Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private Explain Yourself


Explain Yourself
Coruscant, Underbelly
Tags: Vitiion Daivik Vitiion Daivik


The underworld was a rather nasty place. All kinds of people resorted to crime and thievery down here. Rayne had been trying to do what she could to get by on her own honest morals, but it was hard to not need to break a few heads from time to time. Every now and then some random weirdo came along and gave her trouble. It was usually for money, or whatever tech she had managed to salvage as of late. This time, however, it was her blaster. Some random human guy had come up and attempted to steal it while she was walking out of a café. The Twi'lek wasted no time turning around and clocking him in the jaw.

He was out like a light, falling with a comedically loud thud. There was basically nobody there, all save for a lone woman in the corner, whom Rayne had unfortunately just made eye-contact with whenever she turned back to make sure she hadn't just started a brawl.

Rayne was mute, of course, so she couldn't really explain herself at all. The chances that this stranger new sign language was incredibly slim. All she could do was give an awkward shrug and hope the human-looking woman would not care and let her carry on with her day. If not this was going to be a long one. Hopefully this wasn't going to throw a wrench in her plans.


Vitiion raised an eyebrow at the sight of some poor guy getting the living daylights beaten out of him. Maybe they deserved it, or maybe they didn't though Vee wouldn't really care about it. If he was still alive, then it was fine. So the Atoan wandered on over towards the body, not really saying much towards the Twi'Lek yet. She wasn't making any effort to try and attack the Twi'lek, they weren't what was important to her right now as she just crouched down to check the guy's pulse. With a confirmation that the person was alive, she stood herself back up and started to brush off the dust and dirt from her clothes, a small frown on the Sniper's face.

"You really should use your words y'know? If I was part of the police force, you'd probably be getting in major trouble right now. Not that I care. I'm meant to fight enemies of the Alliance. I don't think you're gonna be one of them."

She shrugged her shoulders afterwards, shoving her hands into her pockets. The Atoan just raised an eyebrow at Rayne, waiting for some kind of acknowledgement. Vee wasn't going to really cause any problems either way, since it wasn't honestly something she needed to get into.

Rayne Lo'to Rayne Lo'to


Coruscant, Underbelly
Tags: Vitiion Daivik Vitiion Daivik


Rayne let out a sigh when the woman came up to her, giving a lecture about the fact that she should have used her words. What was she even supposed to do in this situation? The young woman frowned, crossing her arms as she lingered on the comment.

All she could do was shake her head. Rayne pointed at the man on the ground to indicate that he had started it, making a yanking gesture at the air.

No, that wasn't working. She needed to go about this in a better way. Rayne would give the woman a look before turning to the door, gesturing for them to follow. All she needed to do was find a droid. She'd be able to get her side of the story across if she had a vocoder. That was what she needed.

Hopefully this woman wasn't to judgmental and open to following.


Vee raised an eyebrow as the woman seemed to shake her head instead of answering Vee. She clearly wasn't being ignored though Vee was struggling to wrap her head around this strange game of charades that Rayne was trying to play with Vitiion. What was going on here? She pouted to herself, folding her arms along her front afterwards and prepared to follow Rayne forward over the door.

"If you're trying to mug me, I'd advise otherwise. I've got a sword and I'm not afraid to use it." Vee smirked, mostly joking with the Twi'lek, though the Atoan did make sure to pat the sword she had attached to her hip. She mostly carried it around now as something to protect herself in case someone did actually try to mug her, though Rayne didn't seem to be the kind of person to do that.

"...For a change of topic however..." The Atoan's head just glanced up towards Rayne, giving an awkward giggle afterwards. "...You're pretty tall. Has anyone actually told you that?...They probably have. Am I talking too much? Probably. Sorry. Just...trying to fill the silence."

Rayne Lo'to Rayne Lo'to


Coruscant, Underworld
Tags: Vitiion Daivik Vitiion Daivik


Rayne hung her head, palming her face a little. This wasn't going anywhere. She quickly looked around for something that she could maybe write on or point at to explain herself. It hit her pretty quickly. The Twi'lek raised a finger indicating for Vitiion to wait before walking over to the window and exhaling on the glass, quickly scribbling a few words.


She then gestured to it with a look of embarrassment. This was awful.


Vee tilted her head at the side of that. It seemed obvious to her enough that Rayne couldn't talk. Or well, wasn't talking. "Yeah. That's fine. I was following you anyway. Like I said. I'm just...talking to fill the silence. You don't need to talk. It's...good experience for me to talk anyway. Lets me work on my basic." She gave a small nervous smile in Rayne's direction, as she carried on following the Twi'lek. She shrugged her shoulders as they kept walking and Vee just stood at Rayne's side, glancing around the streets.

"I'm Vitiion. Vitiion Daivik. A pleasure to meet you. Erh...You don't need to tell me your name. Not right now at least." She kept a smile on her face, rubbing the back of her neck afterwards. She wasn't used to being the talkative one at the end of the day. Normally she was quiet, and only replied when people were talking to her. But here she was, talking to someone who couldn't even talk back to her.

Rayne Lo'to Rayne Lo'to


Coruscant, Underworld
Tags: Vitiion Daivik Vitiion Daivik


Rayne gave an awkward smile. She had gotten her point across at least. With an understanding nod she lead Vee out of the café, listening to what the woman was saying very intently while she looked for a droid of any kind. It wasn't long before she found the remaining scrap of a protocol droid, it's head fully in tact. It seemed to be a female model, so that would at least make her speech a bit more natural sounding.

The Twi'lek would tactically remove the head before turning back to Vee.

"I'm Rayne," the head suddenly spoke. "Sorry, I can't really speak. Throat injury."

The woman sighed, giving an embarrassed frown.

"I didn't attack that guy unprovoked. He was going for my blaster." she informed. "Not assault. Also I know I'm tall."

She was a giant compared to most women it seemed, at least the humanoid ones. It was almost impossible to miss.


Vee raised her eyebrow at the sight of the droid head and obviously seemed a bit...taken aback by having Rayne speak through it. It didn't seem like something she saw regularly. Which was to be fair, was true since she had never seen someone have to do this before as Vitiion folded her arms along her front, trying to pay attention to what Rayne was saying right now. So the guy had been going for her blaster...Interesting.

"You don't need to apologise. I'm sorry for your throat injury. It must suck, not being able to talk. I felt the same when I first arrived...Could barely speak Basic, nor understand it." She sighed to herself afterwards, just trying to help Rayne feel a bit more comfortable. It was clear she seemed embarrassed over all of this, and Vee didn't think that was fair. It wasn't Rayne's fault that her throat got damaged, so she shouldn't even feel bad about it!

"But yeah. You're super tall. It must be nice. Though I don't think it would work too well for me. Being short helps me with my job." The Atoan kept a smile on her face, jabbing herself in the chest with her thumb. Sniping would definitely be a lot harder if she was taller, since it would be harder for her to get into her positions to do her job.

Rayne Lo'to Rayne Lo'to


Coruscant, Underbelly
Tags: Vitiion Daivik Vitiion Daivik


Rayne let out a faint sigh of relief. At least the woman seemed to be understanding. She couldn't help but give a mute chuckle when she was asked about her height. The Twi'lek brushed her Lekku off her shoulder and gave a quiet exhale.

"The world was made for short people," the droid vocoder lamented. "Hard to salvage tech when you can't fit through tight spaces. Also you take a wrong step and you've knocked over a Jawa on accident. Little buggers get angry."

The woman scratched at the bridge of her nose with her free hand. Well, she was here now and engaged in conversation. That was at least better than being mugged. Her multicolored eyes did shift to the woman's sword, however, a look of child-like wonder washing over her face. A young adult clearly, but there was obviously a streak of behavior more akin to that of a teen. She was still very young after all.

"What kind of sword?" she asked, the vocoder rather crude. Signing was rather basic after all, so her brain defaulted to more simple sentences. "I'm good with tech. I could modify it if you wanted something more like an electrosword or a Vibroblade."


Vee could agree that the Galaxy was mostly made for shorter people. She shrugged her shoulders, fighting the urge to giggle at the comment. It was strangely fun talking to people. She hadn't actually expected that at the end of the day but it was amusing what kind of people you could find through the Galaxy, or more specifically on Coruscant.

"Haven't really came across many Jawa myself. I don't really salvage tech or anything. The Defence Force gives me most of what I need." The Atoan tapped the sword at her waist before shrugging her shoulders. She hadn't seen any reason to wear her armour out on the streets of Coruscant. There wasn't many chances she'd need it to protect herself on the streets. She could deal with anyone that tried to mess with her, or at least that was how she chose to think about it.

The Atoan broke out into a smirk as she noticed Rayne's eyes going towards her sword, and Vee took it out of its little sheathe she carried it around in, and held it out towards Rayne carefully, handle first. "It's just a vibroblade. An Electrosword could be neat, never really seen one of those. I just have this in case anyone comes close to me. I'm more of a...long range fighter, I suppose. I'd rather blast someone than stab them." Which was true. She didn't like the idea of getting blood on her. Not because she had a phobia. It was just gross.

Rayne Lo'to Rayne Lo'to


Coruscant, Underbelly
Tags: Vitiion Daivik Vitiion Daivik


Rayne nodded.

"Same," the droid head spoke.

She hated blood. It was gross. She'd much rather keep it off of her. The Twi'lek leaned in, her multicolored eyes scanning the blade. It wouldn't be difficult to enhance at all.

"Looks like an easy mod," she informed Vee. "Plus a little electricity gives a bonus way to deter attackers. Might decrease the blood."

A smile spread across her face as she gestured behind her with her head.

"Come on," the vocoder continued. "My ship isn't too far. I should have everything there to beef it up. Uh, don't worry a bout payment or anything. I just need an excuse to tinker."


Ah. A fellow non-blood enthusiast. Excellent. It was nice to hear, though she'd assume that with all of the tinkering, Rayne would probably still get a bit dirty from oil or something similar.

"Exactly. It'll possible cauterise their wound, so they won't bleed all over me." Vitiion grinned from ear to ear...Until she thought about how that started to sound like those ridiculous lightsabers the Jedi did. Damn it, the more and more she tried to do her own thing, the more it seemed to be connected to her Force Sensitivity, or at least that was how she was seeing the situation. She absolutely hated the fact that things seemed to stay connected to her Force Sensitivity whilst at the same time trying to figure out what she fit into in the Galaxy.

She raised an eyebrow at the idea of going towards a stranger's ship, but she shrugged her shoulders at the offer. It wouldn't hurt at the end of the day. "Yeah. I don't mind. Having a new sword is worth walking to your ship. I don't mind letting you tinker with my stuff. I normally have some kind of gun or thing laying around that I don't use much anymore." She shoved her hands into her pockets and got ready to follow the Twi'lek. It was going to be interesting seeing how other people's ships were like. She hadn't really been much of a ship nut herself, but it didn't hurt to see things.

Rayne Lo'to Rayne Lo'to


Coruscant, Underbelly
Tags: Vitiion Daivik Vitiion Daivik


"Here we are"

They didn't have to travel far. Her ship was on a nearby landing pad, notably a rather bizarre vessel made from various miss-matched ship components. Clean, but a bit tacky. It was fine though. It served Rayne well enough, and it was better than being homeless. She opened up the lift door and ushered Vee in, gesturing to her makeshift living-room where a sofa lie in wait.

"Sorry about any mess," the vocoder apologizes. "This is sort of a last-minute invite."

She set down the droid head and began looking around for components. A power cell, maybe a shock emitter from an old taser, rubber insolation from a blaster barrel...

"So you're new to Coruscant?" she asked, still through the droid head, which was no longer near her. "I am too. It's been... interesting. Nothing like the Outer Rim."


"It's fine. I've gotten used to coming across a bunch of places covered in Rubbish. I've seen worse."

Vee threw herself down onto the sofa either way, making herself at home almost. Of course she wasn't rude enough to put her feet up on anything. Gods knew what she had might have stepped through on the streets of the Coruscant, but shook her head afterwards to try and not think about that. She was just going to relax as she watched Rayne starting to collect components and bits. The Atoan did let out a small squeal as the Droid spoke out, since she had expected the voice to follow her.

"Relatively new. Been doing my training here for a while. I come from...Atoa. Had to learn Basic myself when I arrived. Atoans aren't big on learning Basic." She sighed to herself afterwards, trying not to think about her home planet. Just trying to relax instead as Vee ran her hand through her hair, letting her hair down literally as she undid her little ponytail, glancing over towards Rayne.

"I've never really been into the outer rim. I came from the Expanded rim. I suppose you've been to Ryloth?" Vee raised her eyebrow at that, resting her head on her hand as she was just relaxing and talking away with Rayne. It was a nice way to relax if she was being honest to herself. Talking to strangers, starting to get to know new people, alongside making friends. She didn't have too many friends at the end of the day so having more worked.

Rayne Lo'to Rayne Lo'to


Coruscant, Underbelly
Tags: Vitiion Daivik Vitiion Daivik


"I've never really been into the outer rim. I came from the Expanded rim. I suppose you've been to Ryloth?

"Never been," the vocoder relayed as the woman shrugged, continuing to tinker. "Heard it's some kind of hellscape from some random guy I met a while back. Firestorms on one side, darkness and nightmare creatures on the other."

Rayne had already gotten into the hilt of the blade, setting up the electrical emitter to channel it's current into the blade. Vibroblades were already pretty similar to electroblades, so this was no issue at all. All she needed to focus on was ensuring that the hilt was secure and not leaking any electricity.

"I grew up on Nar Shaddaa," she explained. "Real hellhole, can't recommend a visit. Not unless you're looking to get murdered, robbed, blackmailed, enslaved.... Basically any worst fate imaginable happens there. To that end Coruscant has been an upgrade."

It sure beat being under the thumb of some nasty crime boss. She'd rather die.


"Huh. Darkness and nightmares? Sounds like most of the Galaxy from what I've heard. Sith on one side, criminals on the other. Who knows what we can do?"

Vitiion rolled her eyes, leaning back against the couch. She hadn't really seen much of the darker side of the Galaxy. She obviously knew it was around but she did her best to avoid it. There was every chance she could have been brought into it, if she hadn't joined the Alliance. Joining some underground gang instead, or becoming a bounty hunter. Either of those would have been possible results for the Atoan so she considered herself lucky that she managed to avoid them.

"Coruscant's alright. It's...not like home but it's better than what Nar Shaddaa sounds like. If anyone gives you any problems here, just find a way to get in contact with me. I'll make sure they won't continue it. Though you seem to be able to do that yourself now that I think of it."

The Atoan grinned at that, referring to the man Rayne had managed to beat the living daylights out of. She would probably only have to help Rayne if it was a bigger group that was trying to give the twi'lek problems.

Rayne Lo'to Rayne Lo'to


Coruscant, Underbelly
Tags: Vitiion Daivik Vitiion Daivik


"Why thank you," Rayne responded, giving a silent smile. "Girl's gotta know how to throw hands, I say. I'm not a fighter, but I know how to finish one if it gets started."

Rayne stood, walking over with a now modified Vibroblade in her hands, which she presented to Vee with a grin. She silently laughed, no sound emitting of course, before she handed the blade over.

"Try out that fella," she told her. "Careful. The electricity isn't lethal amounts, but it's enough to wake you up."


"You're very much welcome. It's always good to have the skills to defend yourself. Just with a quick smash, and sending someone down to the ground."

Vitiion took the modified Vibroblade into her hands, stepping back away from Rayne so she could do a small little flourish with the Vibroblade. It did feel a bit different in her hands, but nothing too bad. It honestly felt pretty nice if she was being honest. Part of her wanted to run her fingers over the blade to test it, but she'd rather not to get a shock, so she just sheathed the vibrosword afterwards, giving Rayne a nod.

"Excellent work. For someone who just wanted to tinker with it, you really seem to have a good knack for this kind of stuff."

Rayne Lo'to Rayne Lo'to


Coruscant, Underbelly
Tags: Vitiion Daivik Vitiion Daivik


"I'm good with tech," she relayed. "It listens to me. I'm not sure why. It's like a sixth sense."

She shrugged, crossing her arms. Whatever the case was, Rayne found herself to be an avid mechanic. It had gotten her by when things had gotten rough, so she felt the need to hone her skills whenever she could. The Twi'lek looked down at Vee with a curious look on her face. She seemed a fighter herself. Had she said she was with the Galactic Alliance?

"So what do you do?" the vocoder asked.


"A Sixth Sense...Hm..."
Vitiion had said something similar to Xeno about her shooting abilities, and he ended up saying she was Force Sensitive...Perhaps Rayne was as well. She shrugged her shoulders, as the Atoan prepared to answer her new associate's question.

"I'm a sniper, for the defense force. I like to shoot from a distance. I feel...alive when I have a blaster in my hand. That probably makes me sound a bit violent, but I'm far from it."

The SNiper then debated adding something else on...Sighing to herself as she ran her hand through her hair, looking up towards Rayne.

"...Also, I might be wrong, but if your sixth sense is anything like mine when it comes to shooting...You erh...may be linked to the Force or something. I dunno. I had some guy say I was Force Sensitive the other day."

Rayne Lo'to Rayne Lo'to

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