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Dark Empire

The Dark Empire is a reconstituted Imperial successor state based on the principals of Palpatine's late-era Galactic Empire (Dark Empire). It's sole focus is the destruction and re-creation of the galaxy far far away.

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Faction Owner Nominations

Greetings my fellow Dark Imperials.

We have come along way as a Dark Empire over the past year. With our influence steadily growing and launching both Operation Shadowhand and the Core Wars against the Galactic Alliance. We have come so far and achieved so much as a wonderful faction of great antagonists.

Of course that being said lately we have been without our dear Emperor Darth Solipsis Darth Solipsis for sometime. This has put Staff and the direction of the faction to a grinding halt. After seeking out advice from Tefka I believe the best course of action for the future of the Dark Empire is to bring in a new Major Faction Owner so that we have a guiding hand to drive this faction forward, while also letting our current Owner be able to deal with ongoing RL stuff without also worrying about leading the faction.

This is the start of nominations for whoever wants to be Major Faction Owner. Anyone is welcome to nominate a candidate be it Faction Staff, or even from the faction member base as a whole.

Put in your nominations now. This thread will be active for three days and end at (12:30 PM 9/5 and voting will end on 9/6) After the nominations are accounted for a Major Faction Owner Vote will be the next step.

Long Live the Empire.
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I suggest the noms go until Thursday, 9/5, the vote goes until 9/6.

If it is not a supermajority, we can discuss extending the deadline. However, the recent involvement with the Protectors has convinced me that more time does not benefit any of us. I'm going to let the sitting faction admins, as chosen by Darth Solipsis Darth Solipsis , run this vote. So long as its fair, I won't interfere. The only thing that can turn tables is if Darth Solipsis Darth Solipsis informs me of anything, but as of yet I have not heard back from him.

For any questions, I am to be looped in irt official rulings, etc. In periods of MFO absence, I am once again to be considered defacto MFO, however lame duck I may be. As always, this will automatically end once the vote for MFO is closed and a clear winner is determined.

If you have issues, gripes, complaints, forward them to me on discord or here on the forum, or feel free to ask in this faction (but make sure to tag me).

Tef's Voting Rules:

1. Make sure the vote results are publicly visible.
2. Make sure the people voting have posted at least 12 times in Dark Empire threads in the past 6 months. 3. The 6 months ends at the timestamp of this post.
With the rescinded nominations of Shannic and Marlon, a new rule is being added to this vote:

4. If only one nominee is legal and declared by the end of the nominations, this nomination thread will count as the Faction Vote as validated by Tefka/SWRP Staff.

Valiens Nantaris Valiens Nantaris Srina Talon Srina Talon John Locke John Locke Collector Collector

You have until 11:59 PM Thursday EST. Nominees need 12 votes with this Faction in the past 6 months to be eligible.

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