Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private Experiencing Transcendence

The sands of Tash-Taral paled in comparison to Korriban. With Korriban there was history where the Sith survived and thrived the Dark Side thrums through the whole planet. It was bliss, it was eternity until the Jedi defeated the Sith on their home planet. While Tash-Taral was still a planet where there were plenty of Sith artifacts, it paled in comparison to Korriban. Darth Sorn walked through the hot desert in search for an hidden Holocron said to contain knowledge on how to influence the midi-chlorians in order to create life. It would be a boon to uncover this lost history and even learn for himself. Eternal life was something the Sith have been searching endlessly for even though some Sith throughout history had lived past their biological lifespan it wasn't same as their bodies became decrepit. No, only a few had came close to eternal life and Sorn was curious about midi-chlorian manipulation.


Armed with his light armor and his double bladed Lighsaber on his belt, Sorn approached a small town where he decided to take a break and quench his thirst first before setting out to find the Sith ruin. The Force will grant him victory this day he can feel it.

Ishani Dinn Ishani Dinn
It was a dusty, scraggly little settlement in the middle of nowhere. Ishani sat on a bench outside the local tavern, looking as dirty and miserable as the town despite the glass of water she clutched in her hands. Having just completed an endurance test on her third try, she had passed by a narrow margin. If she hadn't, it was implied that they would have kicked her out of the Sith, if not simply killed her then and there for wasting their time and resources.

She should have been relieved that it was all over, but she wasn't. She was just exhausted and numb, and bored. The Sith Eternal ships wouldn't be leaving anytime soon, which meant she and the other acolytes were stuck in this dingy little town, on this not-as-cool-as-Korriban world, for who knew how long. Seemed as good a time as any to sit around waiting for something interesting to happen.

Darth Sorn Darth Sorn
The Dark Lord placed his hands behind his back exploring the village, the people were going about their day to day activities. All of them unaware that they are simply forms of the Dark Side. Throughout his many years of research, Sorn had realized that every single being is a manifestation of the dark side regardless of their significance in life. Even a single Amoeba represents a form of the force, he began studying life and the force since he was a child back when his Mother and Father passed away due to a wasting disease. He remembered his father and mother researching ways to manipulate the Dark Side and master it yet when they died all Sorn could see was the Dark Side mastering them.

"The Dark Side was all about survival," Sorn said to himself. "It glorifies the individual," Indeed it was what Sorn taught to Acolytes back at Korriban. He didn't think about taking on an apprentice because who could be worthy to attain the knowledge that he has gained over the years? It is far from Sith tradition and Sorn was laughed at by the Sith Empire for his findings. The fools! With the way they're struggling against the Imperials and the Jedi they could've used this knowledge but no matter, the strong survive and only those who have the will to venture outside their limited viewpoints will be glorified.

He spotted a young girl wondering the town looking bored, a bottled water was in her slender hands but Sorn could feel the force inside of her. She possesses great strength. "Hello," Sorn said in a calm tone as he approached the girl. "I have traveled a long way and would like to drink some of your water if you do not mind?"

Perhaps the force bought them together somehow?

Ishani Dinn Ishani Dinn
Ishani looked up as someone addressed her. Someone in full black body armor. "Uhhh... you can get water inside," she replied, pointing to the door of the tavern.

She was a bit puzzled by his appearance. "Are you with... the Eternals?" she asked cautiously, meaning the Sith Eternal under the leadership of the Worm Emperor.

Darth Sorn Darth Sorn
The Sith Eternals were here? Interesting, unlike the Sith Empire Sorn didn't recall the Warlords having any problems with the Sith Eternal. Sorn turned to the small shack that masqueraded as a Cantina. Pathetic really but if they provided water then who was he to complain? "I am with the Warlords," Sorn answered staring at the girl. "I'm guessing you are part of the Eternals? I've heard they've retaken Korriban after the blasted Jedi defeated the incompetent Sith Empire."

The Dark Lord frowned. "You are strong in the force," he said to the girl. Sorn wasn't the type to mince words though given that he is a scholar he can get carried away with a harmony of words. "What is your name?" Sorn asked raising an eyebrow. "My name Is Darth Sorn: Dark Lord of the Sith and seeker of Knowledge: Common or Esoteric."

Ishani Dinn Ishani Dinn
"Uh... yeah." Ishani pursed her lips. She knew very little of military tactics and star wars, but she was pretty sure the Eternals had made Korriban their home base. It was where she had been sent for training when she joined them.

"Sibwarra. Ishani Sibwarra," she replied. "So I've been told, though I can't say being strong in the Force has been a blessing for me." Not that there weren't good things which had come out of her ability to use the Force, but she also ran into her fair share of problems. It was easy for her to study, but difficult for her to use in practice.

As for Sorn proclaiming himself a Sith Lord, she didn't really have a reaction to the news. She'd been around her fair share of Darths at the Academy; the title no longer had the same shock and awe effect on her it once had. She wouldn't doubt his power and mastery, however, and curiosity got the better of her. "Seeker of Knowledge, huh? What do you know about alchemy?"

"Pleasure young Ishani," Sorn's words were sincere but he did not smile, there was great potential within this girl but yet she doubted her ability to harness the power within her. "To be born with great power," Sorn said. "Is to posses the will to dominate others, the force like fire. Passion burns brightly and once ignited through emotion it begins to burn brightly but yet poor control and it will dominate you. As an Acolyte the first lesson you must learn is that you control the force. It does not dominate you, as you become a Sith Lord you will understand that you are ultimate manifestation of the Dark Side."

The force is pure unmitigated power, how one unlocks this power is depends on the person. But dark side has pathways to many abilities some consider to be unnatural. Which only the worthy were unafraid to drink from the well of knowledge, the Sith were prime normals the ultimate form of the force. "You are a fool if you do not believe that the blessing gives you nothing but trouble." Sorn said. "It is a sign that you do not have the will to control your power at least not yet. To harness the power of your emotion and enhance the dark side within you."

The Dark Lord nodded. "I've taught alchemy," he answered . "I've learned powers that go far beyond a normal Sith Lord. It turns the Empire were cowards and are unable to see the power that they desperately crave. But they are blinded by their own petty games. Which is why the Sith are fractured once again but that is a problem that I'll talk another time. Why are you here young Ishani? Who is your master?"

Ishani Dinn Ishani Dinn
"I... don't have a master yet," Ishani answered, frowning. She didn't take kindly to being called a fool, especially over something she had no control over, but she was used to keeping her mouth shut and her feelings to herself. "I'm here because I was taking a test. I passed. Now I'm waiting to go home."

She shrugged. "What sort of powers?"

Darth Sorn Darth Sorn
Sorn noticed the frown on Ishani's face she obviously didn't like the fact that he called her a fool though it was merely an observation picked up by experience. "Talent without training is nothing," he answered. "I can see that you were annoyed at the fact that I called you a fool. You have a gift something that I can see you are afraid of but fear of that power will only make you more dangerous and uncontrollable."

The Dark Lord narrowed his eyes towards the young girl. "I can already see that you are shy," he said. "That you lock your feelings away like a Jedi and try to keep to yourself. My dear Ishani, the Sith do not bottle up their emotions they embrace them. You lose control because you keep second guessing yourself not able to see the choice that lies before you."

Sorn leaned against the sand stained wall. "What do you want Ishani?" He asked. "Why are you here?"

Ishani Dinn Ishani Dinn
"I... I'm more afraid of what I might do with it," she admitted. "The Force doesn't act on its own, at least not when it comes to me. I'm the one who lacks control, who lashes out in fear and anger. The Force is just a tool that I use... badly."

She wasn't sure why she was treating Sorn like a confessional, since the two had just met. "I lock my feelings away in order to survive," she said almost in a whisper, then cleared her throat before continuing. "I want to learn and train in the ways of the Force. Alchemy is one of the things I'm most interested in. And... I want to have a place where I belong, even if I have to carve my niche out of this universe myself. I won't be like the others."

In other words, she could be defiant and courageous and march to the beat of her own drum, but only where and when it counted. So far, she hadn't had many experiences where it felt worthwhile to fight. Only to survive, and live to fight some other day.

Darth Sorn Darth Sorn
Sorn was expecting Ishani to leave out some details in her explanation but he was pleasantly surprised on how candid she was. The girl was definitely a person who was seeking help but didn't where to go. It was funny, Sorn was the complete opposite of Ishani when he was a child the moment that he was force sensitive he was excited to test the limits of his power. Ishani on the other hand shuns it due to the potential harm that she could cause to others but mostly her self. "Fear and anger are your allies young Ishani," Sorn answered. "They are the easiest emotions to ignite but there is a level of control that you must master. You are training to be a Sith Lord not an animal, the force is a tool that must be respected, it is like venom seeping into your veins ready to be transferred to your victims."

The Dark Lord smiled Ishani was afraid of taking that first step but she had all the potential of the world. "A place where you belong is insignificant young Ishani," he said wistfully. "Power is all you need to belong, pure unadulterated power what you need to crave. Survival is only one step but to thrive is what separates seed from chaff. If you drop your things and follow me I can show you the way but you must not only make the choice but to understand you've made it. But we already know that now do we?"

Ishani Dinn Ishani Dinn
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Ishani averted her eyes, staring down at the ground in contemplative silence. Sorn was offering her help, a chance at furthering her training—what did she have to lose? It was a learning opportunity, not selling her soul. The Sith would have scoffed at such an idea in the first place; they believed their way was the path to true freedom. A breaking of chains, not forging them.

"Okay," she agreed, raising her gaze to meet his. "Let's see what you can teach me."

A smirk formed around Darth Sorn's mouth, the force was strong with Ishani but she lacked direction and focus. The young girl was afraid of herself but already he see her starting to break her chains. "The journey out of the cave," Sorn said placing his hand on the Ishani's slender shoulder. "Is to know the direction of the Sun and then break your chains."

Even Sorn had to undergo this to admit that he did not know everything, the first step to breaking his chains and going on the path of discovery. "The first thing that you need to understand my apprentice," Sorn said walking towards Ishani placing his hands behind his back. "Is that I expect complete and utter loyalty. In our dynamic I am the representation of the power and knowledge that you crave but I will not make it easy for you to attain it. You must earn this knowledge through perseverance and of course loyalty."

Holding out his hand, the Dark Lord pointed to Ishani's water bottle. "Now may I have a drink?" he asked trying to gauge how obedient Ishani will be.

Ishani Dinn Ishani Dinn
Ishani looked up at Sorn as he walked towards where she sat, her eyes following him. She glanced down at her water. Why did he want it if she had already drank from it, and there was plenty inside that he could take? Seemed kinda gross and unsanitary, but whatever. She could get a new one for herself.

She held out the bottle to Sorn without saying a word.

Darth Sorn took the black bottle from the Ishani's hand giving a nod of satisfaction. "Good," he said handing it back to the young girl. "Obedience, to do as you are told without hesitation. That is the dynamic between the master and the apprentice: Complete and utter loyalty. I represent the knowledge that you so desperate to attain." The Dark Lord placed his hands behind his back. "Together though," he continued. "We can unlock the mysteries of the Dark Side. Without being held back by fear or simple complacency, through me you'll achieve powers greater than what you could possibly comprehend."

He stared at the desert ahead of them. "I seek an artifact a few miles from this village," Sorn explained. "It is a Holocron that contains valuable information about the Dark Side. Grab your things and get ready for the long walk that is ahead of us."

Ishani Dinn Ishani Dinn
Ishani let Sorn yammer on about obedience and power, then stood up. A few miles wasn't too far; she could afford to go anywhere as long as it was within range of the ship that would take her back to the Royal Academy on Korriban. She had only a small backpack with her, which she slung over her shoulder, following him out into the bright burning sunlight.

"What do you know about the holocron?" she asked. "Who made it, and why? What sort of Dark Side knowledge does it contain?"

Ishani still wasn't sure about being Sorn's apprentice, even after he told her to make a choice she still chooses to be chained to her past. "Darth Malgus," The Sith Lord said. "Does that name ring familiar to you?" Malgus of course was a revolutionary during the Cold War thousands of years ago. The man's vision to create a lasting Empire one truly free from the limitations it opposed on itself was needed at an era of fragmentation. Malgus was so powerful in the force that it said that he became one with it becoming truly unstoppable. "He implanted a piece of himself on the Holocron. His wisdom and knowledge could be beneficial in the wars to come."

He turned his back on the young girl. "I do not know what it specifically contains," he said. "But no this, if you choose to follow me now there is no going back to the academy. From here on out you are officially my apprentice."

Ishani Dinn Ishani Dinn
She had heard of Darth Malgus, yes. A group of acolytes had ventured into his tomb on an assignment, looking for the very same holocron. Not only did they discover it wasn't there anymore, having been stolen long ago, but the tomb contained some aspect of the Sith Lord's spirit, which proceeded to raise the dead to attack them.

The next thing Sorn said made Ishani stop in her tracks. Not going back to the Academy? But... no. She couldn't just leave. Her friends were there. She had left home specifically to attend the school. It was her whole world.

"With all due respect," she began, gathering her courage. "A Sith may learn from many masters. I chose to attend the Royal Academy on Korriban, and I won't just drop it to follow... a stranger that I only met today. If one of your requirements is that I can't go back, then... then I guess I can't be your apprentice."

"Very well," Sorn said to Ishani. "As soon as we are done I'll take you back to the academy from there you'll make a choice." He knows that Ishani understands what he's talking about. Already he can sense the hesitation within her, in anycase regardless of the choice she makes the Dark Lord will respect it. "Now gather your things young Ishani," he said. "And we shall begin our journey to the ancient temple."

Ishani Dinn Ishani Dinn

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