1. Chaos General Rules apply at all times.2. Harassment and bullying of any kind will not be tolerated.
2a. Likewise avoid intentional acts of rude or inconsiderate behavior.
2b. Should a person(s) ask you to stop what you are doing as they consider it rude, then you must do so. It is common courtesy to them, and to the others within the faction.
2c. We are all apart of this Faction to collaborate and write stories, act like a team not like enemies. This isn't a competition.
2d. Excessively pestering fellow writers for replies is not permitted. The occasional ask is fine, but please remember that this is a hobby not a job and people have lives away from the site.
3. The posting of pornographic links, images, or writing will result in an immediate ban from the Discord Server.
4. Likewise, the posting of links to illegal sites will also result in a ban from the Discord Server.
5. If you see anyone breaking these rules, or if you feel as though you are personally being harassed, please speak to a member of our Staff Team.