“R6, please calm down”, with a stern look Mini looked down at the purple driod who seemed to be having a panic attack. “You’re going to be fine and I’m going to be fine”, she waggled her finger at the driod. “Before you know it this will be done and we can all go home. Now come on”, leaving the transport Mini walked down the ramp and into the hanger of Vaulcan Industries.
She was supposed to met a man here by the name [member="Darth Morgoth"]. Back on the ship her Grandmother [member="Lauda Cavataio"] was here. Also anyone from Dathomri who wanted to come. It was a sizable transport and even one of Mini’s mothers could be on board. It was a easy open invitation for others to join if they wished and maybe make a few purchases from this company they had come to visit. Disembarking from the ship Mini and R6 looked around the hanger to see who was there to great them.
She was supposed to met a man here by the name [member="Darth Morgoth"]. Back on the ship her Grandmother [member="Lauda Cavataio"] was here. Also anyone from Dathomri who wanted to come. It was a sizable transport and even one of Mini’s mothers could be on board. It was a easy open invitation for others to join if they wished and maybe make a few purchases from this company they had come to visit. Disembarking from the ship Mini and R6 looked around the hanger to see who was there to great them.