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Faction Idea - Inquisitors

Ty Loh

Chocolate. What else should I say?

So I have this idea of the Inquisitors making a come back from their days in the Empire - and better than ever! We already know a lot of stuff about them from Rebels, including...

- They worked for the Empire, most likely trained by Darth Vader, solely to kill off remaining Jedi padawans and knights back then.
- They were an entire order. They had a "Grand Inquisitor" who was backed by brothers and sisters (5th brother, 7th sister...)
- They were kept from force abilities beyond the basics so they wouldn't overthrow Vader and the emperor.
- They used double-bladed lightsabers that spun. Each of these lightsabers had different looking hilts (7th sister's had spikes, 5th brother's had metals blades)

I do want to bring them back (I personally think those guys rocked) But for plot purposes, why? Why did order come back? I do plan on the force ability cap on them being lifted and them not being tools for a higher cause anymore, but what are they here for? The power they never got under the Empire? Are they like, hired dark siders? Or what? I have an idea for a character (twi-lek, baby!) who becomes interested in them and revives them, but once again, why?

Feel free to throw ideas around! Thank you! :)
[member="Ty Loh"]

Not sure if the One Sith should be tied to them. I mean. The OS have the assassins already. Not saying they aren't a choice though.

I perceive how the inquisitors would be differently in this timeline than I would of the Rebels timeline. You said it yourself, they were there most likely only to kill off surviving Jedi. There's thousands if not more Jedi in this timeline than there was in the past.

I'm notsaying this is a bad idea, but they would need more purposes.

Just my opinion :)

Ty Loh

Chocolate. What else should I say?
[member="Akabane Jarvik"]

I know, and I want them to have their own purpose. I'm having trouble finding out what though. Maybe vengeance, the dark side commonly is tied with revenge, and the inquisitors could be coming back saying they were their own now. But something more is still needed. I know my character I'm coming up with just fell in love with their concept since a kid, and is working towards their revival, but once again, I'm searching for purpose.
[member="Ty Loh"]

Maybe they could kill the good guys for "justice" this time. You know, not interrogating but just killing and its over for the individual. Never mind, that's a bad idea :p I'm sure you'll think of something.
[member="Maureen Code"]

Looks really cool, I've never seen a science nerd inquisitor :p how will you go about creating a new Inquisitorius? I'm very interested in this so maybe I could do something.

[member="Kira Fenn"]

You're right your highness, but I think they'd be outnumbered by a lot :p *bows*

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