Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist

- Intent: To expand the lore of Ahch-To
- Image Credit: Monster Musume
- Canon: N/A
- Permissions: N/A
- Links: N/A
- Name: Fa-Ut
- Designation: Semi- Sentient
- Origins:
- Average Lifespan: 100-200 years naturally, When bonded they can live as long as their masters
- Estimated Population: Scattered
- Description: Slimy and gel like, the Fa-Ut are not aa grand species but something to be used and molded by their masters taking on the looks that they want or need in the situation. Kept in staffs until needed and for wild ones the ability to absorb water to increase their size is one of the most telling traits. That and their ability to change shape to what they might need or somewhat mimic the look of another.
- Breathes: Type I
- Average Height of Adults: .7m
- Average Length of Adults: N/A
- Skin color: Can change at will but usually a shade of blue
- Hair color: Can vary depending on if they want hair
- Distinctions:
- Shape Changing Goo
- Able to appear as perfectly formed mini humanoids
- Can be kept in Staffs
- Ones that have been bonded usually have a marking on their forehead
- Races: N/A
- Force Sensitivity: All
- Shape changing: While they can shift into homunculi like beings the Fa are naturally small and controlled by their masters who capture and use them for their training. THey can increase their mass by absorbing water to become larger.
- Vulnerable: Their bodies are vulnerable to several environmental factors. Extreme heat can loosen the bonds making them almost melt, extreme cold can restrict them and make their bodies sluggish and then eventually frozen. They dissolve when submerged for an hour in salt water and must get out of it to reconstitute.
- Limited Intelligence: They are not able to form larger complex thought instead listening to commands like an animal would with inferences from tone and direction.
- Servants: Traditionally taken as pets and servants of the Go Nagai when they enter their initiate trials and stored within their staffs. The gelatinous blobs through time with their master can learn to mimic their forms but only at a portion of their size.
- Limited Shape-shifting: While they can change shape they cannot mimic voices or direct appearances. There is more an uncanny valley when assuming the look of someone else but as tiny versions it is much easier.
- Force Nullification: Losing their capability to take a shape they become a puddle of slime that tries to escape to feel the force again.
- Diet: Other: Water and moisture
- Communication: Verbal and visual with outsiders, melding with each other
- Technology level: Below galactic standard
- Religion/Beliefs:
- A strange species within the Asobi system. They are small blobs of jelly usually found in the jungle regions where the temperature doesn't reach the extremes preferring to live as a collective blob. This serves as the link and makes the species appear larger than the individual self with ones breaking off to scout or when compelled by an unknown force. (to them unknown but really a Go Nagai master calling for one during an initiates trial). Within the Go Nagai society they are respected as much as any servant of the species but more like a pet.
Trained with the young initiates as a way to help them develop their skills and learn to harness their power. The servitude to the Go Nagai one from ancient times and they are until bonded attracted to the power they emanate (the force) like a bug to a zapper.
As a strange thing and one of the many things not always explainable their sense of family is strong. The Fa will never harm each other even to dangerous results. (example if a Nagai orders it to kill another they will refuse no matter how much power is used to compel them) one of the simple ideas for it is how they are born within the link and all are somehow the same. Without a lot of study they have not revealed fully in words most understand.
- A strange species within the Asobi system. They are small blobs of jelly usually found in the jungle regions where the temperature doesn't reach the extremes preferring to live as a collective blob. This serves as the link and makes the species appear larger than the individual self with ones breaking off to scout or when compelled by an unknown force. (to them unknown but really a Go Nagai master calling for one during an initiates trial). Within the Go Nagai society they are respected as much as any servant of the species but more like a pet.
- General behavior:
- With outsiders: The Fa when encountered are usually timid and not ones to attract attention out outsiders reverting to a puddle that can hide from possible predators. In the times when they encounter creatures they can fight and eat such as As-Aki and smaller creatures. Their natural instincts to eat and defend themselves coming on display when they have a chance of winning.
With their masters: In service to the Go nagai they are watch dogs who are able to communicate with their masters through the force bond created when they are tamed. It is not a powerful bond sharing usually images and impressions as either side can interpret them. Their forehead symbol glowing as they serve the beings. With the designation more of pet then slave then can perform the most simple of tasks.
With each other: Collectively the Fa are a communal race that stays linked as a liquid. Their shape doesn't need to be solid like so many other creatures and they do not understand the solids point of view. Their sense of community being founded on them never hurting each other often to the point they will disobey and are willing to allow the links location to be discovered endangering each other.
When the species reproduces they rejoin the link for several months until another blob appears usually green or red compared to the natural blue of the species but not always. It will take several years for the infant blob to mature and be able to venture out of the link learning some of the experiences and knowledge of the group but it is still a child by most comparisons. The Go nagai attracting them out with the force in a call that is a compulsion to capture and tame them.
Eating food within the species is easy as they can digest and dissolve nearly anything given to them. Slowly and visibly as it is broken down within the bodies. For larger meals they might enter a resting state that will slower than normal dissolve the food much like a serpent after swallowing a large meal. Their movement is minimal to nonexistent and they cannot fit into their masters staffs.
- With outsiders: The Fa when encountered are usually timid and not ones to attract attention out outsiders reverting to a puddle that can hide from possible predators. In the times when they encounter creatures they can fight and eat such as As-Aki and smaller creatures. Their natural instincts to eat and defend themselves coming on display when they have a chance of winning.
A creature found by the Go Nagai in a primitive and primeval state on their old world. A portion of the blob was taken and enslaved back to their world. The link broken for the first time and with the Nagai prodding at them they took the shape of them a smaller version that could mirror them in nearly every way except skin tone. The Fa found a home, a new home on the world creating a new link that grew and expanded being fed scraps.
The ones who assumed shape venturing out into the world to explore and returning with their different experiences showed the dangers but also the interesting parts of what happened within the world. The Go Nagai using them as servants they could carry around and have serve them. The staffs they created for initiates to tame and capture one of the species hollow with a head to seal them inside.
As time went on and the other species were brought from worlds visited by the Go Nagai the Fa remained in their role as servants not being counted as slaves. Some in cases learning how to oversee but mostly as a guard dog for their masters. When eventually the Go nagai disappeared and vanished they were trapped on the worlds some still living with others joining the link. Their experiences shared and their knowledge vaguely of the creatures that had come to the worlds.
The link remained as time went on and different species came to the worlds, some hostile, some friendly with each slowly adding their influence to the world. Sometimes they would venture out and explore but not understanding all of the new things coming to them. They remained there in the dark and the shadows staying away in the lesser used regions of the old civilization. Then they were discovered by the ancient miners guilds with their machines and scouts unearthing the link.
Using cryoban to contain it they transported the link in its blob form to an estate on the moon called Dov-Loa. With their experiments bringing pain to the link the species called out for some help and for centuries it was unanswered until something came. A Go nagai returning and attacking the estate as the species seemed to reappear. Bringing the elders from the link back with it as they directed and commanded to journey into a ship.
The journey brought them to the Go Nagai's sanctuary world with the ancient city of Kala Moor and its massive dome that covered it as well as sections of the world. Protecting it from the outside while providing a display of the normal worlds on other planets in the skies above. The link was safe and as the initiates woke up the Fa were visited with younger ones being taken as servants once again.
The rise fo the jedi and Go Nagai's somewhat shift in leadership brought about many changes for them.. the Fa-Ut remained for the most part a part of the galaxy but they were not as affected by situations... many died in plagues and rifts but they could reproduce and repopulate quickly enough. Others were moved to different worlds where the Go Nagai have gone. With Atrisians aand even to AAhch-To whihc resonated with force energy.
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