Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Excited to Begin

Hey all, writer account for [member="Yusanis Myrishi"] here. I'm a long-time Star Wars roleplayer and enthusiastic fanon writer, and I've been checking this site out for a while. I may be starting off a little too ambitious for a local newbie, but I'm eager to jump in and make connections with the awesome writers here. I've always been a huge fan of the Rebel Alliance and smugglers, which led me to try and create SAINT (Smugglers' Alliance to Impede and Negate Tyranny). Please take a look if joining, opposing, or cooperating with an organization of relief smugglers into Sith space sounds appealing to you.

One of the things I really love about this site is the Factory and Codex system; really lets players make their mark. There's so much in there after years of submissions, though, that it can be hard to sift through and find something perfect for your character. That's why I went through all hundred and fifty something pages of tech and starships to create the Outlaw's Guide to Freighters, a listing and description of every non-faction freighter ever submitted, and the Outlaw's Guide to Starship Mods, a listing and description of all freighter-sized modifications. I hope that helps other new players considering what ship to go for.

Very excited to be here! If you have comments or suggestions, or would like to thread together, please let me know!

Yusanis Myrishi

[member="Glavo Pahro"] I aim to please. I would love to have SAINT work closely with the Kathol Outback if I can get it off the ground. It'd be nice to have somewhere far from the Core to smuggle refugees to.

Dunames Lopez

Megalomaniac CEO of Star Tours
[member="Yusanis Myrishi"]

You can count on Star Tours to smuggle refugees away from Coruscant, or other Core Worlds, either using Bowser-class ships or Pullman-class ships. But you have to keep in mind that the specifications in the Guide to Freighters (or the Canon from which they are drawn) do not reflect how Star Tours operate their ships.

My toon runs the manufacturer of these aforementionned ships...

Connor Harrison


Welcome to the Chaos!

Happy to have you here; enjoy, and please shout if you have any questions at any time.


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