Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Exit Stage Left

This seems to be happening a lot lately, is it that time of year?

Seriously though, I am leaving all together. Looking back on my time of Chaos, wow, we had a lot of fun and this site has changed so much. Some in good ways and some in not good ways. I mean seriously, why did it become so dramatic this year?! Maybe it always was and I found the core and just started noticing it. Seriously though, guys, calm down this is a game, no need to bring real life drama here or create clicks and exclusive groups.

I digress, wasn't my point, you guys do you.

I will miss you guys and I will miss who my character was before his path was changed to something I never wanted, my fault there. Old Hakora got a saber to the neck and not by a PC or anyone who knew of that OOC based bounty, merely a sith bringing another sith down.

Well, from my first thread with Vieno Garn to my last with taeli raaf, it has been a long and crazy journey, but it is time this chapter close. So if you want to say goodbye or talk I;ll stay around a bit, but ya, it is that time.

Also, shout out to [member="Tefka"] he gets a lot of crap and blame, but him and his team have done an amazing job here and when people have issues here I feel they ignore that.
I understand the reasoning for leaving and support stopping any type of hobby if it's not fulfilling. But if you ever want to come back, we can certainly start some of those RPs we planned.

Take care!

[member="Darth Vaildra"]

Connor Harrison

[member="Darth Vaildra"] I don't know you, but this always pains me reading this - we are losing too many passionate people over issues that should be a reason.

I wish you well, and hope maybe one day you can rediscover that spark for writing with us. Take care.

Katelyn Feanor

Two sides of a singular coin
[member="Darth Vaildra"]​
Take care! I hope you will be able to continue to enjoy your life aside from missing us.
I've enjoyed my time Rping with you.
Sure, at times I could be antsy and wouldn't reply to threads...but it's not that that specific thread wasn't important.
All of them were. I just kept on forgetting cause I do that a lot ;)
Anyways, I hope you enjoy your time away and continue to enjoy your life to the fullest! I'll miss you!

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