Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Expedition to Nar Shaddaa (Closed)

Tiberius stood at the bridge of The Hazard Beauty watching as the ship neared Nar Shaddaa, the Mandalorian stood in his signature armor with his helmet tucked neatly under his left arm. [member="Romeo Sin"] had allowed him to take his prize ship to accomplish this mission and he wasn't going to let him down...or put a scratch on the Hazard. Rex had handpicked the crew that was to help him on this mission, he of course picked members from his Carnage Commandos. [member="Vash Ordo"], a fairly new member to the squad, Rex picked him to see what skills he possessed. [member="Kaia Brin"], one of the youngest members of his squad who had a lot of potential. [member="Keturah X"], another new person to the squad and was the other youngest person on the squad.

Rex had also brought non squad members, [member="Adan Jax"] a friend of his and a knight. [member="Eliza Downheart"] an energy vampire and a bit of a diplomat and of course his "cyar'ika" [member="Breanna Volsh"] who could be quite convincing especially when employing her pheromones. He felt confident about this crew and looked forward to seeing them in action. As the ship drew closer to Nar Shaddaa Tiberius got on the ship's intercom "attention landing party, please come to the bridge for a mission briefing, thank you" with that Rex clicked off the intercom and stood by waiting.

[member="Breanna Volsh"]
[member="Vash Ordo"]
[member="Adan Jax"]
[member="Kaia Brin"]
[member="Eliza Downheart"]
[member="Keturah X"]
[member="Silara Vantai"]
Adan walked the down the halls hearing the comm go off it was Tiberius asking members to go and meet him for a mission briefing. Adan was excited as he always was for any mission. Adan walked as his boots making thumps against the metal floor, his leather trench coat trailing behind him and his light saber on his hip. His hat lowered on his eyes. Walking to the bridge he saw [member="Tiberius Rex"] waiting for the members "reporting for duty sir. What do we have?"

Kaia Brin

Professional Cry Baby
Kaia sprints towards the bridge heaving heavily as she ran from the end of the ship to front her armor bobbed up and down as she ran. Reaching the door she is surprised to see it open sprinting faster to not keep [member="Tiberius Rex"] waiting, Dashing inside the bridge but at a cost of tripping on a small wedge in the floor she skids on the ground to the older mando's feet.
Keturah stepped onto the bridge, a portable holocomputer in her hands. She was dressed in black jeans, sneakers, a long-sleeved t-shirt, and a tight leather jacket. Her choker was covered by a grey scarf, and her hair was pulled into a ponytail. She walked right up to Rex. "Keturah reporting in, sir. I didn't know exactlhy what to bring, so I just brought the essentials," She said, holding up the computer and an earpeice.
[member="Tiberius Rex"]
[member="Kaia Brin"]
[member="Adan Jax"]
[member="Romeo Sin"]
[member="Breanna Volsh"]
[member="Vash Ordo"]
[member="Eliza Downheart"]
Matteus was in his sleeping chambers, passing the time by relaxing. He had recently been recruited to join the Carnage Commando, and by affiliation the Shadow Empire. [member="Tiberius Rex"] had even picked him for this specific mission, which he was unsure about. He had never done anything as a group before unless running from bounty hunters with his family counted. It would be his first time taking orders from anyone, as he would often not even listen to his own father.

Over the intercom of the ship, Rex notified them to report to the bridge for mission briefing. Letting out a loud yawn, Matteus stretched and stoop up straight, getting his armor on. He let his helmet dangle by his fingertips as he walked towards the bridge. Once he had gotten to the door, he placed it on his head, the helmet snugly fitting on. The young man stepped in, eyeing the others briefly. There were faces he didn't recognize. He turned attention to the one he did, which was Rex. Matteus fixed his posture, saluting his commander. "Reporting in, sir." He broke the salute, waiting for the others to arrive.

[member="Breanna Volsh"]
[member="Kaia Brin"]
[member="Keturah X"]
[member="Adan Jax"]
[member="Tiberius Rex"]
[member="Eliza Downheart"]
Silara had been standing by at the bridge for much of the trip, a bit glad to have finally gotten out again - not that she wasn't used to scouring planets for whatever reason. Her reason for attending this trip was entirely to see how cohesive [member="Tiberius Rex"]'s group was, and to assess his competency for personal reasons. There were a few others nondescript reasons why she was there, but for the moment she seemed about as happy as a blonde teenager possibly could in the situation - culminating in a wide smile and an excited, yet unintentional, giggle. She took a few steps away from the wall and walked towards the Mandalorian, though she stopped several paces away. "Oh how cute, the drunk from the Cantina is here." Silara said with a smug smile.

[member="Breanna Volsh"]
[member="Vash Ordo"]
[member="Adan Jax"]
[member="Kaia Brin"]
[member="Eliza Downheart"]
[member="Keturah X"]
Adan stood waiting as he seen everyone come in. "So we are having a serious job here I see so many people joining, good the more the merrier." Adan looking at all that stood next to him. It was quite a team developing so far, he was wondering who else would show up. He folded his arms as his trench coat lifted up off the ground a little. [member="Silara Vantai"] [member="Vash Ordo"] [member="Keturah X"] [member="Tiberius Rex"] [member="Kaia Brin"]
Bree came onto the bridge dressed in something that flowed with her movements a silhouette of her form moved beneath her long hair hung to her shoulders she smiled at everyone and moved closer till she stood close to them all.

"Reporting as ordered" She nodded to Rex, she had to remember she may be his love, but she was now part of his group on this mission.

[member="Adan Jax"] [member="Silara Vantai"] [member="Vash Ordo"] [member="Keturah X"] [member="Kaia Brin"] [member="Tiberius Rex"]
Since most of his team had assembled he decided to brief them on what was exactly they were here to do. He looked down at [member="Kaia Brin"] "get up di'kut" Rex said to the younger Mandalorian before look at the rest of his crew. ​"Alright ladies and gentlemen I am gonna keep this short and sweet, we have one simple mission and that's to gather a militia for our home planet, too easy right?" He looked at each of them evaluating their strengths "we are gonna split into two groups, I will lead one and Mr. [member="Adan Jax"] will lead the second group. [member="Breanna Volsh"], [member="Vash Ordo"], and [member="Silara Vantai"] are with me, [member="Kaia Brin"] and [member="Keturah X"] are with Adan. As for where we can find these armed thugs well use your imagination, I'm aware these are thugs and I have already brought up this concern...they will be properly...trained...when they get taken back. Do I have any questions, concerns, gripes, complaints?"

Their mission was pretty self explanatory but he always did a mission briefing so why break tradition. As he talked to them the Hazard Beauty had touched down on Nar Shaddaa and the crew started running around getting the ship ready for the militia that they would be bringing back.
[member="Silara Vantai"] had approached him, calling him "the drunk from the cantina". The smug smile had sent it over the top. Angrily, Matteus ripped off his helmet, holding it by his fingertips once again. His nostrils flared and with his free hand, he flipped back the strands of hair that had fallen over his face. "Drunk from the cantina? I'm afraid I have NO IDEA what you are talking about." He made it known he didn't want it to be discussed, at least not at that specific time. Lowering his voice to a whisper, he continued. "We'll talk later, I'm sure."

Shortly after, [member="Tiberius Rex"] grabbed everyone's attention, giving them their mission briefing. Their goal was to gather members to form a militia for their home planet. They were splitting into two groups. Matteus was placed in a group with Rex, the girl, and [member="Breanna Volsh"] . The other group consisted of [member="Kaia Brin"] and [member="Keturah X"] with [member="Adan Jax"] as their group leader. Upon being asked if there were any questions, Matteus felt the urge to speak up, but figured that the mission was easy enough to handle without pestering anyone. He still had his appearances to keep up.
Silara nodded her head and tucked her hands down into the coat the covered her robes, her hands at her hips with one of them resting at the hilt of her saber. Regardless of the threat, she was perfectly capable of handling most anything at this point, or she believed so anyways. Come saber-resistant and force resistant armor and she had both a sword and a gun to handle them. "Any idea if we'll be meeting any resistance? And these aren't slaves, are they? I don't want to go through the hassle of dealing with more of them." Replied the Hapan, leaning back against a wall as the ship made its descent and landed. Glancing around at the motley crew, looking up and down from head to toe and back again at each one, Silara couldn't help but wonder why such an odd assortment of people were interested in the same thing, though she supposed that perhaps it was a common occurrence with these sorts of people. In any case, she was ready to get off the ship and do something a bit more useful than stand around and stare.

[member="Breanna Volsh"]
[member="Vash Ordo"]
[member="Adan Jax"]
[member="Kaia Brin"]
[member="Eliza Downheart"]
[member="Keturah X"]
[member="Tiberius Rex"]
Adan smiled "Nar shaddah my kind of place i know where all the yahoos are there, piece of cake. "Rubbing his hands together getting really excited now almost his crazy Nar shaddah personality coming out. [member="Tiberius Rex"] [member="Kaia Brin"] [member="Keturah X"] [member="Breanna Volsh"] [member="Eliza Downheart"] [member="Vash Ordo"]

Kaia Brin

Professional Cry Baby
Kaia gets up off the ground nodding to [member="Tiberius Rex"] and then walks over to Adan quickly hoping on to his back and shouts " Onward Noble steed! To victory" giving [member="Adan Jax"] a quick jab in the side with her heels.
Adan grabs [member="Kaia Brin"] by the leg dangling her in the air for she was short and light and he was tall. "Listen here kid im not you your steed or anyone elses and the next time you decide to jump on my back and spur me like that again, you're gonna be a foot shorter. Now this is a serious mission so get your crap together. This is Nar Shadda we are going to life can be quickly lost." As Adan was holding her by the leg his hand was heating from the force .
Keturah had already slipped in her earpiece and was typing with one hand on her holo-computer while her other hand held it. "I took the liberty of pinpointing sixteen bars and cantinas that have been reported to have the most criminal activity within a 75-mile radius. We can split them down the middle and have an even eight to visit each," She announced to the group. "I'm uploading the maps to your HUD, sir, so you can keep track of where your going and where you've already been. I'll keep Adan informed on where we're supposed to go also." She turned to Rex as she spoke.
[member="Tiberius Rex"]
[member="Adan Jax"]
[member="Kaia Brin"]
[member="Vash Ordo"]
[member="Silara Vantai"]
[member="Eliza Downheart"]
[member="Breanna Volsh"]

Kaia Brin

Professional Cry Baby
Kaia looks up at [member="Adan Jax"] with fear her body hits touches the ground from her height "I-I'm sorry sir!!" She squeals after a while her leg starts to burn from the heat that the man emits from his hand she begins to yelp loud in pain tears forming in her eyes she begins to squirm around her arms and free leg flailing about " Buir help me! He is hurting me Buir! " she wails looking over at [member="Tiberius Rex"] .
Bree nodded when Rex told everyone what groups they would be in. The location of several cantina's would work to their advantage quite well there was usually a number of people in them waiting for a job to come their way. Hopefully those here on Nar Shadaa were up to the challenge of becoming part of the Shadow Empire.

The training would forge their minds and body into devotion, it would remain to be seen how long they lasted. But before Bree got lost on some romantic notion she reigned herself in and remembered they had to convince them first. Genuinely convince them. It would probably not take too much, off of meals, and some pay sounded good.

[member="Kaia Brin"] [member="Keturah X"] [member="Adan Jax"] [member="Silara Vantai"] [member="Vash Ordo"] [member="Tiberius Rex"]
Adan set [member="Kaia Brin"] down she dangled for little bit. He looked at [member="Keturah X"] "when you find the bars where our volunteers will be at, we go in let me do the talking i know how to reason with these......uhhh people." He looked at Kaia "Kaia im sorry okay.....just please stay close by me and Keturah, Nar Shadaa is not a place to fool around you get hurt, robbed or even killed. I dont need a dead teen girl on my conscious."
Rex watched his group interact among themselves, he looked over at [member="Silara Vantai"] leaning up against a wall and answered her question first. "As for resistance you can expect some, I'm sure we will have to kill or at least maim a few gang leaders to make our point. Slaves...well I don't feel like taking slaves because that is just extra training we will have to do when we get them back and you know that will fall on us, so I would prefer no slaves". Rex just watched [member="Adan Jax"] and [member="Kaia Brin"] "I'm not always gonna be there to save you, you need to learn to pick your own battles kid".

He looked over at [member="Keturah X"] "thank you kid, I appreciate that...I should bring you on more missions. Does anyone else have any questions?" Tiberius's gaze swept over the rest of the group.

[member="Breanna Volsh"], [member="Vash Ordo"]

Kaia Brin

Professional Cry Baby
Kaia Whimpers at [member="Adan Jax"] And [member="Tiberius Rex"] before getting up and brushing the dust off her she then puts her cloak over her helmet "Can we just go now..." In a embarrassed tone she tightens her rifle around her back a little bit as she waits for everyone to head out trying to ignore the fact that she really needs to pee.

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