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Approved Ranged Weapon FAE/I-08 Beam Cannon

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Manufacturer: First United Astral Engineering
Market Status: Closed Market
Production: Semi-Unique
Weight: Average
Size: Average
Imperfect Depiction: The beam is cyan and has a shimmering visual texture.
  • Manufacturer: First United Astral Engineering
  • Affiliation:
  • Market Status: Closed-Market
  • Model: FAE/I-08 Beam Cannon
  • Modularity: Yes
    • Systems may be stripped as needed or desired
    • Can be configured for installation in droids
    • Can link to virtually any electronics, sensor suite, HUD, artificial intelligence, or targeting system
    • Various Settings and Programming Alterations
  • Production: Semi-Unique
  • Material:
    • Dallorian Alloy-Ostrine - Barrel
    • Reinforced Duraplast Hardening - Ion and EMP Mitigation
    • Faraday Cage Mesh Construction - Sensitive Components
    • Synthskin or Synthflesh Cover - Optional
    • Beam Cannon Materials and Components
  • Classification: Arm Implant Beam Cannon
  • Size: Average
  • Weight: Average
  • Beam Appearance: Cyan
    • On the primary hyper-ionized particle beam energy mode, the beam appears as a continuous energy lance with a shimmering visual texture with branching electro-ionized micro-discharges along its exterior. If Ethaerium X is used as the gas instead, the beam retains the same shape, but it is transparent rather than cyan, only appearing as a nigh-invisible lance-like mirage.
  • Beam Velocity: 7 km/s
  • Ammunition Type:
  • Ammunition Capacity: Average - 100 Beam Discharges
  • Effective Range: Average - 300 m
  • Rate of Fire: Continuous
    • Beam Duration: 0.8 s
  • Damage Output: Extreme
  • Recoil: Average
  • Data and Information Security
  • Control Systems and Electronics
  • Energy Modes
    • Hyper-Ionized Particle Beam - Considered to be the standard energy module, this module manifests a hyper-ionized particle beam that deals damage via a veritable hammer blow of concussive shock (kinetic energy), the searing release of thermal energy as the superheated plasma particles destabilize matter to produce extreme heat, and finally ionization energy which can disrupt electronics and overload energy shields in the manner of an electromagnetic pulse. Of particular significance, the beam has an explosive effect upon connecting with a shield or solid object, including the blade of a lightsaber.
    • Incendiary Plasma Beam - Manifests an incendiary plasma beam encased within a magnetic field. Rather than exploding, the beam is designed to splash in a two-meter radius on impact with any solid object (including energy shields and lightsaber blades) as the searing plasma adheres itself to objects within its radius. Stuck to the target, the semi-solid plasma “gel” can potentially inflict significant and continuous extreme heat damage on shields, armor, and flesh, typically burning at temperatures in excess of six thousand degrees centigrade for several seconds.
    • Stun Beam - Projects a stun beam intended to leave a target unconscious by overloading their nervous system via charged electrical impulses.
  • Power and Discharge Systems
  • Utility and Safety Features
  • Resilient - The FAE/I-08 is insulated and hardened against electromagnetic and ion threats, making it reliable in conditions of high electromagnetic activity.
  • Explosive Output - A single energy beam has an extreme damage potential. The weapon is dangerous to targets up to and including lightly-armored vehicles clad in materials the likes of impervium and titanium. In addition, a beam projected via the hyper-ionized particle module carries explosive concussive force and will detonate when impacted a solid surface, including energy shields and lightsaber blades. However, in all three energy modes, the beam is extremely difficult to block or deflect with a lightsaber due to the fact that the magnetic fields are designed to destabilize on contact, rather than remaining intact.
  • Ionization - When used on the hyper-ionized particle beam energy mode, the weapon has an increased chance of overloading energy shields due to the hyper-ionized nature of the particles. It can also disrupt electronics, making it effective against droids and technology in the manner of an electromagnetic pulse.
  • Mechanical Mutation - Like any piece of technology, the FAE/I-08 is susceptible to Mechu-deru and other technology-corrupting powers. If left unprotected, a talented practitioner of such esoteric sorceries could induce a failure that might compromise the weapon entirely or demand precious time to fix, leaving the user vulnerable.
  • Explosive Fortune Teller - In the event of a misaligned prismatic crystal, firing a beam risks an explosive outcome, likely ending with the weapon going off within the wielder’s hand to potentially catastrophic effect should they attempt to use it in spite of the damage.
  • Thermal Flare - When releasing heat, fire can shoot out from the vents on the arm’s elbow. This has the potential to burn the wielder if they are not careful, while likely lighting them up on thermal sensors in the process.
Conceptualized and manufactured by First United Astral Engineering, the FAE/I-08 Beam Cannon is a cybernetic (or droid) implant weapon designed to be installed with the arm of its host. As a weapon, the beam cannon inflicts damage via thermal energy, kinetic energy, and ionization. The primary energy mode (hyper-ionized particle beam) does this via searing thermal energy release capable of quickly melting through materials the likes of impervium and duravlex, explosive-concussive kinetic impact that can shatter heavy titanium barricades, and ionization energy that can disrupt electronics and overload energy shields. The secondary energy mode (incendiary plasma beam) also has a kinetic impact component as well, but it is somewhat less potent as the beam is designed to splash over its target, rather than exploding. From here, the semi-solid plasma “gel” has the potential to deal extreme damage over time by adhering to its target and burning at star-hot temperatures for several seconds. Even in the event that it fails to melt a given material, there is a high chance that the heat might bleed through to superheat the flesh or sensitive components underneath, thus overheating the target via extreme thermal radiation.

In addition, the FAE/I-08 Beam Cannon is highly modular and comes with a host of utility features. Included are various power settings, safety features, EMP and Ion hardening, and yet more. It can also be configured for installation in droids.

All in all, the FAE/I-08 Beam Cannon is a savage, hyper-lethal option for cybernetic weapon. Its designers can only hope that it does not find its way into the hands of a cyber-psycho.

Out Of Character Info

Intent: To create an arm-integrated beam cannon.
Permissions: See Body

Technical Information

Affiliation: First United Astral Engineering
Model: FAE/I-08 Beam Cannon
Modular: Yes
Effective Range: Average
Rate of Fire: Automatic
Material: Dallorian Alloy-Ostrine - Barrel, Reinforced Duraplast Hardening - Ion and EMP Mitigation, Faraday Cage Mesh Construction - Sensitive Components, Synthskin or Synthflesh Cover - Optional, Beam Cannon Materials and Components
Ammunition Type: FAE/AM-01-S2 Energy Weapon Cartridge
Ammunition Capacity: Average
Damage Output: Extreme
Recoil: Average
Ranged Class: Other
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