Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Fable Merrill

Fable Merrill

As directed by Michael Bay.
I'm terribly sorry if I've troubled you. I was only doing what I was told...

Pre-Nether Timeskip Fable: Pictured Here
NAME: Fable Merrill
FACTION: Whichever she's ordered to.
RANK: None
SPECIES: Cloned Human
AGE: About seven years chronologically. Mentally/Physically in mid twenties
SEX: Female
HEIGHT: 5'4" (1.6 m)
WEIGHT: 126 lbs. (57 kg)
EYES: Ashen brown
HAIR: Black
SKIN: Waxy and pale


Personality Traits
  • - Broken Bird. Fable is an engineered clone, something to which was made quite apparent to her from the moment she was developed enough to understand it. She doesn't know of who, but that doesn't really matter: She's a pale imitation of someone else, and knows it. This is a source of no small amount of pathos.
  • - Go Mad From The Isolation. As a Force-Sensitive Clone, Fable was reared and raised inside a series of Ysalamir fields to allow her to develop her own identity without being overloaded and driven mad. Given how this process is far from perfect, she went through this process with a couple dozens of identical sisters and watched each and every one of them fall to congenital defects or madness one by one, she's got a few issues.
  • - Cloning Blues. See above, but to elaborate: as a clone, Fable is particularly susceptible to health issues and mental instability as a result of the cloning process.
Updates for Nether Timeskip (Six Years later...)
  • ~ Walking Disaster Area. There's just something about Fable that seems to draw out improbable amounts of violence from her surroundings. She can barely go out for groceries without getting involved in a fight, drawn into combat, or otherwise ripping somebody's face off with her teeth.
  • + The Unfettered. Fable was born and raised outside of the law, adopted by two people who regard it as an inconvenience, and pretty much programmed to murder the hell out of people at her progenitor's command. Authority does not faze her, rules will not cause her to hesitate, and her own death is hardly a threat to a woman who believes herself to be merely a decent fascimilie of a much better person. There can be no honor for somebody who isn't even real, after all.
Combat Skills and Force Talents
  • ~ Glacier Waif. Fable is slight of frame and isn't very imposing, but can take a punch like nobody her size has any right to. Something about poorly developed nerve endings or how the Force flows through her.
  • + Power Born of Madness. In her deepest heart, Fable believes she doesn't deserve her family, has no past, and no future. She's simply the statistical anomaly that managed to live among an army of dead duplicates. Fable has nothing to lose, nothing to gain, and a very thin grasp on appropriate responses to threats against her person.
Series C, Genome String Alpha, Batch 5

Out of many attempts to clone a specific someone, [member="Rave Merrill"] managed to get one to live past a couple of months without going insane or being ripped apart by flawed genetic structure. Fable was raised among her sisters, fed a nutrient-saturated diet to encourage her accelerated growth, and bombarded with programming once her gene sequence was relatively stable. For most of the past year, this was her life; rote memorization, memory imprinting, hasty instruction, and watching her duplicates fail or break one by one until she was the only one left standing.

Only when she had proven herself fairly stable was Fable given her name. Rave's life got busy in a hurry, then, and Fable eventually wandered off - falling in with [member="Fabula Cavataio"] and her companion, a Mandolorian by the name of Lynn. The couple adopted her as officially as a Dark Jedi and lunatic Mando could, and Fable has spent the past six years learning the proper applications of the Force from one parent, and basic Mandolorian combat from the second - but mostly learning how to take care of herself and not be so damn suicidal.


The Woeful Tale of an Unfortunate Mugger, or: Stupid Girl for Fun and Profit

Dear Shadow Empire

Dear Imperial Remnant

The fine art of destroying faces, or: Even Monsters love Mom

Netherworld Episode V: Alaka Strikes Back

Fable^2 And the Mystery of the Feels Forest

Game Night

Lay Your Head Down (Open Brawl Thread)

You Took My Daughter WHERE?!

Wookie Kung-Fu


By the Pricking of my Thumbs

Born on the Wrong Side of Opportunity


I am entirely opposed to the hideous and vulgar practice of putting tons of rank titles in your signature, but that doesn't mean I'm opposed to custom rank titles entirely.

Frak it. I want some custom titles.


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