Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Mandalorian Protectors

The Mandalorian Protectors serve and protect the Mandalore Sector, and their ancestral homeworld, restored to a measure of its former glory. We are a strong and independent power, dedicated to martial skill and a unified Mandalorian culture.

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Faction Owner Nominations

Sadly, my dear and wonderful mandalorians, the time has come for me to step away as faction owner.

I have a baby due at the end of the year and am struggling to give you all the love and dedication this faction needs to keep it moving as my focus is elsewhere. I have thoroughly enjoyed my time with you all, even the rough patches and will be very sad to step away but I think for the faction to be able to continue to grow and move forward, this is the best option for me.

As is the tradition and ruling with major factions, it is up to you as members, to put forward your nominations for faction owner to take over in my stead. The nominee does not have to be a faction admin currently, they just have to be a member of the faction. I will abstain, as I think its fairer for you all to make the decision. I will leave this thread up for a few days to allow everyone to get there nominations in and then we will hold a faction wide vote.

Much love to you all

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