Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Faction-wide Dev threads?

I could be wrong, but my understanding is that you could, but if you were smithing for ten people and it usually takes ten posts for one person you'd be looking at 100 posts.

You might be able to cut a deal with the judges if you were just making basic armour, but you'd likely have to lay out who it was for, or how many items there are, not just be like, BAM, all the Mandos forever. Kind of negates the point of having restricted items otherwise ;p

Or maybe the question is can you dev for other people. If so, yes.

[member="Amethon Tzimiskes"]

Also Clooney eeeeeeee <3
[member="Chiasa Kritivaas"]

Well, I was wanting to do this because sometimes Dev threads can be the least bit intimidating, (especially for new players) if you don't know what you're doing and when you're new. Its also kind of daunting asking players you don't hardly know to help you. This way, however, it would be a simple matter of posting in the thread because, (By the topic itself) I've already expressed interest in helping. And I wouldn't have to worry about ten or more people crowding me, the War council, (Mandalorian IC section) isn't exactly the most active section.

How'd I go about asking the judges?
[member="Amethon Tzimiskes"]

Well. I imagine what you could do since you're a Mando, is do the dev thread mining to get the beskar, then sub a limited or minor run of basic armour, and then folks could either use that to start or do baby dev threads (maybe with your help) to add whatever toys/extras they want to the basic armour.

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