Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Faction Cloud Reduction?

I'll be responding to the skirmish again soon (I was wrestling all day yesterday and wow! Was it tough, I to wrestle people ten pounds heavier than me), but I encountered something interesting with the most recent map update:

The Mandalorians willingly reduced their cloud.

Given that right now, the Primeval is in a period of severe civil strife, would it not make sense that our boundaries and territories would similarly being falling apart?

I'm not talking get rid of everything, but some of our more distant tendrils that we've never used before. This will encourage us to grow later on once this slow season boils over.

Don't give in to that knee jerk reaction to keep as much territory in the map game as possible, because we've been pretty story centric I think, and this move would make a lot of sense in my opinion.

Give it some real thought, but if even after that you don't want to, I'll respect it!
[member="Zambrano the Hutt"]

Ooh, idea:

Given this time of strife, I feel like instead of just halving our territory, we should fracture it. Various warlords now see an opportunity arise amidst the Chaos. They all want as much territory as possible for themselves, fighting each other for it. Primeval space becomes divided into different alliances and factions striving for power over one another.

We could make a system where Prime members can claim a single unclaimed planet, but can then fight other members for their territory if they want any more planets.

Auzga Xalor

Do you smell it? The scent of Fear?
[member="Zambrano the Hutt"]

it would make logical sense to reduce out cloud of control. As seen in history, when a nation starts to break down, the Roman Empire, it's borders will shrink exceptionally. Tough, if unrest continues, the nation will soon collapse both due to internal and external affairs.

History aside, it would make sense to shrink our borders as we would become less of a threat to other factions. Besides, it could lead to some new story opportunities.
[member="Zambrano the Hutt"]

The Mandalorians did so as a result of rampant inactivity. A metaphorical white flag waved to the nations that they aren't a threat.

Activity isn't an issue here. Surrendering territory shouldn't happen.
It's nice to see this sort of discussion with some old faces getting involved!

[member="Darth Metus"] It isn't so much as raising a white flag, but giving us the story opportunities for future growth. Because realistically, when was the last time Anirc was ever used by the Primeval, as an example? Do you ever realistically foresee the Primeval ever using it for anything as it stands? It's a sacrifice-able planet for the sake of our story in the future.

Just some food for thought.

[member="Darth Kentarch"] we could make it less unsightly by making it bigger? :p But I do agree with you, that it has always been kind of an eyesore, but I'd rather not give up a spoil of war if we can help it.

[member="Auzga Xalor"] I agree!

[member="Lord Ajihad"], [member="Vilox Pazela"] That's sort of the idea of what I'm going for, but people have been slow to do this on their own.

Would it help if I just made them for people to choose from?
[member="Zambrano the Hutt"]

I would much rather see a different approach devised than witnessing tangible effort removed. The Primeval is in a civil war, awesome, let's Photoshop the site map to show which side of the conflict owns the planet and slap said map on top of every faction thread involving the conflict.

Same effect. Territory is being "lost" but it isn't going to make the faction easier to invade. Nor does it appear as a sign of absolute weakness.
I know that Kitsune is going to be taking over Belkadan and at some point in the near future, defect to Silver Sanctum Coalition. So, it would be cool if civil war events could occur so that faction cloud is reduced.
[member="Darth Metus"]

Zambrano the Hutt said:
Don't give in to that knee jerk reaction to keep as much territory in the map game as possible, because we've been pretty story centric I think, and this move would make a lot of sense in my opinion.
Maybe don't even focus on territory at all. How many times have we really roleplayed with the worlds we have? And of those worlds, how many of them were worth the amount of effort we've gone through when acquiring them. To say the least, the only worlds that I feel have been actively used during the faction's existence are the following...

Bastion, Chiloon Rift, Telos, Dantooine, Korriban. The rest have been roleplayed on sparsely, and both the former and latter worlds were the only ones of any significant value.

Of course, that all being said, I don't think reduction is the answer. The Primeval is, and always has been a faction that relies on giving other people the opportunity to do what they'd like. Part of that is the Warlord system, that has been the source of numerous storylines and activity bouts. If you remove worlds, you remove options.

In summary, I don't think reducing map claims will have any positive outcomes. If you want focus to be taken away from the map, then you're hardly going to create any positive outlook by saying. "Well, we don't have that many worlds, so let's not pay attention to that." You do it by finding something that's deserving of equal or greater attention.
As I suggested to the Imperium...

Every major faction should have a Location thread. An absolutely public place that members of the faction and passersby can come and interact. This can epitomize any of our existing worlds, as well as highlight the unique culture of the faction. Hell, the civil war can be the backdrop of the thread. Have it literally be a war-torn city with skirmishes everywhere and cannons aimed at the heavens to shoot down anyone who comes near.

...Okay, I really want this to happen. Zambrano, bby, please?

[member="Zambrano the Hutt"]

[member="Anja Aj'Rou"] By the Nine have I missed seeing that mug of yours. Well put as always!
I think the consensus is pretty clear here, and I agree with it. You've all brought up ideas and solutions I hadn't thought of when considering this, so there won't be any sort of territory reduction for us.

I am going to have to find someone however, that can make us a map. I also need to check in to see who would like to form sides in this conflict, and I would love to see something like that [member="Darth Metus"].

But since we're on the topic, perhaps we should discuss in more detail the specifics of this civil war, as currently, it's pretty hectic without a whole lot of direction! We should also be looking towards a conclusion with this conflict, rather than an indefinite civil war.

Here are some of the sides I potentially see (names pending):
  • The Court of Balagoth: Obviously there is me, and some supporters going around burning worlds.
  • Old Guard?: I've heard rumor of old Aj'Rou loyalists forming something on Telos to face off with the mad Hutt. No other information received.
  • Independent Separatists: There are a number of worlds I could easily see that take neither side in the conflict, and merely do what they can to stay out of it. Or perhaps they welcome neither side and attack both.
I think an excellent conclusion for this would be my own eventual defeat, and subsequent death, followed by some new system of governance that brings back stability to the Primeval.

What are all of your thoughts?

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