Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Approved Tech FAE/A-14 Energized Foot Gear

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Manufacturer: First United Astral Engineering
Type: Basic
Market Status: Closed Market
Production: Mass-Produced
Weight: Very Light
Size: Average
  • Manufacturer: First United Astral Engineering
  • Affiliation:
  • Market Status: Closed-Market
  • Model: FAE/A-14 Energized Foot Gear
  • Modularity: Yes
    • Various Settings and Programming Alterations
    • Systems may be stripped as needed or desired
    • May be integrated into personal armor, suits, boots, footwear, droids, and other platforms
      • Capable of linking with host platform’s systems
    • Custom Sizing and Anatomy
      • Intended user’s body is scanned and a fabricator produces foot gear for their exact physical profile
      • Limited resizing via programmable matter
      • Can be configured for the anatomy of non-humanoid species
    • Various Misc. Modifications
  • Production: Mass-Produced
  • Material:
  • Super Sprinter - The FAE/A-14 is equipped with a number of features that enhance mobility, balance, and positioning. In effect, the foot gear not only optimizes movement, but also enhances it far beyond the user’s unaugmented capabilities, enabling feats of agility, flight, and speed which the wearer would not be able to perform without the gear.
  • Run the Gauntlet - Land mines are a significant threat to any foot-slogging soldier or combatant. Thus, the FAE/A-14 has sensors to detect and pinpoint them meters in advance, allowing the wearer to avoid and sidestep them.
  • Without a Trace - The sound dampeners offer a low profile by silencing the user’s footsteps and the auditory reports of the jetboot thrusters. The IR suppressors achieve much the same effect by minimizing (though not entirely removing) exhaust heat from the jetboot thrusters. However, neither of these features match true stealth capability, as they do not grant true sensor or sensory invisibility.
  • Kick Killer - The foot gear comes with integrated weapons that augments the user’s kicks and foot attacks, giving them a lethal, destructive edge.
  • Mechanical Mutation - Like any piece of technology, the FAE/A-14 will likely be susceptible to mechu-deru and other technology-twisting powers if left unprotected. A talented practitioner of such esoteric sorceries could induce a jam or some other technological failure that might compromise the system entirely or demand precious time to fix, leaving the user vulnerable.
  • Surged - While the FAE/A-14 has some defenses against EMP and Ion attack, if caught within the radius of an electromagnetic discharge, the foot gear could be disabled or otherwise suffer diminished function. If the discharge is powerful enough, it could force a reboot as the system works to de-ionize the electronics, a process which might demand valuable time.
  • Limited Power - The more power-hungry functions of the FAE/A-14 (jetboot thrusters, bounding system, repulsor assist mobility enhancement) will considerably lower the battery life. Thus, the foot gear needs to be connected to an outside power source in order to maintain endurance under intensive usage.
Designed by First United Astral Engineering, the FAE/A-14 Energized Foot Gear is a system of foot gear designed to optimize and enhance mobility, performance, utility, lethality, and awareness for its users. The foot gear is effectively a suite of systems that enhances and hardens footwear for the demands of combat in the modern Chaos era.

Covering mobility, the foot gear has a bounding system which allows for great leaps, frictiongrip and magnetic grip for enhanced traction on a wide variety of surfaces, a repulsor assist mobility enhancement for more efficient and faster movement, an autosteady gyro-gimbal for balance, and jetboot thrusters which offer extend flight capability. These jetboot thrusters allow speeds of up to 290 km/h, though most casual, less-trained users keep the system restricted to lower speeds and power levels.

In terms of awareness, the foot gear has a suite of passive demolitions and mine sensors. These are intended to minimize casualties sustained by land mines by highlighting their location to the user. As these sensors rely on passive, low-feedback technologies, they do not trip sensor warning receivers or similar equipment.

For lethality, the foot gear has two weapon systems on each foot—a kinetite shockwave strike weapon and a vibroblade in the toe area. The placement of these weapons can be configured to accommodate the anatomical needs of users from species with non-humanoid-style feet. In all, these weapons give the user’s kicks a lethal, dangerous punch.

Finally, the foot gear has a full suite of utility systems, ranging from reactive polymer ankle polymer to integrated coolant tubing for foot breathability and comfort.

Out Of Character Info

Intent: Create a suite of foot gear for First United Astral Engineering.
Permissions: See Body

Technical Information

Affiliation: First United Astral Engineering
Model: FAE/A-14 Energized Foot Gear
Modular: Yes
Material: Thermal Gel - Insole, Reifflex Cellular Padding - Comfort, Concussive Absorbing Material, Condensed-Matter Composite - Vibration Minimization, CryoBan - Coolant, Self-Sealing Properties, Aquatic Drive Components and Systems, Ion Thruster Components and Systems, Various Footwear Components and Materials, Various Waterproof and Water Repellent Materials, Internal Circuitry and Electronics
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