Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Expected return 4/20 - 4/21

Yoru Shakou

Well-Known Member
While I have semi conquered my rebellious insides and their revolt that took place earlier in the week, I'm still feeling the after effects. Mainly fatigue and since I've not really eaten a lot the past few days, I nearly made myself sick by attempting to eat too much today to make up for that.
I'll be around, looking at posts and such to keep myself informed and up to date on what's going on on the site. For the most part though full posts, plotting and such are on hold until the 20th or 21st.
This is to allow myself a few extra days to make sure that I feel that I am at 100% before I start posting again.
Thank you for your patience.

Yoru Shakou

Well-Known Member
Anyone whom is smart enough to look at my previous post about having food poisoning last Tuesday rather than making an assumption about me being a pot head would know why I'm sick.

[member="Lurcano Car'dann"]

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