Republic Engineering
Artificial Intelligence
As the acceptance deadline was moved forward, I will not be doing the same with the voting. You have until Sunday Evening (Mountain Time.) to cast your vote. I'm making it public so that there's no Alt padding, and it's a fair ballot. One Member/Writer. One Vote. Any abuse of that simple rule will result in miscount. EDIT: For some reason that option's been edited out and disabled. So we're going to default to the Honour system.
I've also disabled Replies for this thread, so if you have anything to say - use my stepping down thread, message me personally, or speak up in our various chats.
Choose carefully, as after the voting's complete there is no turning back until the new FO gets tired of the proverbial throne. Your vote will matter, so if you're active in the faction and looking to see it find better leadership, cast your ballot and see that your choice is recognized.
I've also disabled Replies for this thread, so if you have anything to say - use my stepping down thread, message me personally, or speak up in our various chats.
Choose carefully, as after the voting's complete there is no turning back until the new FO gets tired of the proverbial throne. Your vote will matter, so if you're active in the faction and looking to see it find better leadership, cast your ballot and see that your choice is recognized.