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Eye of darkness, the boy of many talents

Vanir Shaw

Eye of the darkness
Coruscant; where everything has eyes

Vanir walked through Coruscanti streets, feeling hundreds of eyes on him. Not that he was surprised, really. He wasn't exactly dressed for an evening ball. Wearing his usual sleeveless shirt and jeans, he carried his vibrosword on his back, in full view of the public. It was a sign to any who thought messing with a sixteen year-old was a good idea. The message said quite simply: Don't. However, with any clear signs he put out, there were still bound to be idiots. Hopefully for their sake, none of these said idiots were around today. Vanir just wanted nothing more than to be left alone to do his research. Ever since he'd arrived on Coruscant, he'd been looking for signs of his father before him. Maybe, just maybe, he'd find a lead.

[member="Alexandra Cinthra"]

Alexandra Feanor

The Lady in Silver/Grey Historian
Alexandra's blade sparked as it dragged on the ground while she slowly walked towards the man before her, a cowering murderer whom she had been tracking. The scene was something that anyone who was normal took one look at then went on with their day as she closed on the man trapped in the alley. "You know, i really do get annoyed by you people, i was having a nice glass of Mandalorian Wine when you just up and catch my eye forcing me to stop and go after you. After all ive been looking for you for... two weeks now, serial killer right? Shame though, you don't look like your crazy, maybe im wrong though so oh well." She was merely scaring him, worse she would do is chop off an arm or a leg, not kill the man... that was legal right? [member="Vanir Shaw"]

Vanir Shaw

Eye of the darkness
Turning around, Vanir gave the woman the strangest look. Who the hell did she think she was? "Serial killer? Please, I try to keep away from people as it is. Why do you think I carry my blade around like this? Aesthetics?" He rounded on her, his face of confusion now one of pure annoyance. "I didn't kill anyone, lady. Yet. Now buzz off." And with that, he turned back around and continued on his way, like the conversation had never happened. In fact, Vanir was honestly wondering if the instigator was willing enough to try something else. Murderer. He scoffed at the term. He only killed people if he felt they needed to be killed.

[member="Alexandra Cinthra"]

Alexandra Feanor

The Lady in Silver/Grey Historian
Alexandra blinked and turned around herself, seeing [member="Vanir Shaw"] who had been passing by just as she said that and the guy she had cornered slipping away before she could turn back around causing her to sign. "And there he goes.... You know, itll be another week or so before i see him..." She turned to Shaw and breathed in before deactivating her saber and walking out of the alley, or what little of it she had walked down. "Hello, your name is?"

Vanir Shaw

Eye of the darkness
Vanir sighed in frustration as he turned around again. "I'm Shaw. Vanir Shaw, and I didn't murder anyone. Get it through your skull please." This time, the boy stayed looking at the woman, crossing his arms while he waited for a response. He wasn't even normally this rude, but he didn't take too fondly of being called something that he wasn't. And he was definitely not a killer without reason. If he did kill someone, it was because they were harming someone else or involved in a serious crime. And on a bad day, he'd also do it if someone agitated him enough. Maybe this was one of those days, maybe it wasn't.

[member="Alexandra Cinthra"]

Alexandra Feanor

The Lady in Silver/Grey Historian
"Err... i was talking to the guy you actually distracted me from catching... you just happened to pass by and take it as me talking to you for some reason, sorry. Never thought you were a killer..." She held out her hand to shake his, the other hand rubbing the back of her neck out of embarrassment for a passerby thinking she called them a murderer. "My apologies again, really need to direct my words again." [member="Vanir Shaw"]

Vanir Shaw

Eye of the darkness
Skepticism poured over Vanir's face, followed by the rolling of eyes. Great. Now he felt stupid. Walking forward with a small shrug, he shook the woman's hand, if only for a short second. "So you know me, who are you?" Looking up at her now, for she was closer and taller than him, he got a glimpse at how pretty she actually was. Not that he would act on it. She was probably too old for him anyway.

[member="Alexandra Cinthra"]
Stealth was normally one of Sokrai's strong suits. Knowing how to blend in with a crowd, where and how to hide oneself, and when to strike at your surprised enemy was just basic skills to her. But on a planet, dominated by humans, she stood out like a sore thumb. Especially knowing that her kind was becoming less and less in the galaxy, she tried to keep a low profile, as she casually strolled past by the discussing Vanir and Alexandra.

[member="Vanir Shaw"] [member="Alexandra Cinthra"]
Driving my Chaos Messenger. I smiled as I was finally on the Courscant ground. last time I was here, I had fought a Jedi, this time, I was here searching for my brother again. Maybe I would find him later on in life. but I was here anyways. Driving past people who walked on the streets. I noticed that many people were acting nice to eachother. shrugging my shoulders I took a stop to the curb, letting the wheeled vehicle to come to an idle as there was People walking past me.

I walked to the back of the "truck" and reached into the back and pulled out a water bottle. Taking a swig as I could hear people talking behind me about meeting one another.

Alexandra Feanor

The Lady in Silver/Grey Historian
"Alexandra, good to meet you once more." She crossed her hands behind her and leaned against the side of the alley, glancing at [member="Sokrai Ronaro"] as she walked by. "Hello miss, nice day out don't you think?" She really had no reason to randomly say hi to the woman, but you know, the more the merrier and Alexandra would have to find something to do with the loss of her prize.
Listeri gazed at [member="Alexandra Cinthra"], wondering why the random woman was talking to her. Perhaps she was Jedi, who sensed her dark side energy, or she could be hunting her down in a betrayal by another acolyte. Maybe she was just way-too friendly. "Yes, quite nice." She said with a bland and emotionless tone, still pondering the question of why she was there in front of her. She quickly glanced at [member="Nickolas Imura"], but ignored it.

Vanir Shaw

Eye of the darkness
Nodding a little at the introduction, Vanir looked around him. There was a strange feelin that set over him, but he wasn't sure what. It was like the darkness, but not his own. However, it was still close by, and he wanted to check it out. Leaving [member="Alexandra Cinthra"] to talk with her brand new acquaintance, he rounded a corner to see a truck of sorts, with a boy not too much older than himself, it seemed. Could he be the source of the darkness? It appeared so, as he felt it pull on him stronger and stronger the closer he got. Soon, he was standing mere feet away from the other.

[member="Nickolas Imura"]
Even from here I could feel something off. Having a high force potential that I had, I was wondering why no one had stopped me yet. Despite this, I looked to see a Chiss acting rather nervous, and a boy, younger than myself, but still around my age, looking at me with wonder. I looked at him with a confused look. "is there something you want boy?" I had no idea of what his name was, but I decided to call what I saw. Looking back at the other two women over to the side, I only wondered what was happening around here. As it seemed that time began to slow.

[member="Sokrai Ronaro"], [member="Alexandra Cinthra"], [member="Vanir Shaw"]

Alexandra Feanor

The Lady in Silver/Grey Historian
[member="Sokrai Ronaro"]

Alexandra shrugged as [member="Vanir Shaw"] poofed away, leaving her with the chiss who she did sense had a bit of force sensitivity but really didn't care that much. If the woman was a danger to those around her fine, but it was the Jedi's jobs. Clipping her sabers back to her belt she sat down on a nearby ledge to the building and spoke again. "Im Alexandra, your name?"
She noticed the small boy move around the corner to the truck with mysterious man. She felt a small pull in the force, feeling various sources of dark side energy feeding in to the area around them. Ever since all of them in one area, there had been a visible difference. Smiles turned to frowns, people glowered at each other, and the lighting seemed a little bit darker. Something was extremely strange here. Snapping back to reality, she noticed that the woman was talking to her once more. " Oh my name is," She started to lie, knowing she couldn't give anything away," Leia Joarseb." She knew that this was a popular name among girls, so it wouldn't seem out of place.

[member="Nickolas Imura"] [member="Vanir Shaw"] [member="Alexandra Cinthra"]

Vanir Shaw

Eye of the darkness
Upon being asked the question, Vanir merely shook his head, still staring at the older boy. "You have... darkness in your heart. Yet you control it. I'm just... interested is all." He continued to feel the swelling inside [member="Nickolas Imura"], utterly amazed. And it really took a lot to amaze the boy. In fact, the revelation gave him hope in some way. Hope that he could have better control one day. Perhaps... perhaps this one would be willing to show him how.

Alexandra Feanor

The Lady in Silver/Grey Historian
"Good to meet you, odd name for a chiss though, but hey anything is possible in this galaxy. Stay a while and tell me about yourself, im a bit interested in you and curious in your past." She smiled and her own force sensitivity showed a bit more, a darker tinge to it as well as she looked at the people passing by. It was surprising a Jedi didnt sense the amount of dark energy here but hell, whats it matter if a few people were just chatting and not blowing anything up. [member="Sokrai Ronaro"]
She slightly frowned when she noted that it was an odd Chiss name, but she quickly masked it, replacing it with a small smile. The smile was to keep up the charade but she felt happier noting that even [member="Alexandra Cinthra"] had a darker side. " Well, about the name: I had grown up in an orphanage, and was given to some human parents on Tython, so that's why it sounds odd." She replied, straight to the point.
I looked at the two women over head of the boy. Seeing that they were talking to one another, I looked back to this lad who was speaking to me about saying that I was controlled. To his dismay I was not. I was always on the verge of breaking down and just destroying a world. I smiled at him as he spoke. Taking a drink of my water again, I let my head dip. "Yeah, if you can call it that." I put the cap on my bottle and threw it in the back. Turning to him again, I nodded to the woman, "Whats up with them?"

[member="Vanir Shaw"], [member="Alexandra Cinthra"], [member="Sokrai Ronaro"]

Vanir Shaw

Eye of the darkness
In response, Vanir shrugged as he turned to the two women. "One accused me of murder, the other I have no idea. They just started talking, so I left while I could." Vanir didn't know what it was. Maybe the darkness the two had in common, maybe the attitude, but he actually felt comfortable around [member="Nickolas Imura"]. He could tell the nineteen year-old was very much like him in the fact that he rather liked the darkness, even though it had a grip on his heart. Maybe it was the feeling itself that gave him comfort.

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