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Unreviewed "Fabricator-Machinists" | Mvil'eil

  • Intent: Honestly, the biggest reason making this race is not only to fit a Halloween theme, but to also make a race of migrant, space-faring cybernetic creatures that ultimately are poorly understood at best and often times seen as legends to the Core due to hiding in Wild Space and the Unknown Region's boundary-borders. They are a race of primarily peaceful intentions, yet they are seen as alien and foreign due to their sociocultural values and views; they are a people estranged (though not by deliberate choice) from the greater galactic community even as they seek to be a part of it currently. Also, funky-wonky aliens are just so cool.
  • Image Credit: Image Credit Here.
  • Canon: N/A.
  • Permissions: N/A.
  • Links: Technopathy (albeit a limited form of it)
  • Name: They are colloquially known as Fabricator-Machinists, though their actual species name is known as the Mvil'eil. They are dubbed the former due to their modified vessels housed in the middle of their nomadic fleets which resemble that of factories on the inside.
  • Image:
  • Designation: Sentient
  • Origins: Originally hailing from the Outer Rim Territories section of Western Reaches in a little-known (at best) region of traversable space, they were originally from a planet of some kind, but their own response states it was resource-poor and somewhat barren. As a result, they are currently a spacefaring race traversing across the galaxy in large "commune-communities" of civilian starships.
  • Average Lifespan: Around fifteen years in their organic bodies as of currently due to how emaciated/withered they are, otherwise in cybernetic bodies this goes up to a range of one hundred and seventy-five years to two hundred and thirty years of age. They mature at one year of age.
  • Estimated Population: Common - they have a sizable number of fleets which are spread out across the galaxy and in different regions, though they are typically found in the Outer Rim and Wild Space. They have ventured as far in as the Expansion Region, however.
  • Description: Resembling small, strange-looking droids, while they possess arms and distinctive reddish-orange-yellow photoreceptors, they are unusual certainly. From the large, pointed metallic hood that juts from their bodies, to an entire lack of legs and their lack of distinguishable facial features save for eyes, they come across as entirely alien. Despite this, their demeanor points to a form of (wary) friendliness and gregariousness.
  • Breathes: Type I, Type II, and Type III Atmospheres due to their cybernetics - naturally they tend to breath a Type I atmosphere similar to Humans.
  • Average Height of Adults: 1.29m
  • Average Length of Adults: N/A.
  • Skin color: Their chassis colors vary depending on the fleet they come from, but usually they are all notable with a gray-black color to some portions of their chassis. Usually their "hood", "head", and "arms" are varying from reds, purples, blues, greens, yellows, etc, to distinguish their "commune-fleet" of origin.
  • Hair color: N/A.
  • Distinctions: Aside from what has been mentioned before, they have no visible gender variations or differences between individuals - a point of pride in their communalistic communities is to fit in, of course.
  • Races: None - despite their different fleets, their culture has not significantly shifted enough and they are capable of merging into larger fleets as purpose dictates for a limited time.
  • Force Sensitivity: All - that being said, they cannot utilize any other force powers save for technopathy, and this is a very limited form that works by physical contact with a technological object. Smaller objects can be "learnt" in a matter of hours, with larger objects taking progressively larger amounts of time. They are capable, because of this, of reproducing, maintaining, constructing, and even improving upon the original design and such. That being said, they cannot make new designs as usually and this takes the standard time other races would take. They are extremely strong technopaths and have strong mental barriers, but they completely lack the ability to access the Force in other ways and thus do not make for Jedi or Sith.
  • They are impressively strong technopaths - while they cannot control technology or manipulate it, they can learn and understand its technological aspects in variable amounts of time (if fair quicker then other races). Their repulsorlifts in place of legs means they can hover and ignore terrain (and have the bonus of not being afflicted by repulsorlift jammers). They are extremely talented mechanical engineers, technicians, repair-workers, arms-creators (though this is rare), and they are proven mechanical geniuses. Their brains are well-developed and they possess a strong form of intelligence due to it comparable to the Columi. They also do not require much sleep - about two chronological hours is all they need before awakening.
  • They are physically weak, both in their emaciated bodies and in their cybernetic "shell-chassis", which they rely upon droids to provide manual labor and such. They are prone to diseases when outside of their shell, and they likewise have very weak constitutions when in their organic bodies or when exposed to poisonous afflictions. They can bleed out still and such due to their "blood system" working to feed their organic components. They are also vulnerable (and can be lethally impaired by) ion/emp weaponry.
  • Diet: They are omnivorous, eating via nutrient tube-paste which is "injected" into simulated capillaries, arteries, and veins to "feed" their integrated nervous system and brains. They have no known particular allergies or weaknesses to foods in this way.
  • Communication: While they use Galactic Standard Basic and Binary, their own language (known as Mvil-script and Mvil-spoken) is built around a motif of hieroglyphical script that they can process and understood - other races do find it difficult to learn this language, however. Their spoken form of native language sounds like a humming buzz.
  • Technology level: Standard galactic technological level - though they are slightly outdated due to relying on barter-based commerce and acquiring old civilian ships to repurpose. They do utilize artificial wombs, however, and stored sperm/eggs, to reproduce (though this is not cloning and acquired from each individual when they transfer to their bodies)
  • Religion/Beliefs: While they do not believe in a religious society, they do believe in a technological society. Their values of a commune-based structure where the rule of law is by the many and group consensus makes them a strange oddity to many species. Their value is on technological that is practical and utilitarian - aesthetic value does exist, but is seen as a luxury rather than a need. They believe largely in the idea of benefitting the many versus the individual, and their intelligent demeanors means they tend to value races who are more intellectual or scientific as opposed to gaudy or martial.
  • General behavior: They do attend schools and universities upon their ships - they are a friendly (if wary) and gregarious (if eerie) race that wants to peacefully interact with their neighbors. Families often consist of not just blood, but adopted and "chosen" family, with young being raised in a communalistic way. The concept of individuality as applicable to personal property is particularly unusual to them. Mates are found via mathematical contests held between individuals and this is a high form of courtship. They build and invent, create and develop, engineer and maintain, repair and construct. They are prone to being awake at daytime and nighttime, and thus have no real preference for either.
They are an older species - though their history is poorly known and they are considered somewhat mythical by the wider galactic community, they were known to be around at the time of the Rakata Infinite Empire. Staying clear via sticking to Wild Space and areas untouched, the Mvil'eil were largely content to stay to themselves for countless millennia - until the Galactic Empire under Palpatine came. Decimating their fleets and driving them into Wild Space and the nebulous zones of the Outer Rim and the borders of the Unknown Regions, the Mvil'eil never gave up hope and steadily rebuilt their societies to become a common species once more. As a result, they have largely kept out of the affairs of current events - though they have steadily began to trickle back into the wider galaxy. Becoming more and more encountered, they desire to retain their peaceful ways, and of course, to be seen as friends rather than enemies.

Whether or not this stays true and held-to, of course, depends on many factors and new history to be added to their long story...

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