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Approved Armor FAE/A-02 “Kinnara” Energized Combat Armor Mk. II

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Manufacturer: First United Astral Engineering
Market Status: Closed Market
Production: Mass-Produced
Weight: Average
  • Classification: Energized Combat Armor
  • Weight: Average
  • Resistances:
    • Energy: Very High
    • Kinetic: Very High
    • Lightsabers: Average
    • Sonic: High
    • Weaponized Acid | Corrosives: Very Low
    • Electromagnetic | Ion | Electronic Disruption: Very High
    • Tensor: None
    • Weaponized Radiation: Low
    • Weaponized Cold: Average
    • Weaponized Heat: Very High
    • The Force: High
  • Augmented Assault - Achieved via energized and reactive polymer materials incorporated into the body glove, the armor will enhance the wearer’s speed, strength, and athleticism almost sevenfold, allowing the operator to wield heavier weapons with decreased encumbrance and to grapple stronger enemies. In addition, the Ghost Link integrated into the helmet significantly enhances reaction time, mental processing capability, and awareness.
  • Face the Sun - The Kinnara achieves a strong resistance to heat and energy weapons via high-quality alloyed Tetra-PolyCarbonite and Integrum armor plating, Ostrine reinforcement, energy sinks, a composite armorweave bodyglove, and yet more defensive systems.
  • Sonic Weaponry - Equipped with a sound dampening overlay and sonic nullifiers, the Kinnara provides the wearer with a good level of protection against sonic attacks, which while somewhat rare, are nonetheless lethal in the right circumstances.
  • Low Profile - While the coatings do not offer true stealth capability, they lower the Kinnara’s sensor profile, while making the armor more difficult to see and harder to detect.
  • Mechanical Mutation - Like any piece of technology, the Kinnara will be susceptible to mechu-deru and other technology-twisting powers if left unprotected. A talented practitioner of such esoteric sorceries could induce an overload or some other failure that might compromise the armor entirely or demand precious time to fix, leaving the user vulnerable.
  • Weaponized Radiation - While the armor is capable of protecting its wearer from background radiation in the environment, it does a poor job in protecting its wearer from weaponized radiation, due to it being far more concentrated than radiation in an environment or a vacuum.
  • Acerbic Affliction - Unfortunately, acid weapons are very effective at eating through the protective material to harm the wearer directly, potentially inflicting a host of dangerous effects.
  • Tensor - While optimized to mitigate damage from most forms of energy-based assaults, tensor weapons are indeed the exception. In firing compressed tractor beam waves, they can bypass most of the armor’s defenses and affect the wearer’s body at a cellular level, with the potential to cause mortal injury.
As First United Astral Engineering’s first mass-produced armor, the original rendition of the Kinnara was an advanced, versatile defensive platform that carried soldiers through many tough, demanding engagements, proving itself as a robust system in the process. Still, even as an armor known for its advanced technology, reliability, and defenses, the Kinnara could be iterated and improved upon. Thus, the FAE/A-02 “Kinnara” Energized Combat Armor Mk. II came into development. Utilizing a number of the company’s upgraded subsystems, including the Mk. II Dream Sight sensor suite, the new communications module, a new electricity-based defensive weapon, and yet more, the Kinnara unified these technologies into a single armor platform.

Through this, the Kinnara is not only a symbol of the First United Astral Engineering’s past, but also its future as the company continues to develop its capabilities and systems.

Out Of Character Info

Intent: Update to the Kinnara.
Permissions: See Body

Technical Information

Affiliation: First United Astral Engineering
Model: FAE/A-02 “Kinnara” Energized Combat Armor Mk. II
Modular: Yes
Material: Reinforced Quinta-Polycarbonite Lamellar Compound-Integrum Medium Armor Plating, Ostrine Reinforcement, Body Glove, BACS-X89i | Breytast Adaptive Camouflage System - Outer Coating, Skuggalegt I-pattern Polymer - Inner Coating, Reinforced Duraplast Electronic Hardening - Ion and EMP Mitigation, Self-Sealing Properties, D-Baffling Construction, Aurodium
Classification: Multipurpose
Defense Rating: Average
Energy Resist: Very High
Kinetic Resist: Very High
Sonic Resist: High
Thermal Resist: High
Radiation Resist: Low
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