Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Faction question

I know it doesn't make sense to join a dark faction and a light faction, but what is the common thoughts of joining multiple Jedi factions to further character, or is that pretty much frowned upon?


Disney's Princess
[member="Mensa Dak"]


Every Jedi Order is different for a reason. Creed, history, territory, outfits, etc. But there is no reason you couldn't be an active member of many of them. Even IC.

For instance,
  • The Jedi Academy Network encourages cross-faction interaction as a given
  • The New Jedi Order has strong ties to it's Marshalls and it's Independent contributors alike
  • The Silver Jedi might have a far away place on the Map but their Jedi can be found adventuring all over the galaxy
  • Even just being a cookie spy. Trying to finally steal that secret Sasori recipe. Mmm. Totally worth it.

As always. We are writers and community members first and foremost. Being brave warriors for our factions and buddy groups second. And with that perspective in mind? It's hard to go wrong in any faction. :p
I also had this question because I thought you could only be in one at a time, but I see people with about five.

[member="Jay Scott Clark"] So, you can join more than one faction at a time, or are you just saying what I think you're saying, that you can play along with other factions?

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