While I wasn't exactly a cosmopolitan wanderer the verdant greenery of kashyyyk was so different from anything I had ever encountered before that I was somewhat taken aback. Mandalore my home-world was a barren blasted place barely fit to hold life. Many of the works in the Sith dominion shared this desolate topography leaving me with little else in the way of experience. Sure there were plenty of videos and projections to be found on the holonet but it couldn't properly replicate the pungent smells and overwhelming presence of such teeming life. Bellow me an ocean of green leaves formed the canopy of the seemingly endless forest. The warm currents made flying easy granting ample lift to keep me aloft.
My eyes alighted on what appeared to be a clearing amongst the foliage wherein several houses were located. It seemed that the dwellings were of both Wookie and foreign design with the former being integrated into the trees around the edge of the clearing while the latter sat in the deforested center. In the clearing men and wookies holding vibroxes and chainsaws looked up spotting the large form that was circling above them. I had made sure to comm in before making this trip. People didn't react well when a fifty six foot dragon simply turned up in the skies above their village. And while most blasters and slug throwers would do little more than slow me down I really didn't want to pick a fight with the locals if I didn't have to.
Banking I got into position and came in for landing. It was smooth as far as these sort of things went and I was actually relatively proud of myself for managing to pull it off in a rather tight space. Not crushing anyone's house would do a lot to endear me with the locals. As I started to get my bearings after the landing a tall wookie wearing a translator device around his collar began to stride out of one of the buildings towards me accompanied by a small retinue of aides. It would seem that this was the head of the logging company who had put up the bounty I had come to 'collect'.
It took half a second for the machine situated at his larynx to translate the words into galactic basic.
"You are the Duinuogwuin mercenary who has chosen to help us with our issue?"
I nodded my head. I had told them that I was a star dragon of course. Much easier than actually explaining who and what I really was. I had also told them that I was a mercenary. This too was a lie. I didn't care at all for the measly amount of credits that had been placed up to solve this little problem. No my interest lay in the problem itself.
"Indeed I am. You can call me Ulrich. If what you wrote in the bounty notice is true then it seems that you have been having something of a problem with the walking dead around your fine hamlet?"
My eyes alighted on what appeared to be a clearing amongst the foliage wherein several houses were located. It seemed that the dwellings were of both Wookie and foreign design with the former being integrated into the trees around the edge of the clearing while the latter sat in the deforested center. In the clearing men and wookies holding vibroxes and chainsaws looked up spotting the large form that was circling above them. I had made sure to comm in before making this trip. People didn't react well when a fifty six foot dragon simply turned up in the skies above their village. And while most blasters and slug throwers would do little more than slow me down I really didn't want to pick a fight with the locals if I didn't have to.
Banking I got into position and came in for landing. It was smooth as far as these sort of things went and I was actually relatively proud of myself for managing to pull it off in a rather tight space. Not crushing anyone's house would do a lot to endear me with the locals. As I started to get my bearings after the landing a tall wookie wearing a translator device around his collar began to stride out of one of the buildings towards me accompanied by a small retinue of aides. It would seem that this was the head of the logging company who had put up the bounty I had come to 'collect'.
It took half a second for the machine situated at his larynx to translate the words into galactic basic.
"You are the Duinuogwuin mercenary who has chosen to help us with our issue?"
I nodded my head. I had told them that I was a star dragon of course. Much easier than actually explaining who and what I really was. I had also told them that I was a mercenary. This too was a lie. I didn't care at all for the measly amount of credits that had been placed up to solve this little problem. No my interest lay in the problem itself.
"Indeed I am. You can call me Ulrich. If what you wrote in the bounty notice is true then it seems that you have been having something of a problem with the walking dead around your fine hamlet?"
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