Sith, even one that was just an Acolyte, the uncertainty caused her to blink excessively, even when her synthetic eyes no longer truly needed to do so.

Nevertheless, Phaelissia quickly steadied herself and turned on the holoprojector at the center of the room, bringing up a holographic map of the Malignant Bog. In the moments that followed, the Aetharian allowed herself to slip into a brief Flashback trance as she reviewed the details of her briefing.

Then, just as Phaelissia finished going over her information, the door to the conference room slid open.
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Location: Dromund Kaas
Attire: Casual
Equipment: Practice Saber
Tags: Phaelissia Phaelissia

Eira had been tasked with helping someone with a mission on the planet Dromund Kaas. It was an old sensation. She went from a person who had never left her commune on Dantooine to now having visited multiple planets in a short span of time. There was a lot to take in. There was little nature in the city of Dromund Kaas and it was strange but not unwelcomed sight to behold. She was curious how cities such as this worked and how the people felt living in them. It was a place where there was life everywhere but none of it natural. Curiosity ate away at her but she held back from exploration and demanding answers from strangers about their experiences. For now, she focused on the fact she was fresh to the Sith and needed to learn how missions and operations worked.

Especially when working with those who were not Sith themselves but assisted the goals of the Sith. That had it's own curiosity.

She entered as the cyborg waited in the room. She could sense the electricity of the enhancements and technology running through the woman. It was electrifying and deeply interesting. So much had been replaced with technology. It felt like the person had enhanced so much to have but a fraction of the power the Sith held. Very interesting indeed. The cyborg seemed to hold a blush and there was an aura of anxiety. Something that Eira did not understand herself, she did not see the need for anxiety in this moment. They were here to do a mission, there was a goal and the steps to achieving it were simple.

At least in her mind that was the practicality behind it all. Emotions would just cloud and confuse the issue.

"I am Eira. I am guessing that you are the one in charge of this mission?" She asked in a cold stern tone, her blood red eyes staring forward.
Location: Conference Room, Fortress Ultima, New Kaas City - Dromund Kaas
Time: Early Morning
Dialogue Legend: <<Ghoul-Speak>> │ “Galactic Basic”
Equipment: Frostfire AzaleaPurifying LashFreezing Fates
Tag: Eira Dyn Eira Dyn

The Sith had arrived. And with it came the familiar sensations of fear and awe, causing Phaelissia’s long, elfin eyebrows and pointed ears to twitch ever so slightly as she lowered herself into a bow before the Acolyte. Since her features were briefly hidden by the movement, the Aetharian used the moment to take a deep, calming breath. However, with such a critical, time-sensitive mission at hand, she could not linger with formalities. Thus, the Cipher rose back up quickly, finding herself looking up to the much taller woman, whose stature seemed that much more imposing given her inherent superiority as a Sith.

“I am Cipher Agent Phaelissia of the Saaraishash, my lady.” Phaelissia introduced herself in turn. “My superiors have tasked me with planning it.” Phaelissia continued, sensing that the Sith wanted to get to the briefing quickly. “However, you may take the lead, if you so wish.” She added. In truth, Phaelissia had only been recommended for leading it due to her field experience, but such a thing was not always practical or notable when working alongside Sith.

All the while, Phaelissia found herself committing Eira’s features to her enhanced memory. A piercing, blood red gaze stared down at her, set within a scarred, heart-shaped aspect. Said scar ran down her right eye and cheek, giving the Sith’s otherwise soft features a mark of resilience, while still retaining a pulchritudinous aspect in the process.

Her outfit, while seemingly casual, was optimized for mobility over strength. However, Phaelissia did not allow her gaze to linger on the Sith’s choice of attire for long, as she shifted her attention down to the holoprojector controls in front of her.

“Would you like me to call a droid to bring caf in, my lady?” Phaelissia offered. “Otherwise, I am prepared to begin the briefing, as soon as you are ready.” She added.
Location: Dromund Kaas
Attire: Casual
Equipment: Practice Saber
Tags: Phaelissia Phaelissia

The other woman introduced herself and Eira gave a curt nod in response, whether or not she was going to remember the name was debatable since Eira was taking in a lot of information about a lot of new things. All of it being important and sometimes names were just not as interesting or important to her. When offered the chance to take the lead, Eira felt her eyes spark with the opportunity to demonstrate her skills and the desire to demonstrate her worth. However, she held back, logically it would not be beneficial for her to rush around in charge, she needed to learn and watch others. "I will allow you to lead, but if you falter, demonstrate weakness or fail then I will take charge and ensure you are punished for failing."

She was not going to be kind in declining the offer though. That was something she could not be.

As the cyborg studied her figure, a smirk played on her lips. The offer for caf was amusing, "if you tried checking me out any longer I was going to demand a meal." There was a cruel but flirtatious tone to her comment, not rejecting the admiration nor the looks but ensuring that this stranger understood her place and what Eira was expecting. "Let us begin the meeting. I wish to ensure we get started as soon as possible." The sooner she could bring the demise of her new Order's enemies, the sooner she could begin to know the power of leadership.
Location: Conference Room, Fortress Ultima, New Kaas City - Dromund Kaas
Time: Early Morning
Dialogue Legend: <<Ghoul-Speak>> │ “Galactic Basic”
Equipment: Frostfire AzaleaPurifying LashFreezing Fates
Tag: Eira Dyn Eira Dyn

“Yes, my lady. I promise, you will not find me wanting.” Phaelissia answered quickly. From there, the short-statured Cipher moved to start the briefing, but the Sith’s next comment caused her pale features to suddenly flush crimson, causing her to falter, if only for a moment. At the same time, her pointed ears twitched with embarrassment, turning much the same crimson shade as her cheeks in the process.

Nevertheless, the Aetharian quickly steadied herself, before offering the Sith a tentative smile and turning her gaze back to the holoprojector.

“Since I understand that you only just arrived on Dromund Kaas, I will give you the full briefing, my lady.” Phalissia began, after taking a moment to steady her nerves. “Less than a week ago, Kaas City was attacked by Lightsworn terrorists. This raid inflicted incalculable damage to the city, as opportunistic Ashlan rebel cells that were hidden within the population capitalized on the violence to target vital infrastructure, including the local power grid and the Sith Citadel. In addition, many Sith and local garrison soldiers were slain in the skirmishes that transpired within and around the city.” The Cipher Agent explained. All the while, the hologram projector replayed various vid-feeds gathered from the attack, showing the damaged spires within the Sith Citadel, bits and pieces of combat camera footage, and aerial drone footage showing the combat that had transpired around the landing zones.

“While the full casualty figures have yet to be released, it is understood that these terrorists inflicted a great loss of life and material during the raid.” Phaelissia continued. “Nevertheless, the Lightsworn and their allies, which included a number of Imperial Knights, soon retreated, as their objective was not to hold territory, but to deal damage. However, the Ashlan rebel cells are a different matter.” With that, the hologram projector switched to combat camera footage depicting raids on hidden Ashlan compounds within the city and thereafter, summary executions of captured Ashlan radicals and collaborators. “Fortunately, clean-up operations within the city are well underway and have seen success. However, a few rebel cells managed to retreat into the jungles in the aftermath of the raid. One of the largest of these cells has established a small foothold within the Malignant Bog and the Cave of Shadows. Aerial drone footage has confirmed that they are in the process of fortifying the area in preparation for a last stand as we speak. However, intelligence reports also suggest that they are pursuing additional agendas as well.”

Then, a pause.

“This cell has been marked for termination and we have been tasked with carrying out said directive as our primary objective. For our secondary objective, we are to confirm or deny the reports of any notable activities that the rebels may have been pursuing.” Phaelissia concluded.
Location: Dromund Kaas
Attire: Casual
Equipment: Practice Saber
Tags: Phaelissia Phaelissia

"We shall see."

Hearing the term Lightsworn, "what is Lightsworn?" She knew of Jedi and briefly seen some mention of Ashla but this Lightsworn was a new term that she was not familiar with. She had some idea based purely on the name, but she was curious to know more that just a group sworn to the light. That was not enough to understand how they differed from the Jedi and why they decided to differ themselves from the Jedi. She figured if she knew what their motivations and ideals were, then she could work on figuring out how to dismantle them, to break them. It wasn't enough to just defeat their numbers, they needed to ensure that she broke their will.

An enemy that had no reason to fight, could not fight.

Eira paid no attention to the destruction and death that was caused. It was meaningless to her, she bore no connection to those people and in her mind, if they died then they must have been weak. "If they were able to inflict a great loss of life, then our numbers were weak. Too weak." Her tone was cold and callous. She crossed her arms under her chest and looked purely at Phaelissia as she spoke, "which means they have only strengthen us by cutting away the rot that weakened our empire."

"Can a targeted strike from a ship not rendering these outliers dead?" Eira asked, she was not sure how effective orbital bombardments were, but she assumed for those attempting to build bases and a military force, it would be devastating. "I am just curious as to what we could achieve that couldn't? Is it that we are hoping to find these ring leaders and make examples of them?" There was a risk of martyrdom when taking that course of action, but it could also lead to torture and the results of further information.

Though torture didn't always give answers, it was still fun and a useful way to experiment one's powers and abilities.
Location: Conference Room, Fortress Ultima, New Kaas City - Dromund Kaas
Time: Early Morning
Dialogue Legend: <<Ghoul-Speak>> │ “Galactic Basic”
Equipment: Frostfire AzaleaPurifying LashFreezing Fates
Tag: Eira Dyn Eira Dyn

Phaelissia nodded. The Lightsworn were still a relatively new group, so it came as no surprise to her that Eira had yet to hear of them. However, the Cipher gave a few nervous blinks as she processed the time in her enhanced awareness. She needed to finish the briefing quickly, so that they could gear up and fly to the jungles. Time was of the essence and the more time she spent waiting, the more time the Ashlan rebels would have to fortify their positions.

“The Lightsworn are a reformist group of radical Jedi who have cut ties with the New Jedi Order due to perceived lapses in the Order’s tolerance of so-called heretics, apostates, and traitors within their ranks.” Phaelissia began. “They view the Order’s failure to defend Tython and the Jedi holy worlds against incursions by the Dark Empire as a sign of festering corruption and weakness within its ranks.” She continued. “As far as we understand, their activities began with the Hirata Reformation and the Edict of Bernard, but there may have been earlier actions that we have yet to become aware of. They have since been waging independent crusades against the Sith Order and the Dark Empire, often without the support of a formal, legitimate power.” The Cipher finished.

And as she did, Phaelissia once more found herself struck within the sights of Eira’s piercing, crimson-eyed stare. In that respect, her words were just as incisive as her gaze, offering no sympathy to those who had perished in the attacks. While the Cipher did not hold the same opinion as the Sith did, she acknowledged her statement with a tentative nod, before answering her next question.

“Energy readings from the jungle indicate the presence of a local-area overhead deflector shield generator covering a small area of the Malignant Bog. While the erratic power fluctuations coming off of the shield point to the generator being a makeshift device that might be quickly overwhelmed with a sustained barrage, the defense it provides will give the rebels more than enough time to fall back into the Cave of Shadows, where they will be effectively immune from bombardment.” Phaelissia explained. “For this reason, we believe that the best approach will be a quick, stealthy one. I intend for us to start from the outskirts of their camp and work our way inside, taking out patrols as we go, until we reach the Cave of Shadows.

From there, we will enter the cave and kill any rebels holed up inside, while also investigating the area to determine if there are any additional conspiracies in play. While the plans of the rebels may seem nebulous at present, it is my anticipation that the situation will become more clear once we arrive at the AO.”
Phaelissia finished.

“If that answers all of your questions in a satisfactory manner, I would like to begin the next stage of our preparations, my lady.” Phaelissia added.
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Location: Dromund Kaas
Attire: Casual
Equipment: Practice Saber
Tags: Phaelissia Phaelissia

It was curious to hear that the Jedi were divided, it was something that was demonstrating a weakness in the Jedi. Perhaps something to report to Iuuna and see what could be done to exploit this. Knowing there is ways to exploit people who were divided was important to Eira, there would be plenty of times that she could use skills of that. Right now, she needed to just store it away and return to the current issue at hand. These extremists were doing better than she would have thought, given they were not going to be as well funded as the Sith Order. Or at least, she would hope that they would not be funded as well as the Sith.

The issue was a mix of the shield generator and there being a cave that the bombardment would not affect. Breathing in deeply, it seemed that infiltrating, killing those in the cave and destroying the generator, therefore a bombardment could annihilate the rest of them after they left. That was the best option. At least it was the best option in her mind that she could think of. "We should avoid taking out patrols till we are inside the cave. The more that are dead, the likelihood of our presence being discovered. Only taking out those in the cave, then destroying the generator and leaving the rest of the rebels to suffer bombardment is a safer course of action."

"Is this Cave of Shadows a historic location? One of importance? Since it might be worthwhile blocking the entrance as well." Eira mentioned once again, she scratched her cheek as her mind whirled with thoughts and attempting to provide strategic input. While she was letting Phaelissia lead the operation, she was not going to be silent during the planning or briefing.

Nodding her head, "that is all I have to say on the plan."
Location: Conference Room, Fortress Ultima, New Kaas City - Dromund Kaas
Time: Early Morning
Dialogue Legend: <<Ghoul-Speak>> │ “Galactic Basic”
Equipment: Frostfire AzaleaPurifying LashFreezing Fates
Tag: Eira Dyn Eira Dyn

“The shield generator is located in the middle of the camp, outside the Cave of Shadows.” Phaelissia explained as she zoomed in on the holoprojector, before pointing out its location with a manicured finger, the stiletto-shaped acrylic nails matching the color of her lips and synthetic eyes. “It will be well-defended, but that does not rule out your plan, my lady. I will make revisions.” The Cipher paused, her eyes seeming to glaze over for a brief moment as she fell into a cyber-trance, before suddenly returning to activity. “We will make an effort to avoid patrols, infiltrating the camp via stealth, until we reach the shield generator. Then, I will set charges on the generator, while you cover me.

Once we have reached a safe distance away from the camp or have gotten inside the cave, we will detonate the charges and call in our fire support. I will order an element of
Caldoth-class bombers for this purpose. They will bombard the camp with missiles."

Then, a pause.

“If this plan is acceptable, my lady, I will begin preparations immediately.”
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Location: Dromund Kaas
Attire: Casual
Equipment: Practice Saber
Tags: Phaelissia Phaelissia

Nodding her head, noting the location of the generator and the potential defences that they would face. "Sounds good. Avoids us fighting an army." Stealth would minimise the risks of large numbers of rebels fighting them. The cave made sense to her as a way to avoid the heavy bombing on the rebel forces. She crossed her arms and looked at the other woman.

"Let us begin preparations then."

There was nothing more in terms of planning that Eira could think of adding.
Location: Conference Room -> Armory, Fortress Ultima, New Kaas City - Dromund Kaas
Time: Early Morning
Dialogue Legend: <<Ghoul-Speak>> │ “Galactic Basic”
Equipment: Frostfire AzaleaPurifying LashFreezing Fates
Tag: Eira Dyn Eira Dyn

"Let us begin preparations then."

Without wasting any more time than necessary, Phaelissia led Eira to the armory. Before long, the two women entered a large, gray-hued room lined with orderly racks and rows that were stocked with all manner of weaponry, explosives, and equipment. There were a few armorers and droids on duty, most of whom were otherwise occupied with various tasks that were carried out in silent, methodical ritual. However, Phaelissia took Eira past all of them, before coming up to the chief armorer’s station at the far end of the room. The chief armorer—a large-figured, huskily-built Seylott with dark orange skin and prominent whiskers—promptly recognized the short-statured Aetharian and acknowledged her with a gruff, yet friendly grunt before heading into a back area.

Upon his return only moments later, the Seylott had a stack of rectangular crates set on a repulsorlift gurney, which was moved to the front of his station. Each of the crates were opened in sequence, hissing as the electrohydraulic locks were unclasped. Inside the first crate was a curved vibroblade perfectly sized for Eira’s stature. The second was a much smaller crate that held an energy shield device that was more than compact enough to easily fit on a belt and a few injector pens filled with a pink-hued liquid. Finally, the third crate held a gauntlet vibroblade and a gauss pistol with a number of magazines for the weapon.

“I had these procured in advance for the mission. You may keep them, if you would like, my lady.” Phaelissia stated. “I know that…sometimes acolytes are not always adequately-equipped. However, I apologize in advance if the assumption was erroneous. I mean no insult towards you or your master, if you have one.” The Aetharian added, her voice wavering somewhat awkwardly as she did.

“One more thing. We just got a shipment of some new weapons in and I want to ease inventory. In case either of you need a little more…rapid firepower.” The Seylott spoke up in a low, husky tone before gesturing to a rack stocked with a number of slugthrower submachine guns arranged in rows. “All yours, if you would like.” He added.
Location: Dromund Kaas
Attire: Casual
Equipment: Practice Saber
Tags: Phaelissia Phaelissia

Looking at the equipment, she was intrigued by the number of times that she was being supplied with. It seemed a lot and varied in what they were meant to do. Eira was curious, she was not much of a fighter so she wasn't sure how to use them the most effectively nor efficiently. However, she took what was provided and before Phaelissia had time to suggest that she could keep them after the mission, Eira had already assumed they were now her items. She figured that she could keep these items but focused on the melee kind. Her skills with a blade were barely passable, with a gun it was even worse.

"Well, it seems like there is plenty of supplies here and I am pleased to see that things are well stocked here." Eira stated as she began to don the vibroblade, the gauntlet and energy shield. It was interesting to be equipped with weapons and tech. She came from a much simpler family farm life and now she was wearing combat gear and going on a mission.

It was a very different life. "Shall we continue with the mission then?" Eira asked as she was keen to get moving and confront these rebel forces and bring them down.
Location: Armory -> Hangar Bay, Fortress Ultima, New Kaas City - Dromund Kaas
Time: Early Morning
Dialogue Legend: <<Ghoul-Speak>> │ “Galactic Basic”
Equipment: Frostfire AzaleaPurifying LashFreezing Fates
Tag: Eira Dyn Eira Dyn

As Eira equipped her weapons, Phaelissia moved to the explosives’ racks and picked out a number of magnetic thermal detonators, which she then placed on a bandolier worn over her shoulder. Then, after completing a few more checks of her equipment, the short-statured Cipher offered the chief armorer a grateful acknowledgement before turning to lead the acolyte out of the armory once she was ready.

From there, the two women moved quickly. A gunship—the same one that Phaelissia had arrived at the Citadel in—sat waiting in the hangar bay. Two Caldoth-class bombers that were still being armed for the mission sat to either side of the craft, surrounded by a few busy droids and technicians that were loading missiles and bombs into the crafts’ ordnance store. All the while, the gunship was being loaded with two speeder bikes which would serve as ground transport to conceal their approach to the camp and allow for a quick escape without having to wait for an extraction.

“This is it.” Phaelissia commented in a soft tone, as she led the acolyte into the gunship’s passenger bay. “It will be a three hour flight to reach the target area. The pilot will initially take us high, but later on she’ll descend to fly nap-of-the-earth, in order to minimize our chances of detection. Then, once we arrive within a few kilometers of the camp, she will set us down and we will proceed on speeder bikes.” The Cipher explained as she set down her gear and moved to sit down in the passenger bay.

“Also, I…wanted to thank you for helping to refine the plan during the briefing, my lady.” Phaelissia added, her tone grateful, yet uneasy given the informality of her compliment. “I tend to prefer taking more direct approaches, so I failed to consider that a more covert method might be more efficient.” She added.

With that, Phaelissia finished strapping herself in before rapping on the hull with her knuckles, thus giving the pilot the clearance for takeoff. Then, the Cipher took a short breath. It would be a long flight, but from experience, she knew that such journeys could pass quickly.

Location: Dromund Kaas
Attire: Casual
Equipment: Practice Saber
Tags: Phaelissia Phaelissia

Eira nodded her head, she was not sure she understood the technical terms that Phaelissia was throwing out but she refused to let the other woman to know. She gripped the handle as she stood in the passenger hangar of the gunship, listening to Phaelissia and breathed in deeply. This was going to be her first real mission and she was terrified of making a mistake and humiliating not only herself but also Iuuna. This not only had to go well, she needed to excel and demonstrate that she was beyond worthy of her position.

"Direct approach works when we have superior numbers and weapons, with limited numbers, we risk being overwhelmed and failing. Stealth just seemed the most pragmatic." Eira stated in a cold voice, "it is good that you keep yourself open to suggestions and ideas from others. That is an ability that many fail to demonstrate." Some might say Eira failed to have such an ability, though they would not live long to utter the sentence in it's entirety.

Looking over, "how are you with stealth?" Eira asked, if Phaelissia held a preference for direct approaches, there was a risk that she could not be skilled in stealth. It might be that she reveal them even if they attempted a stealthier approach. Something Eira had not considered till now and was now deeply concerned about it.
Location: New Kaas City - Dromund Kaas
Time: Early Morning
Dialogue Legend: <<Ghoul-Speak>> │ “Galactic Basic”
Tag: Eira Dyn Eira Dyn

The gunship lurched into motion moments after Phaelissia rapped her knuckles against its hull, thus taking them out of the hangar bay and towards the dark, cloudy skies over New Kaas City. Now, all that was left to do was wait. In the meantime, the Aetharian trusted that the pilot—who was vetted and conditioned by the Saaraishash—would take them safely to the target area. If not, most of their planning would be for nought.

And even in that case, Phaelissia had an alternative plan, to be used in the event of a crash or a shootout.

Looking over, "how are you with stealth?" Eira asked, if Phaelissia held a preference for direct approaches, there was a risk that she could not be skilled in stealth. It might be that she reveal them even if they attempted a stealthier approach. Something Eira had not considered till now and was now deeply concerned about it.

“Stealth in the traditional sense isn’t my exact preference, as I do not enjoy the idea of leaving any of the enemy alive.” Phaelissia began, before pausing to consider her next words. “That said, stealth is often part of my job description and I am trained to perform clandestine missions to the standard expected of the Saaraishash. However, I would say that I prefer to achieve stealth via annihilation, rather than deception.” The Cipher stopped then and turned her gaze away from the acolyte, fearing that she might have spoken too freely. It was rare that talked with those outside of the Saaraishash how she approached missions, as such things were often meant to be classified. While Phaelissia had not revealed any classified information per se, her long, pointed ears turned cherry red as she mulled over her words. It felt odd revealing so much, even to a Sith.

“I…hope my answer was to your satisfaction, my lady.” She added awkwardly, her lashes fluttering as she did.

Location: Dromund Kaas
Attire: Casual
Equipment: Practice Saber
Tags: Phaelissia Phaelissia

Eira laughed, "leaving some alive can send a more powerful message than a field of dead." She mentioned, "especially when you are wanting your enemy to be fearful of you." She stretched her full figure and grunted slightly, "well, probably best that I lead the way if you are not skilled with deception and moving around quietly." Eira mentioned, she had spent a long time muting the noise her body made when it moved. Being able to surprise, scary and shock others with her sudden appearance provided her with too much joy to refuse to develop those skills.

The mention of Saaraishash had gone over the head of Eira, she had little knowledge of other cultures and ways of life. She was still understanding the ways of Sith and Jedi, while some might think she had a sheltered upbringing for not knowing these things. Eira viewed it as being held back, limited by those who tried to weaken her potential

Now she was liberated and trying to absorb all the knowledge she could.

So the mention of Saaraishash was something she did not recognise though she did not allow Phaelissia to know that, it was something she would research post mission. It was something she did frequently, hide her lack of understanding and sought out understanding when alone, out of sight of others. Though the redness of Phaelissia's ears revealed that she was sharing information that she did not normally share, which was something Eira saw as curious.

"Any questions you have of me before we reach our objective?" Eira allowed Phaelissia to voice any queries or concerns now before they jumped into the mission.
Location: New Kaas City -> Approaching Malignant Bog - Dromund Kaas
Time: Early Morning -> Morning
Dialogue Legend: <<Ghoul-Speak>> │ “Galactic Basic”
Equipment: Frostfire AzaleaPurifying LashFreezing Fates
Tag: Eira Dyn Eira Dyn

Phaelissia lowered her head, if only to acquiesce to the acolyte’s point. For her part, the Aetharian had never thought that she might use her work to send messages. In her opinion, heretics, Jedi, Lightblind slaves, and Mandalorians were rarely worth talking to in any serious context. Conversations with such beasts was best done with fire, plasma, and blade.

Nevertheless, for the moment, Phaelissia was not keen to argue the point. It would be three hours before they arrived at their destination. She intended to take advantage of that time to rest, meditate, and pray.

“No, my lady.” Phaelissia said. And with that, the Cipher closed her eyes.

Three Hours Later

After parking her bike behind a large tree, Phaelissia climbed out of the pillion and marked the location in her HUD. It would allow for easy retrieval later, in the event that they needed to make a quick escape. At the same time, the data from her probe droid streamed into her awareness, giving the Cipher an in-depth layout of the Lightsworn camp and the locations of its patrols.

In her mind, Phaelissia put together a route to reach the shield generator in the middle of the camp, one that she hoped would take them to the objective without encountering any patrols, traps, or land mines.

A few moments later, it was ready.

“We’ll follow the stream first.” Phaelissia began, projecting a holographic map of the area from her OmniLink. “We will cross” She pointed to a particularly rocky section. “There are only a few patrols and the geography makes it the least exposed crossing point. Also, the water is shallow, so there will be no need to swim.” She continued. “After that, we will cross this path and that will take us into the camp. It’s the least-patrolled ingress point, but there is a small possibility of land mines or traps.” The Cipher looked to the acolyte then, knowing that her skills in the Force might help them get through that section unscathed.

“Then, we will be inside the camp proper. There are a lot of crates, tents, and vegetation inside, so we will have options for concealment and cover, but also...” Phaelissia zoomed the map in on the camp, which showed more than 20 red dots in the camp itself, each representing a single patrol. “Guards.” She finished, her voice lowering at the implications.

Then, after giving Eira another opportunity to look over the map (and ask any questions she might have), Phaelissia turned it off and began heading towards the stream.

Time was of the essence, and Phaelissia was beginning to sense that they were nearly too late.

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Location: Dromund Kaas
Attire: Casual
Equipment: Practice Saber
Tags: Phaelissia Phaelissia

Shifting off the bike, Eira undid her hair, letting it flow once more as she looked around the forest region. It was a stark contrast to the imperialistic city that they had come from. She did not realise that there could be cities purely of metal and not nature that was then surrounded by all this lush forest. Back on Dantooine, things were less developed in a way, there was a lot more space for farmland and structures only where needed really. At least that had been the Dantooine she had seen.

Shifting over the Phaelissia, she listened as the woman went over the planned path again, nodding her head. She noted the differing dangers at the various stages of their infiltration. The biggest being the 20 or so guards when they reached the camp. That was going to be the toughest to move around in. However, she rather stealth than attempt to take them face on. Too much risk in getting overwhelmed by the forces. She shook her head when asked if there were any questions. At this point, she was committed to the mission and was focused on ensuring it was successfully completed. She started moving towards the river.

Reaching the river, she led the way and started to cross it. Gasping initially as she felt the cold sink into her bones. She pushed throw the shocked sensation of the drastic differences in temperature. Moving slowly but surely, making sure that she did not slip and risk her life. A simple blow to her head by a stone if she slipped now would mean death, even in this shallow water. Eira moved with care.

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