Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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NAME: Ezra Stormwatcher
FACTION:silver jedi
RANK: padawan
AGE: 14
SEX: Male
EYES: Blue
HAIR: Blue
SKIN: Caucasian


Observant: Ezra is smart when it comes to his surroundings. Living on his own he had learn to be Observant of his surroundings to stay out of trouble. Though he still seems to get himself into Trouble anyway.​
Honest: When it comes to being caught or asked a question about something Ezra gives the honest answer. He finds its best to tell the truth then have it pester him for lying.​
Ambitious: Ezra's goal in life is to be the best he can be and hopes to one day find the place he belongs.​
Shy: Since Ezra has been alone most of his life he is Shy around people.​
Reckless: This can sometimes be his biggest weakness because he will do anything he can to survive on his own. But he will do this in some of the most reckless ways.​
Deaf in his left ear​
Aviatophobia- Fear of flying​

Ezra has long shoulder length blue hair with bright blue eyes. His skin is normal and only has a scar over the left side if his lips. His outfit consists of a black long sleeved top with a light blue vest. He has a pair of leather fingerless gloves and a pair of blue and black goggles that always sit on his head. Over his torso is a black belt. His pants are black with a black belt. His boots are also Black With blue laces. His ears have three piercings two near the top and one in the normal spot. he also has an earpiece in his left ear that helps him hear.​

**years 1 - 4**​
Ezra was born on a cold Stormy night,his parents were worried about him because he did not cry or make any sound until a few days latter. after that he would not stop crying, it was found he had an ear infection. It got better after they took him to a Medic but it came back not long after, And it seemed worse this time round. After this ear infection Ezra lost the ability to hear in his left this time he was only a year old. He had his fathers blue green eyes and his mothers sandy blond hair. But despite the hair he was the spitting image of his father. He was a very quite infant and did not do much nor did he ever really cry unless he was hungry. by year 3 he started making more sounds as he was trying to speak but it won't until he was 4 that he actually spoke his first true word witch was his own name.​
**years 5-8**​
Because of his weak immune system he was never allowed outside so Ezra never had friends. Which made him kinda shy and quiet So he got by by making up his own.though His parents got him a astromech droid to keep him company. as they soon realized how lonely he really was from how quiet he was and shy he got around any visitors. He named the Droid Skips because his chips sounded like a Skip in music, or a computer skipping from some malfunction. The two became fast friends and started doing everything together. Even when his father was teaching him Skips was by Ezra's side annoying him, with Ezra soon learn to just ignore for the most part.. As time passed the two were always finding trouble whatever they did, be it just an argument between them which normally ended in something getting broken or just sneaking off after being told countless times not to. Once when the two snuck outside ezra ended up tripping over the droid and ended up breaking his arm. this got him grounded for a few month as it took longer for his arm to heal than normal. Though many times over he got into trouble for something he always told the truth and took what ever punishment he got, which was mostly getting locked in his room. But deep down despite the isolation Ezra enjoyed his life and would not trade it for anything. Even if that meant having real friends and not some crazy Droid. But the bond between Ezra and skips was strong and he would much rather have Skips then anyone else.​
**Years 9 - 14**​
Though he was slow to learn about the force he got better a time passed, he was a great student and showed great interest in what his father was teaching him. He was talented in telekinesis the most and as he got better would annoy Skips by moving him ever so slightly. The droid never liked it when Ezra's father used him for a demonstration and would protest loudly until he was put down. Though he still loved to learn he had a need for adventure and sometimes would sneak off while his parents were asleep, one of these times he meet a Jedi Master whom he was since forgotten the mans name. Skips ended up ratting him out and got him grounded for disobeying and sneaking out. Another time he snuck off and ended up dyeing his hair blue mostly because he loved the color and he never liked his sandy blond hair. His parents did not like the idea to much but they let him by with it. Another time he snuck off in the middle of the night hoping to get a good view of the stars, and he fell asleep and did not get home until the next morning. Though this time he was not grounded just simply asked not to sneak out in the middle of the night again. But they also gave him a bit more freedom to come and go as he wished as long as Skips stayed with him. Though he did go out a few times Ezra stuck at home to learn more about the force from his father. Now that he was 13 he did have more freedom to come and go as he wished , just not at night, Ezra still chose to stay home and learn, Unlike his earlier years he seemed to grasp it better and began to learn quickly. Though a week after his 14th birthday his parents had to go on a mission and never returned. Since he now had nobody to teach him he headed off to find a new teacher.​

Danyal stormwatcher his father's name​




Skips is a R6- series Astromech droid that was given to Ezra buy his parents for his 5th birthday. Due to having no friends his parents thought it best to give their son a Friend that could always be there for him. Ezra named him Skips for reasons unknown. Skips is very loyal and protective of Ezra, Though most of the time who two can be found arguing about something. Or Skips just annoying Ezra constantly. Hes a mischievous old thing who is equally as troublesome as Ezra. Though most of the time he does not do as he is told, and douse the exact opposite of what Ezra wants him to do. He is still one of the best friends anyone could ask for.​
Skips may be annoying but hes my best friend.
(( Yes Skips was inspired by Chopper and Ezra of course comes from Ezra on the show XD ))​

Chess Tixlia

Aww. I feel sorry for the guy. Shy, no friends, all sad and alone. He's adorable! I want to be his friend. :)


Lightning-Struck Angel

You need a hug...

And it'd be hilarious if Ezra and Morry were friends... One is a part-bird, and the other is afraid of flying...


Lightning-Struck Angel

I still want to be friends with Ezra :)

He appears to be Morry's polar opposite... Even without the flying phobia.


Lightning-Struck Angel
Just realized that 2/4 toons who posted here were Zeltron females. The other two are me (close enough) and Sinna (not even close)

You lucky blue-haired kid.

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