L Admin
This is a rarity, but please do not advise people to NOT submit certain things to the Factory unless they are game breaking. If someone wants to submit some rudimentary item just to call it their own and it is easily passable, throw your stamp down on it and call it day. We accept this because it is content. Content grows our site.
Site growth is like compound interest. If I made a submission tomorrow for "dovin basal" and just renamed it "dovin basal 2" but it's basically the same thing, pass it through, it actually HELPS the website's SEO and SERP rank. Do not deny these items, just pass them on and ignore the illogical behavior of it.
Again, this is a rarity. If you have not done this, don't worry about it. If you have, kinda worry about it.
Site growth is like compound interest. If I made a submission tomorrow for "dovin basal" and just renamed it "dovin basal 2" but it's basically the same thing, pass it through, it actually HELPS the website's SEO and SERP rank. Do not deny these items, just pass them on and ignore the illogical behavior of it.
Again, this is a rarity. If you have not done this, don't worry about it. If you have, kinda worry about it.