RC 212
Station here
[member="Jorus Merrill"] - This concerns.
The Crop Duster
Edge of the Galaxy
Time hadn't stood still for Eliza. After the disastrous mission to Enigma Prime, she'd spent years in those frozen wastes, honing her skills. With what was left of her ship and her data connection she spent plenty of time going through old captains logs, pouring over every thing she'd ever written down. Even old ledgers.
And one thing came of interest.
A scrap of flimsi, passed off to her by a Cathar Pirate, with supposed coordinates to an Otherspace station.
It was worth a look, and now with her boat back in the air, and a fresh outlook in her hearts she was off to findit. Gone was the tiny girl. Gone was the Pirate. Gone was Eliza the lighthearted Cap'n of Expeditions
Now she was taking a new route. A route to power. To the secrets of the verse.
She reached out with senses, her Raxis blood firing up in her veins, and re-calibrated her Hyperdirve with a hydrospanner, some loose wires and some other riggin's and doo-dads. If she followed the manual correctly, she could rig herself a two shot makeshift Other-space Drive.
And then it was on to this phantom location, that was lazily scrawled on a non nonsensical map....
[member="Jorus Merrill"] - This concerns.
The Crop Duster
Edge of the Galaxy
Time hadn't stood still for Eliza. After the disastrous mission to Enigma Prime, she'd spent years in those frozen wastes, honing her skills. With what was left of her ship and her data connection she spent plenty of time going through old captains logs, pouring over every thing she'd ever written down. Even old ledgers.
And one thing came of interest.
A scrap of flimsi, passed off to her by a Cathar Pirate, with supposed coordinates to an Otherspace station.
It was worth a look, and now with her boat back in the air, and a fresh outlook in her hearts she was off to findit. Gone was the tiny girl. Gone was the Pirate. Gone was Eliza the lighthearted Cap'n of Expeditions
Now she was taking a new route. A route to power. To the secrets of the verse.
She reached out with senses, her Raxis blood firing up in her veins, and re-calibrated her Hyperdirve with a hydrospanner, some loose wires and some other riggin's and doo-dads. If she followed the manual correctly, she could rig herself a two shot makeshift Other-space Drive.
And then it was on to this phantom location, that was lazily scrawled on a non nonsensical map....