Changeling Marksman

"YoU aRe PrEy! PREY! pReY!"

General Information
Name: Rulnon Vartak
Aliases: Faceless
Faction: The Collective
Sex: Male
Age: 36
Race: Clawdite
Location of Birth: Zolan
Occupation: Bounty Hunter & Assassin for hire
Force Sensitive: No

Psychological Information
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Relationship Status: It's complicated?
Zealous | Calculating | Merciless | Fractured | Manipulative
The Faceless is a man of zeal to one thing and one thing only, his job. Should a target fall under his scope, he will never stop hunting them until either party lay dead. In order to be such a professional hunter of people, he utilizes his calculating demeanor and merciless technique to his advantage; ever trying to predict his target's next move and how to always keep them on the back foot unable to establish a solid foothold to try and fight back. Dirty fighting, unfair advantages, throwing the art of chivalrous killing completely out the window. All is fair game in the Faceless' books when it comes to bounty hunting and assassination. No method too inhumane, no target not worth the price on their head. That being said, he knows a bad deal when he sees one and will more often than not decline a job offer outright if pieces of information don't add up or his gut feeling tell him what he might be stepping into might be a trap; if the latter, he typically makes sure to bring back-up or keep a plan in place for such an event.
Despite his joint mental and physical condition, the Faceless does try his best to keep his status and reputation as a professional who can get the job done as the first thing that springs to mind when a new client contacts him. However, the cracks do show from time to time, the various changing voices and inability to change back into his original appearance does keep a heavy toll on the mind and body. When not on a job and actively acting as someone else, the flaws of his mildly heavy schizophrenia begin to take hold until he can find himself a new identity to take on.

Strengths & Weaknesses
+Short, intensive periods of experience as a Bounty Hunter and Assassin have made Faceless a competent marksman with both a long-range rifle and other various smaller ranged and melee weapons.
+Faceless has the unique ability to shape-shift at will, able to take on the form of many humanoid forms and some that require change to his physical structure or bodily mass. This greatly helps him blend into the environment and operate without drawing attention to his true self... Or pinning the blame on another.
+Faceless is resourceful and not one to shy away from questionable methods to complete his mission. This makes him extremely capable in tactical thinking and unconventional tactics to gain an edge over his opponent or bring a situation to his advantage.
-Faceless isn't an engineer, technician, any kind of specialist or scholar; thus he'll require help when needing to do specialized tasks in various fields.
-Faceless suffers from a case of schizophrenia which plays havoc with him and his unique ability. When not actively focusing on trying to be someone else, his voice will turn into a blend of various pitches, dialects and tones, as if several people are talking from the same mouth. (OOC: Think sort of the Master from Fallout for this one, just with various voices rather than a computer.)
+/-In connection with his schizophrenia, Faceless finds himself unable to revert to his original Clawdite form. Not only does this require him to keep a constant source of oils to keep his skin from cracking, this also inflicts a psychological toll on him as well. Sometimes this can bring about swings on mood or feeling and typically has a split between being helpful in a situation or a hindrance, depending on the variables.
-Faceless is zealous to his cause when on the job, and typically won't stop once he's started until him or his target are dead. This bull-headed approach to self-preservation might become his undoing if the cards play against him.

Equipment Listing
x1 Modified Czerka Corporation Adventurer Slugthrower Rifle
"Perhaps the more signature weapon of Faceless' arsenal. A heavily modified slugthrower rifle to bring it up to scratch among long-ranged weaponry. Featuring a scope, a longer and specifically crafted marksman barrel and the ability to attach a suppressor to the barrel for more stealthier assassinations, this rifle is Faceless' primary weapon in a majority of his missions unless it requires a different method of approach. As such, being the nature of the weapon, the weapon can penetrate through objects and shields, although the shooter must take into account the range, time to travel to target, elevation and wind adjustment if applicable; however with Faceless being familiar with the weapon and ballistics, taking these adjustments into account before taking the shot are hardly difficult or inconvenient, if anything making sure the first shot is the last."
"A standard A180 Blaster Pistol, developed by BlasTech Industries. Faceless uses this as a backup weapon due to its unique ability to swap between various weapon configurations, allowing him to carry a pistol, rifle, sniper and ion launcher in one weapons system, giving him much more diversity with how to operate with his load-out during a mission depending on the parameters he finds himself operating within."
x1 Protective Bodysuit (Pictured above)
"Being an assassin and a marksman, Faceless likes to rely on agility, stealth and subtlety rather than brute force. As such, his lightweight protective bodysuit reflects this method of defense. Made of lightweight alloys to provide a decent amount of protection for armor of its type, although offers nowhere near as much as medium or heavy armors. The bodysuit also includes a helmet that has gone through several modifications that allow low-light adjustment and thermals as well as a Heads Up Display that can assist with various tasks whilst he's on the move."
x1 Assortment of Various Equipment
"In truth, Faceless carries a various amount of kit with him; from knives to basic medical supplies to various odds and ends. Whilst he usually stashes most of it away in his hidey holes or with the crew he's running with, chances are if someone were to stumble across one of these stashes, they were bound to find something decent or perhaps even valuable to the right buyer."

Extra Information
Rulnon Vartak, born upon the Clawdite homeworld of Zolan, had a rather traditional upbringing, and one that was less hostile than if the Zolanders were still in control. Having his two parents to care for him as a youngling, he was quick at adopting the ability to change colors to signify his needs to his parents. Perhaps it was this that made his upbringing, and the upbringing of Clawdites as a whole, a lot easier. With the parents not having to worry about trying to read the subtle signs of what their child needed, Rulnon got exactly what he needed when he needed it. As a matter of fact, the early stages of Rulnon's life were uneventful, perhaps even going exactly as one's upbringing on Zolan should go. Eventually reaching an age where it was suitable for him to leave his homeworld, he took the first chance he could, a sense of wanderlust and curiousness overtaking the mind of one who's race predominately stuck to solitude, the urge of his parents to go to find a greater calling beyond what the homeworld of his people could offer only drove him onward.
Finding himself travelling the galaxy in a time of conflict, Rulnon was at the age where he could act independently and create his own mark on the galaxy. He saw that joining any side of the conflict would drag him into servitude of either side that he held no real feelings for nor loyalties to. He'd instead find himself going into a world of mercenary work, jumping from job to job and making his subtle waves through the circles of the criminal underworld. With his talents, he naturally had an advantage to start on the ladder in a much better off position. Assassins were paid handsomely, ones who can get the job discreet even more so. If the assassin could completely change their appearance? So many options, so many employers waiting in line to get their fix of utterly discreet wet-work and subterfuge. It paid handsomely, very much so, in fact. As the years went by, the credits went up, the equipment and the changeling behind it got better.
At least, most of it did. With such an intensive live-fire and real-scenario training doctrine that was self-taught, a lot of stress was built up over the years. Subtle at first, this started to manifest into something far greater. Unaware of the dangers of prolonged change, way more than his tutors had advised, something that had skipped his mind entirely, the identities that he built up on these disguises remained with him, becoming part of him little by little. Come present day, these manifestations and leeches upon the psyche have become a crippling blow to the assassin's physical and mental health. Constant mixes of various imitated voices, a daily need for skin treatment, perhaps most damning of all was the fact that he was no longer himself. His body refused to revert to the natural form it was given since birth, constantly wishing it were in the skin of someone else. It took control whenever it's hunger wasn't sated. Whilst he kept his weaknesses secret from his employers, he knew it was time to find a crew, and fast.
His life, and the lives of everyone else that resided within the changling who could change into anyone but himself, depended on it.
16.74 meters
3.24 meters
18.12 meters
Maximum atmospheric speed
1150 km/h
Engine unit(s)
4 Incom Corporation 2a fission engines
Hyperdrive system
Navigation system
KX5 linked laser cannons (2)
Concussion missile launchers
Ion cannon (1)
Pilot (1)
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