Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Manufacturer: First United Astral Engineering
Market Status: Closed Market
Production: Minor
Width: High
Height: Large
Weight: Very Heavy
Size: Large
  • Manufacturer:
  • Affiliation:
  • Market Status: Closed-Market
  • Model:
    • FAE/HV-01 “Plesrunas Zveris” Hybrid Winged Jump Vehicle
    • KHV-8 - Kainate Hybrid Winged Jump Vehicle Model 8
  • Modularity: Yes
    • Various Settings and Programming Alterations
    • Aesthetic Modifications
    • Armament Loadouts
      • Two Armament Hardpoints
    • Custom Sizing and Configuration
      • Intended user’s body is scanned and a fabricator produces a vehicle sized and configured for their exact physical profile
      • Limited resizing via programmable matter ergonomics
  • Production: Minor
  • Material:
  • No Mountain High Enough - The KHV-8 is capable of operating in the void and within all types of atmosphere. It is also capable of all-weather operation, whether rain, wind, snow, fog, hail, heatwave, and yet inclement conditions.
  • Aerial Firepower - The KHV-8 has two modular armament hardpoints, allowing the user to equip a wide range of weapon systems. In this, the vehicle can unleash high amounts of aerial firepower, giving the pilot the ability to function as a miniaturized gunship.
  • Flying Juggernaut - The KHV-8 has very robust defenses which includes missile defenses, heavy shields, armor plating, and ECM. For jump troopers who normally take very high casualties, the excellent defenses of the KHV-8 offers a stunning reversal to the trend of high casualties for aerial shock troopers.
  • Overload - The KHV-8’s Sleg Ultracapacitors can be dangerous when overloaded with energy, with the potential to explode or catch on fire in such an event.
  • Master of None - As a hybrid vehicle, the KHV-8 provides the best of both worlds, albeit with some limitations. It is not as fast as a typical walker when on the ground.
  • Mechanical Mutation - An unspoken weakness of virtually all modern technology, the KHV-8 is vulnerable to the esoteric sorceries of Mechu-deru and other technology-corrupting powers. As such, a skilled practitioner of such arts could quickly disable the machine, provided that they have a direct line of sight to the vehicle.
  • Tight Fit - Even with the wings folded within the chassis while in walker mode, the vehicle is fairly large and pilots will have trouble fitting through most man-sized doors. Not to mention, compared to not having the vehicle at all, agility is limited while in walker mode. In both modes, the vehicle will likely suffer in very close-quarters.
Initially commissioned for the Starweird Shock Jumper Company, the FAE/HV-01 “Plesrunas Zveris” Hybrid Winged Jump Vehicle (or the Kainate Hybrid Winged Jump Vehicle Model 8) is a dual-mode walker and jump pack personal propulsion system intended to be used by skilled and specialized shock jump troopers. In contrast to the previous FAE/P-03 "Adramelech" Winged Jetpack, the FAE/HV-01 is not nearly as fast or agile. However, it is significantly well-defended and has a more integrated armament with superior endurance and direct fire capability (while the FAE/P-03 relies on the weapon in the user’s hands). In this regard, the vehicle is a hybrid aerial and ground platform, though it most often finds use in the former respect.

However, even with its hybrid capability, the FAE/HV-01 has limitations that may constrain it in certain contexts. It is liable to be outmaneuvered in very close-quarters (such as narrow alleyways or starship passageways). In addition, as a hybrid vehicle, it is a jack-of-all-trades. It does not have the speed of a full-sized walker while in walker mode, in which it is more or less limited to walking.

Nevertheless, in spite of these considerations, the FAE/HV-01 follows its namesake as a Plesrunas Zveris, one that is dangerous both in air and on land.

Out Of Character Info

Intent: Create a hybrid jump pack-walker by request for Teresa Zambrano | Darth Pellax
Permissions: See Body

Technical Information

Affiliation: The Kainate, The Sith Order
Model: FAE/HV-01 “Plesrunas Zveris” Hybrid Winged Jump Vehicle, KHV-8 - Kainate Hybrid Winged Jump Vehicle Model 8
Modular: Yes
Material: Beskar, Integrum, Reinforced Duraplast Hardening - Ion and EMP Mitigation, Ostrine, Dallorian Alloy, Electrum, Faraday Cage Mesh Construction - Sensitive Components, Various Jump Pack Materials and Components Various, Personal Walker Materials and Components
Movement: Other (See Description)
Armaments: Armament Hardpoint (2)
Vehicle Type: Mechanized Infantry
Vehicle Role: Other
Defense Rating: Very High
Traction Rating: Average
Top Speed Rating: Average
Braking Power Rating: Average
Corner Speed Rating: Average
Speed Rating: Average
Acceleration Rating: Average
Balance Rating: Average
Maneuverability Rating:: Average
Energy Resist: Very High
Kinetic Resist: Very High
Sonic Resist: Very High
Thermal Resist: Very High
Radiation Resist: Very High
Minimum Crew: 0
Optimal Crew: 1
Passenger Capacity: 0
Cargo Capacity: Very Small
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