Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Exploration Story Idea.

I have a scenario in mind that could involve my business and other Confederate business interests in that could give the Trade Barons and scientific minded characters something more to do.

Basically, it opens with the background being that there is to be a resource exploration journey through the southern reaches of Wildspace to the south west of Confederate space, wherein I and other senior members (as in Xero Wran and other characters in the Confederacy) will be organizing and outfitting the expedition with transport vessels, scientists and mining gear, and other Intellectuals in an effort to discover any resource laden worlds, new cultures, flora and fauna that have hidden riches and precious minerals on it.

To make it interesting, I was thinking of allowing it face a myriad of story lines such as: The potential to face disaster or get to the brink of disaster. (Say for instance, our fleet is caught in an Event Horizon hell scenario or a Deadspace like affliction for instance)

Another idea of mine was to have the expedition go off without a hitch, we come into contact with the desired finding of a great, resource laden world covered in riches, a sort of Space El-Dorado only to have it devolve into a race between various companies to uncover and extract as much as possible.

With this scenario, we could also move into an ethical story, say where the heartless business and tech minds of the confederacy are faced with the destruction of some native species, flora and fauna and alien culture only to be countered by more ethical and sympathetic characters. This thread idea could see some in the expedition going off to defect to the native tribes against the CIS's companies whilst the companies/business characters (Xero included) would be doing anything they could to mindlessly reach the resources and destroy everything in their paths to get to it.

Scientist/business Characters could develop there own story arcs surrounding the discovery and documentation of new plants, animals and terrain, while others could do the same for potential new alien species and cultures.

What do you all think?
As an added aside, this story would require that we construct an all new world with all new (some already Star Wars canon sure) plants, animals and resources to be made.

Since I incline towards this end more readily that fleshing out an RP story (I really enjoy the factory, make your own locations, companies facet of this site) I can help do some of this for this story on top of working on the RP aspects, though I would largely put the story development in the hands of the more experience writers here in faction!! Not to say I wouldn't RP, I would! But don't expect a lot of detail on a personal level. When it comes to writing, my creative juices seem to run more towards background lore building, small details, event narrative and of course making new stuff!

I can do person-to-person with my character, but given his stature in this proposed scenario, I will probably take on the role of a detached official with little care for environment, culture and more wired towards wealth (I'm developing Xero to become greedy and warped, seeing as I started him as more humble coming from lowborn stock from a backwater colony world with a taste for new found riches and power as he becomes more involved with Dark-Siders and the Confederacy.)

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