Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Eye of the Demon

Lord Ajihad walked into the admittedly small Mystic Tekk HQ on Coruscant, ready for some inventing. His new Vong body biot, the Plaeryin Bol, currently replaced his right eye. Though his left cybernetic eye could usually cover for it, given its large range of motion, he'd rather not risk it.

He would work on an eyepatch that'd cover the eye, but still allow the biot to shoot venom when need be. He would achieve this by giving the eyepiece the ability to retract like the cover of a camera lens, and allowing the poison to shoot forth. Of course, it would have several other purposes too. It would inherit all of the abilities from his cybernetic eye, as well as the ability to act as a sniper scope. Grinning, he began his work.
First, he took his second cybernetic eye. Since it was replaced by the Plaeryin Bol, he no longer used it. However, he could still salvage it for useful parts and pieces. After taking a glance at his expected materials list, he realized there was really only one thing that he would use in his new device: the programmed chip.

Since he had made the eye, he knew exactly where the chip would be located. However, that didn't mean he would have to proceed with caution. The device was miniscule, and could be broken or lost with ease. He grabbed a pair of tweezers, and used his intact cyber eye to zoom in on the device at hand. He smirked at the irony of him using one eye to salvage the other, then quickly got over it. Now was the time for work, not joking around.
He used the tweezers to open a small hatch in the back of the eye, which itself, was no menial task. The hatch's gripping point was tinier than could be, taking the (now quite impatient) assassin fifteen long minutes to open it up. At several points, he almost smashed to eye in a fit of anger. After the hatch was open, he delicately inserted the tweezers, gripping the chip on the first try. With a triumphant look on his face, he withdrew the chip from the eye.

He then took the electronic scope of a KiSteer 1284 projectile rifle, and began a similar process. In order to achieve his "sniper mode", he would need a chip from the scope. He had chosen that scope in particular because of its ability to account for a target's movements, as well as a large amount of targeting information. After a much shorter period of time, Vi'kas managed to extract the scope's chip.
After both chips were extracted and sitting in front of him, Vi'kas began the boring computer work. He wasn't the best with computers, but was adequate enough to know how to do some basic programming. These moderate skills would be enough to combine both of the chips into one, and complete one of the main objectives of his little project.

He plugged both chips into the computer, pulling up the coding of each. He then began transferring the scope attributes over into the eye's chip, though it was no easy task by any means. He had to decode the computer code, and remove any information that would be unnecessary or hinder the eyepiece. He would also have to make the scope mode adjust to its new environment in the eyepiece, and to be able to co-exist with the device's other functions.

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