Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private Expecting the Worst

TAG: Aris Noble Aris Noble Jenn Kryze Jenn Kryze

The Reaper's Dojo had once more been set up for a spar. Jonyna had been running blaster drills for Aris for a week now, hoping to get his reflexes as sharp as they could be. Defending against remotes was one thing.

Fighting Crusaders was another.

Jonyna knew it was coming, and just like she had with Ko Vuto Ko Vuto and Rayia Si Rayia Si , she wanted to make sure Aris was ready. While Aris certainly wasn't her child, she still saw him as a son. Saw him as a boy she had taken into her care. Saw him as family.

But this wasn't the Enclave. Not a group of mandos simply seeking glory. No, these were Crusaders. Fanatics who would kill on first thought.

She needed him to be ready. So, she enlisted the help of her new girlfriend. A mando, and a warrior.

"Alright, I want neither of you to hold back, okay?"
Jonyna warned.
"Treat this like a real fight. A crusader won't hold back, and neither should you. Aim to disable, and disarm."



"Don't hold back, but hold back to disable and disarm."

It seemed counter intuitive, but it made sense for Jedi. They weren't supposed to kill. He gave a single nod to Jem as he lifted his saber, ignited the blade for now. He had his chain on his hip, and Seszil was never too far. But the most dangerous part of the Mandalorians were how they knew how to kill a Jedi. How to counter them. He already had a leg up by being so vastly different than expected.

"I won't kill her."

Was the limit of assurances he could give at least, if he wasn't supposed to hold back at least.

Jenn Kryze Jenn Kryze | Jonyna Si Jonyna Si

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