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Approved Species Experimental Lifeform HWW "Helwolf"

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Commodore Helix

Disintegrations done dirt cheap.

  • Intent: To create a war beast/utility dog for Helix Solutions
  • Image Credit: Link
  • Canon: N/A
  • Permissions: N/A
  • Links: N/A
  • Name: Helwolf
  • Designation: Semi-Sentient
  • Origins: Helix Solutions Laboratories
  • Average Lifespan: 50-60 standard years
  • Estimated Population: Scattered
  • Description: Vicious, swift-moving military hounds for Helix Solutions
  • Breathes: Type 1
  • Average Height of Adults: 2.6 meters
  • Average Length of Adults: 5.85 meters
  • Skin color: Typically pale white
  • Hair color: Typically black, turns white with aging
  • Distinctions: Scraggly hair, six eyes, males typically slightly larger than females.
  • Races: N/A
  • Force Sensitivity: All
  • Tracker: The Helwolf has a very keen sense of smell, able to hunt down individual scent patterns over many kilometers.
  • Warhound: The Helwolf is a large, quick, and powerful predator, all too eager to hunt and kill in the midst of battle.
  • Warper: The Helwolf is capable of hyperspace-tunnelling, albeit more imperfectly than its Loth-wolf ancestors.
  • Event Horizon: If harmed or distracted during the brief period it takes to tunnel, the Helwolf may mis-transport itself and its cargo, often fatally.
  • Trip Cancelled: The Helwolf is unable to tunnel into or out of any area under the effect of Force-blocking effects.
  • Diet: Carnivore (Prefers live prey)
  • Communication: Bark and howls, understands Basic but unable to speak it.
  • Technology level: None
  • Religion/Beliefs: None
  • General behavior: Helwolves have a strong pack structure, and will guard their young with singular viciousness. Still, they may become very loyal to a firm and capable leader.

The creation of the Helwolf is perhaps one of Helix's gravest violations of the natural order. Fraught with difficulty from the beginning, the project was almost shut down several times, as the animals it called for were virtually impossible to capture.

Even in the events where they were able to tranquilize and subdue a Loth-wolf, the animal would simply utilize its natural phase-tunnelling abilities to escape captivity. Only with the assistance of an earlier, cruder Helix bioform were a few breeding pairs of the creatures held long enough for experimentation. The result was extraordinary.

After having their minds and bodies reshaped by the ravages of Helix's nanogene functions, the noble, beautiful Loth-wolves were gone, replaced by something far worse. Gone was the Loth-wolf's proud, upright stride, replaced instead by a posture more similar to a scuttling reptile. Gone too, was the creatures' predatory but noble disposition.

Essentially the inverse of their genestock's nature in almost every way, the Helwolf is of approximately the same size and weight, though its crawling gait may briefly deceive the eye in this regard. Three pairs of bright-orange eyes blaze in their misshapen skulls, and their wide, shark-like maws are filled with jagged, razor-sharp teeth.

Each is covered in a ragged coat of long, coarse hair, which is usually black, though it may begin to turn white in older individuals. Pups are visually identical to adults, only in miniature, and are every ounce as vicious. Helwolf pups are produced in small litters of 2-4 individuals, and grow to maturity in approximately three standard years. The parents very attentively guard their young every step of the way. An adult Helwolf can live for approximately 50-60 standard years.

While kept on a tight leash (both metaphorically and literally) by Helix, some few have made their way in small numbers into a few allied organizations, such as the Marrs.

Helix's wholesale rewriting of their genetic code has not been entirely able to stamp out the former Loth-wolves' wildness, and they roam the decks of Helix ships with impunity, largely doing as they please. Their diet, needless to say, is carnivorous, and they will happily feed on any meat they can successfully bring down. Traditionally, the Helwolf hunts in packs consisting of 2-5 individuals, using their sheer size and bone-snapping teeth to kill creatures many times larger than themselves. Their bite force has been measured in excess of 5500 PSI, producing ruinous effects on flesh and crumpling lighter armors and metals.

While vicious in the extreme, the creatures possess a strong pack dynamic, and are very loyal to the Helix forces they are attached to. They are capable of being taught to understand languages (Typically Basic) but cannot speak, unlike their forbears. They operate as excellent war beasts, with a powerful sense of smell, quick reflexes, and a jaw strength capable of peeling armor from flesh.

Helwolves are Force-Sensitive, using their innate ability to phase-tunnel to aid them in their hunting. An individual Helwolf can transport up to five roughly human-sized creatures or droids along with it, enabling it to move small groups of persons from place to place without the need for conventional transportation.

The practical applications are not lost on Helix: the altered Loth-wolves are capable of transporting small parties over enormous distances discreetly, through solid barricades or most other obstacles. However, the creature must be familiar with the location, and cannot typically transport itself to anyplace it has not visited beforehand. A rare few can focus in on, and tunnel to, a familiar person within the Force, but this refinement is uncommon.

Likewise, the process poses many dangers, and Helwolves are not quite as adroit as as their naturally-occurring relatives. Individuals unused to the process can find it very jarring, and may even black out in the process. Likewise, a Helwolf harmed or distracted in the seconds before the jump can experience a "hyperdrive malfunction" depositing itself and any passengers at a random location. Needless to say, finding oneself transported into a solid object, within the event horizon of a black hole, or into the raging heart of a star can bring any would-be voyage to a messy conclusion.
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