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Approved NPC Eyjolf Ragnar L’lerim Ragal

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E T E R N A L - E M P R E S S


  • Intent: Expand Ingrid and Tubrok’s family with their child.
  • Image Credit: Headers: Kainan Wolfe Kainan Wolfe
  • Role: Heir of the Clan Ragal and House L’lerim (Ingrid and Tubrok Ragal’s first child), Prince of the Eternal Empire
  • Permissions: N/A
  • Links: Ingrid L’lerim, Tubrok Ragal, Exowomb

  • Age: Newborn (ABY 864)
  • Force Sensitivity: Non-Force User
  • Species: human
  • Appearance: Like an average baby, he is perfect in the eyes of his parents. Born with a normal body size and weight, he looks perfectly healthy, has blond hair and blue eyes.

  • Name: Eyjolf Ragnar L’lerim Ragal
  • Aliases: Eyjolf, Little Prince, Lord Eyjolf
  • Loyalties: Eternal Empire | House L’lerim
  • Wealth: He is quite wealthy, a member and one of the heirs of the Eternal Empire's royal/imperial family (ruling dynasty) who also have the HPI Consortium
  • Notable Possessions: Nothing yet, because it’s still a baby, but when you reach adulthood (18 years), countless buildings, stocks, and other movables will become his property.
  • Skills: Sleeping, crying, and everything what a newborn baby capable of.
  • Personality: He doesn’t really have a personality through a baby yet, but as an adult, thanks to the fact he’s the perfect combination of his parents, his personality will also come out of his parents’ best and strongest personality traits.

  • Weapon of Choice: N/A
  • Combat Function: N/A
  • Genetic Anomaly: He inherited his mother’s genetic “disorder,” making him perfect combination of his parents, inheriting only the best mental and physical traits that complement each other on both sides. As a result, he has an instinctive talent in what his parents also had a advantages or proficiencies. It’s not genetic memory, it’s just instinctively talented.
  • In Focus: Being a baby makes everyone look to see how they could pamper him.
  • Danger: As a member of a ruling dynasty, his life will be in constant danger of being killed by the enemies of the family and the empire.
  • Double pressure: He will have to hold on to many more roles because, unlike Adrian, Eyjolf became the heir to the Clan Ragal as well, so he will have more duties than his brother.

Ingrid and Tubrok had wanted a child for many years, only Ingrid was afraid of that as she had already lost one and was worried it would be over again. Eventually they got to the point of trying this. It was only then that the Eternal Empire left the CIS and moved to the Unknown Region. The couple ended up at two opposite ends of the galaxy. Tubrok began secret negotiations with Tacitus that he, too, was going there, meanwhile the man intended this as a surprise, so they had not even met for nearly a year. She thought the man was backtracked and vice versa. Though Tubrok was not looking for the woman just because she knew a lot of her work, Ingrid was overthinking the situation.

AMCO AMCO and Ingrid met at Lanteeb after these events, and soon after they became lovers and then fell in love with each other. Since Adrian didn’t want a child and Ingrid didn’t bring up the subject either and didn’t want to lose the man, having children with Tubrok was also postponed. More than four years have passed since Adrian also became a part of their lives when the Sith Lord was killed on Dantooine.

After that, Ingrid decided not to wait any longer and not wait until she or Tubrok died too, because now she really wanted a family. She had also previously told Adrian why this was her biggest dream and why she was afraid of it, and luckily she received support from her other husband as well. Now the technology also existed because of the exowombs, so after Adrian's death, Ingrid really started his plans. The result of the project (from frozen samples, fresh from Tubrok) was two boys, Eyjolf and Adrian.

And Eyjolf's story begins here, after his birth. The godparent titles were taken by Telis Taharin-Zambrano Telis Taharin-Zambrano and Adriana Fortemps Adriana Fortemps .
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