Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Faction proposition - OmegaPyre (Offical Proposal)


I am just touching base with members to see if they would be interested in this type of faction here at SWRP. I'm still tweaking history to fit with this timeline, but I figured I should first see what thoughts, comments, or ideas other minds might have.




Hey guys, with the rising interest, we'll be moving forward with OmegaPyre, with the possibility of the Syndicate merging with us.

For those that are interested in joining such a faction, feel free to post your names and I'll pop up a list.

OmegaPyrE Services (OS) is a Private Military SecurityCompany or PMSC that covers such services and expertise typically found in governmental military or police forces, but on a smaller scale. OS specializes on employment by private firms or individuals to provide specialized expertise or services in a variety of postions, such as troopers or pilots for hire, bodyguards, enforcers, fugitive recovery (bounty hunting a la US Marshals style ) and even provide services to train or supplement official armed forces in service of governments. They worked in other military assignments as well, for example in those involving testing the equipment, liberating abducted people or retrieving, transporting and protecting valuable goods or items. Although these men and women are commonly known as mercenaries, they will be known as Private Military and Security Contractors (PMSCs), in order to avoid the negative stigma often associated with mercenaries.
At its essence, OmegaPyrE offers neutral legal military and security services to fulfill the needs of the every day citizen, businesses, governments, and even to the galaxy’s top holo-vid actress. Any bounty hunters, slicers, ex-soldiers, and any wishing an independent position in such venues employment within the legal realms of galactic society may apply. For those seeking the more seedier means of employment (IE assassination, slave catchers, smuggling, drug dealing etc) in The Criminal Underworld, this is not for you ~ We recommend you turn to the The Syndicate.
  • Security Services: This section specializes in meeting the needs of the industry's most diverse client base, providing services that includes: bodyguards, armed security, transportation services, and armed escort services.
  • Fugitive Recovery Division: This section deals with the legal contracts of governing agencies, private companies, and civilian affairs. Commonly known as bounty hunters, the employees of OmegaPyrE's FR Division are known as Fugitive Recovery Agents. They are individuals who captures fugitives ("hunting") for a monetary reward ("bounty"), for apprehending by law, if such laws exist.
OmegaPyrE employee's will typically operate in small teams led by a commander. If a larger force was required, several teams could be called in - for example, Each team has their own ship, and can assemble a force of twelve ships (different teams) to escort a convoy if need be. On the other hand, members sometimes traveled as master-and-apprentice pairs, and individual warriors could be contracted out long-term as bodyguards.
Every member of OmegaPyrE is expected to start at the bottom and earn their rank within the business a recruit or an apprentice.Theses are the lowest rank a member could hold within OmegaPyrE, and where all members without rank begin. Recruits/Apprentices are expected to work under the tutelage of another member until they were promoted. Here, they learn basics of their chosen profession as well as the tricks of the trade. This ensured members gained power within the society based solely on the merits of their actions as well as helps guide prospective members into the positions for which they were most suited.

Training Center
OmegaPyrE Training Center (OCTC) offers tactics and weapons training to their employees as well as to military, government, and law enforcement agencies. It is in this area that OmegaPyrE Shadow Guard train in the methods of the Force. While OmegaPyrE employees are trained to be deadly if needed, they were especially adept at close-quarters combat, using a multitude of forms and techniques. They were well trained in martial arts, and also had a large amount of weapons training as well. OS employees are always equipped with weapons; often they also carried personal armor and multiple devices allowing them to fulfill their client's demands. They were trained to use hold-out blasters and vibroblades, and for those with more of an exotic taste, were also educated in the use of more exotic weapons such as hand claws, shock whips, and zenji needles.
  • OmegaPyrE Special Response Teams (OSRT): Are non force user personnel capable of completing sensitive and difficult operations in on their own or in small teams called Special Repsonse Teams These small surgical strike teams are operated by each OmegaPyrE branch.
  • Omega PyrE Shadow Guard (OSG-Force Users): OmegaPyrE’s Shadow Guard are force users that utilize light and dark side Force abilities, and have shown skill with techniques common to Jedi and Sith, such as the ability to construct and wield a lightsaber, as well as some unique Force talents. At its essence, OmegaPyre uses a variation of the Potentium, where the potential for light and dark sides resided in the user, not the Force itself. It should be noted that while OmegaPyrE is neutral, some of their employees still attempt to avoid the dark side. They, however, saw the dark side as something within themselves to be avoided, not something in the Force.

Asari Morin

I gave you my opinion on this but ill say it again. I love the idea and will def make a character to support it.

Flint Pherson

EDIT: Nevermind. There are Neutral Powers on this site.

Everything looks golden. :D


Glad to hear there are folk interested in this sort of Faction. In that case, I'll be plotting and tweaking the story more to fit with the 400 year blackout and to give some sort of explanation on why we do what we do. In the mean time, are there any questions? I'll be happy to answer them. :)


Awesome. We are current discussing a possible merger with the Syndicate -- which, as all good things should be done, will likely be hashed out in a roleplay!

Seeing as such, Ayden and I will be throwing one up to see where it takes us as we form OmegaPyre.

As such, you may now officially consider this a faction proposal. :)

Erich Lor

According to Urban Dictionary a Muppet is;
A person who is ignorant and generally has no idea about anything.

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