A Long Time Ago, In a Galaxy Far, Far, Away
Silence. Silence descended upon the arid planet in a blanket so thick that it nearly choked. Industry came to a standstill, military drills halted, all quelled by the silent screams of a galaxy. The silent shockwave of so much death caused plants to wilt and the most hardened Terrox feel an emotion associated with weakness; sorrow. It hit Ephtrok like a mental bomb, sending him into agony for a split second, flooding him with remorse immediately after.Terrox do not cry. Instead, they express adverse emotions in a more aggressive, violent way. Which is why, after recovering from the overwhelming onset of silence, the collective population of the Terrox reared their heads back and unleashed a deafening, ground shaking, roar. The Gutarrox1seemed to shake beneath Ephtrok's feet as his growl grew in intensity, eventually bellowing through the temple halls like thunder.
Now enraged, the K'vaz Terexite2 marched towards the holy chamber which was situated at the top of the Gutarrox. Bursting through massive stone doors, he stood defiantly before the first statue of Grephyte, his god, and snarled. Ephtrok didn't understand why his god had forsaken his people so, but he did not dare voice his opinion outright. To do so would invoke yet more wrath for his people. Instead, he stared the statue in the eyes, searching through his twisted view of the force for answers...
1. The first ever holy temple built by the Terrox.
2. High Priest.