Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Mandalorian Protectors

The Mandalorian Protectors serve and protect the Mandalore Sector, and their ancestral homeworld, restored to a measure of its former glory. We are a strong and independent power, dedicated to martial skill and a unified Mandalorian culture.

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Faction Owner Nominations

Mando Witch (Semi-Retired)
With the news from Tefka, a new owner nomination thread is here.

Please nominate who you would like as the new MFO.

I will not be putting my name forward as I just do not have the ability to be an FO.

Nominations close Friday 8/2/24 at 2100 Eastern

Ah shiz, here we go again~​
Nominations will be extended until NEXT SUNDAY, AUG 11.

While Arla’s short tenure absolutely destroyed this factions momentum, I have great respect for this faction’s founder, Mia Monroe Mia Monroe . Out of respect for a fellow Mandalorian OG, I will demand more time is abetted to the Mandalorians in an effort to right this ship and sail forward.
Does anyone have any ideas on how to progress? Are there stories hidden in here somewhere? I know we had some goals but they centered around a lot of folks that have left for one reason or another.
Alor of Clan Gred, Mando'ad'jetii
Does anyone have any ideas on how to progress? Are there stories hidden in here somewhere? I know we had some goals but they centered around a lot of folks that have left for one reason or another.
Honestly, I think it'd be a good idea to go ahead with Mia's idea of an Alor council, and leaving the Mand'alor out or as an NPC for the time being. Just need someone able to step up to MFO really get things going though.
I can give this a shot, if nobody else is willing. One last try to keep it afloat as a Major. I have an inkling of an idea how to move forward and keep the spirit of the MP, though it's nothing concrete yet. And I fully acknowledge that it may be best to go minor eventually, depending on activity. Can still do some good stories even as a minor faction. I don't know who all is currently active, though.

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