Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Faction Direction & Plot

Again suggestions needed.

I want to know where you want us to go, what you want to see and how you want to do it.

Do you want to see the First Order cast off the chains of resurgence and remerge as the Galactic Empire re-incartnate?

Do you want to go to war with the Republic?

Do you want cookies for breakfast?

Im interested, now tell me.
Hmm, I can think of a few suggestions.

I think it'd benefit us to emphasize on being a true legacy of the Galactic Empire - a new, polished and reformed version that is a strong government in its own right. So yes, definitely use Palpatine's heritage, while at the same time make it clear the First Order is a different, better thing. I remember there were many imperial factions, let's focus on that particular player base and draw those interested in.

As for going to war, I do not believe the Republic to be the enemy here. Lemme explain; they didn't do much lately. Why would imps be pissed at them if Pubs were just getting pushed around by the 0S? Who is our real enemy, who do we blame for the all the other imperial factions failing?

I completely understand the Pubs are weakened now and would be a suitable target for our little group of young fascists to war with, but do we want to do what all dark and evil factions do? Would Pub players want yet another war? Maybe it'd be too much OOC drama for what it's worth. And if we do declare war on the Pubs, the GA will immediately steamroll us, so, eh...

An interesting option would be to watch the ongoing GA/0S conflict and join the winning side once one starts to beat the other :)

And what we definitely need to avoid are illogical and counter-productive actions for the sake of evil. Let's not be like Sith factions :angry: :lol:

But those are all just ideas of a rotting brain :p
[member="Aram Kalast"]

Isolationism, Fascism, and strong Civic Responsibility.

Ideally (of course my opinion) expand into territory we're sure we can hold slowly, while consolidating resources. Create some sort of beneficial trade relationships with the folk who would normally be our rivals.

Stay quasi involved in Galactic Politics while keeping a safe distance.

Then we can focus on building a grand empire for our people.


Captain Meneer Chrome
War is good. Cookies are better :)


Expansion and a long-term rival top my wish list (along with chocolate chip) :p

Dunames Lopez

Megalomaniac CEO of Star Tours
I plan to introduce a NPC Ren trainer that joined the Order of Ren primarily because he is disgusted by the Sith factions' willingness to sacrifice their economy and the lives of millions of innocents (see Directive 12, phases 2 and 3, if you have any alts that played in the invasion of Coruscant) just for power grabs.

The Republicans pose no real threat by now...

Taa Nul

CEO of Kamigen Incorporated
I'd say capitalise on the legacy of the Galactic Empire. T'is part of the First Order's heritage, and it's society likely wouldn't exist without such a legacy to inspire it. We should slowly transform into a new Galactic Empire as we expand in size. Build a few monuments of Palpatine and famous imperial figures so they're remembered while we're at it, I say. :p

[member="Aram Kalast"]

Dunames Lopez

Megalomaniac CEO of Star Tours
And let's not forget Kylo Ren, too. Here the dark side is to be used only as a means to an end, for instance, law and order, but also we are not interested in wanton cruelty and power grabs unlike the Sith factions.
In my honest opinion, expansion should be the key strategy at the moment. We only hold a few systems at best, and are kind minor on the galactic scale. Our only true enemy is the Galactic Alliance, more so out of a competition for resources in the nearby galactic neighborhood.

The Republic is a slowly rotting state bound to collapse. And from what I can tell, the One Sith are not far behind. I say we let each exhaust themselves. The only problems we have, however, are the possibilities of the Mandalorians factions or Silver Sanctum seeing us as a threat and declaring open war on us. We also need to be mindful of smaller Major factions, such as the anti-Force User group called the Zenithian Imperium and the splinter of Sith known as the Triumvirate. Ignore them too long, and they might become a problem later.

While the conflict between the dying titans of the Republic and One Sith rages on, we should consolidate power and resources by giving dominion over nearby systems, just strategically enough not to cause problems with GA.

Valessia Brentioch

Indeed, the Republic and the One Sith have enough problems on their own, and we needn't bother with them. The Silvers are too busy worrying about the Sith Triumvirate and everyone in that part of the galaxy will be too busy concerning themselves with the Mandalorians and their crusades.

Talk less. Smile more. Don't show them what we're against or for.

Let us grow here in our pocket of the galaxy. As aforementioned our only true rival is the Galactic Alliance. And even then, there's always room to tread the line of talking and carrying a very heavy stick. I echo the sentiment of everyone else where when I say that capitalizing on our heritage is key.

Isolation. Growth. Consolidation. Strength.

While the galaxy's aging titans crumble, we will be down here, preparing.
Closing in our territory (making it less vulnerable to opportunistic invaders) is also a wise tactic. A Tier 2 of either Dead Nebula or Vortusa should work nicely. From there, we're a hop, skip and jump away from several promising worlds (Endor, Bakura, Riflor, and Cerea are the most notable).

Valessia Brentioch


Mhmm, and have we already taken Quintas? It's near Keskin, but if we haven't then I suggest a tier 1 dominion of Quintas. If we have already, then we can proceed to Endor after taking the aforementioned territories through a tier 2.

Or both, both doms would be good to have set for later this month, after we complete our T3.
I think that whilst we may not strive for any wars against factions, we should still never underestimate active foreign diplomacy. I think it would be more enjoyable, even if we're economically isolationist, to promote the First Order in other faction's areas. I think other factions would enjoy the First Order, both IC and OOC going to them to engage in diplomacy. Also, I don't think we should consider people like the Republic natural enemies. There is still a possibility for future cooperation. I actually see the First Order having more in common with the Republic than the One Sith. Of course, from my character's view the best path would be to embrace the original Empire of Palpatine (Max for Baron of the Empire anyone? no? Ok.), however that would require some changes, since currently the First Order is more small-scale in focus compared to the Empire.
Mostly what I'd like is to know is what resources and abilities I have available to promote the First Order, since that is a bit unclear to me when looking at making deals, credits etc.

Caid Centurion

Becoming a version of the Galactic Empire should be the goal we progress's pretty much at the Imperialistic core of our...resurgent movement. That does not, however, have to happen swiftly or in even a remotely similar manner as the original Empire.

War with the Republic is inevitable but not exactly necessary. Truth be told the larger threat is going to be the continuously expanding Mandalorian Empire. Or whatever name they have now.
The Galactic Republic is less our enemy than everyone makes them out to be. They're hardly ever the aggressor, but when they defend, they do it well. I think it would be wise to open a dialogue with them to explore our diplomatic options with them. It could give us a valuable new ally, or it could catalyze a new war. After being dogpiled by the UCM and OS, and the first target of the new Mandalorian's crusades, they won't be looking for additional enemies. I think it would be wise to discuss the opening of embassies in each other's capitals. It would be interesting to see if the Mandos would respect our sovereignty or pillage our soil all the same during the coming weeks. I have an OOC rapport with the GR, and I'm more than willing to open this dialogue.

I think the next best alternative is to simply abstain from involving ourselves in conflict. Let's grow, do dominions, become a more prominent faction. Let others come to us. I do like the notion of us shifting to the Galactic Empire idea, though I would much rather not be an empire - there's enough of those on Chaos. I would much rather encompass the ideals and structure of the Empire without being an empire in itself.

Valessia Brentioch

Corvo Santagar said:
The Galactic Republic is less our enemy than everyone makes them out to be. They're hardly ever the aggressor, but when they defend, they do it well. I think it would be wise to open a dialogue with them to explore our diplomatic options with them. It could give us a valuable new ally, or it could catalyze a new war. After being dogpiled by the UCM and OS, and the first target of the new Mandalorian's crusades, they won't be looking for additional enemies. I think it would be wise to discuss the opening of embassies in each other's capitals. It would be interesting to see if the Mandos would respect our sovereignty or pillage our soil all the same during the coming weeks. I have an OOC rapport with the GR, and I'm more than willing to open this dialogue.

I think the next best alternative is to simply abstain from involving ourselves in conflict. Let's grow, do dominions, become a more prominent faction. Let others come to us. I do like the notion of us shifting to the Galactic Empire idea, though I would much rather not be an empire - there's enough of those on Chaos. I would much rather encompass the ideals and structure of the Empire without being an empire in itself.
I agree, we gain nothing by joining the dog pile, and let's not forget they're an entirely different part of the map. I also feel we should try diplomacy. War is not inevitable, we can work to prevent war with the Republic, war with the Alliance? Now that's inevitable, and yes given that I've seen how the Republic can dig in and defend, we needn't be their enemy, but we needn't be their friend either. Let us open a dialogue with them and see how things progress.


I would much rather stay back here, isolated and grow the First Order. So basically every single thing you've said in your last paragraph, is yes, yes, yes all of that yes.

Caid Centurion

I should clarify my statements. The reality is this...we're not in a position on the map to even strike at the Republic. However, as our territory grows and expands, that is inevitably going to happen. I'm all about diplomacy, but the reality is that you're looking at an agreement of non-aggression at best, and that will fall apart the moment it becomes an impediment to either government's progress.

Matter of fact...there isn't even much of a reason for diplomatic outreach with the Republic at this current point in time unless we're trying to establish some form of commerce with them.

The Galactic Alliance, however, I would say is extremely ripe for any element of diplomacy. I think I recall mention of doing this in some other thread within these forums.

Plus by virtue of the alliances we make, there may be enemies that we more or less inherit, so making sweeping diplomatic overtures may not be the best immediate plan. Map out what alliances we see as being critical or worthwhile...and then we can move forward from there. Maybe we just want to have economic/trade relationships with some of the more like-minded factions rather than full on military alliance?

Agree with everyone else about strengthening our current borders being a priority.
The Kathol Outback is also within a relatively close distance to us and are worth reaching out to diplomatically. I have an OOC connection there and they'd welcome a thread for the sake of writing together if nothing else comes of it. I'd be happy to try and set it up if that's a direction we want to go.

Valessia Brentioch

Ludolf Vaas said:
Brevity is the soul of wit, so accordingly -

We should be aiming to become the next Galactic Empire in everything we do. That is the underlying soul of our faction.

Sentiri said:
The Kathol Outback is also within a relatively close distance to us and are worth reaching out to diplomatically. I have an OOC connection there and they'd welcome a thread for the sake of writing together if nothing else comes of it. I'd be happy to try and set it up if that's a direction we want to go.

- I might know a few TKO kids myself. We're always down to thread.


Lastly, why don't we leave the Republic out of this for now? They're across the map from us, and pose us no threat. We need to be concerned for our own borders and who is next to them. Let us build our house first, and build beautiful walls, let others come to us while we develop more guns and ships. ~ And so the balance shifts.
skin, bone, and arrogance
Corvo Santagar said:
The Galactic Republic is less our enemy than everyone makes them out to be. They're hardly ever the aggressor, but when they defend, they do it well. I think it would be wise to open a dialogue with them to explore our diplomatic options with them. It could give us a valuable new ally, or it could catalyze a new war. After being dogpiled by the UCM and OS, and the first target of the new Mandalorian's crusades, they won't be looking for additional enemies. I think it would be wise to discuss the opening of embassies in each other's capitals. It would be interesting to see if the Mandos would respect our sovereignty or pillage our soil all the same during the coming weeks. I have an OOC rapport with the GR, and I'm more than willing to open this dialogue.
Please do reach out to the Republic if you're still willing :). Maybe you and I and [member="Max Fel"] could make a mission to the Republic to broach the subject of establishing diplomatic relations -- if they're interested.

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