Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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 Factory 7.0 problems

E T E R N A L - E M P R E S S
Since Tefka Tefka asked me to collect and post the bugs I found, here are a few.

One that has been reported by several players, including Valiens, is that the Image Source field does not work and does not display the link in the post.

In addition to this, the other problem that I indicated, now I added two pictures, is that in the new sections, the Factory Judges still cannot choose "[…] Preview", and thus cannot accept the subs in these areas. I cheated and set prefixes and the “[...] Approved” prefix with Ingrid after judging the sub with MANIAC.

That's all I've found so far. If there's anything else, I'll report it here, and I think other people can also report it here, if they find something, everything should be in one place :)

Image Source problem

Factory Judge permission problem:


In Umbris Potestas Est
I tried to post a sub under starship creation and got the following error:
  • Armaments: Please enter a value for the required field.
  • Speed Rating: Please enter a value for the required field.
  • Maneuverability Rating:: Please enter a value for the required field.
  • Minimum Crew: Please enter a value for the required field.
  • Optimal Crew: Please enter a value for the required field.
  • Cargo Capacity: Please enter a value for the required field.
  • Width: Please enter a value for the required field.
  • Height: Please enter a value for the required field.
  • Size: Please enter a value for the required field.
I don't see any of these fields listed on the template tabs, so I can't fill them out and thus can't make a post. Filled out every other tab that was listed.
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