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Approved Ranged Weapon FAE/MDW-02 Electro-Active Interception Weapon

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Manufacturer: First United Astral Engineering
Market Status: Closed Market
Production: Mass-Produced
Weight: Very Light
Size: Very Small
  • Intent: Create a next-generation ultralight defense weapon for First United Astral Engineering.
  • Image Source: N/A
  • Canon Link: N/A
  • Permissions: N/A
  • Primary Source: N/A
  • Manufacturer: First United Astral Engineering
  • Affiliation:
  • Market Status: Closed-Market
  • Model: FAE/MDW-02 Electro-Active Interception Weapon
  • Modularity: Yes
    • Systems may be stripped as needed or desired
    • May be installed in any armor, vehicle, starship, station, or emplacement.
      • Scales based on host platform size and class
    • Capable of linking with host platform’s sensor suite(s) and system(s)
      • Capacitor draws power from host platform
    • Various Settings and Programming Alterations
    • Compatible with power management systems
    • Can incorporate and integrate anti-stealth systems when used on lower-production platforms (Unique and Semi-Unique)
  • Production: Mass-Produced
  • Material:
  • Classification: Electricity Projector
  • Size: Very Small - Scalable
    • FAE/MDW-02-S1 - Light Personal (Small Droids, Miniature UAVs, Light Personal Armor, Etc.)
    • FAE/MDW-02-S2 - Medium Personal (Personal Armor, Man-sized Droids, Etc.)
    • FAE/MDW-02-S3 - Heavy Personal (Hover Bikes, Heavy Power Armor, Heavy Droids, Jetpacks, Etc.)
    • FAE/MDW-02-S4 - Light Vehicle (Hover Bikes, Personal Walkers, Light Vehicles, Etc.)
    • FAE/MDW-02-S5 - Medium Vehicle (Landspeeders, Tanks, Walkers, Medium Vehicles, Starfighters, Etc.)
    • FAE/MDW-02-S6 - Heavy Vehicle (Heavy Tanks, Heavy Walkers, Heavy Starfighters, Etc.)
    • FAE/MDW-02-S7 - Light Starship (Heavy Bombers, Corvettes, Super Heavy Walkers, Etc.)
    • FAE/MDW-02-S8 - Medium Starship (Frigates, Cruisers, Small Stations, Etc.)
    • FAE/MDW-02-S9 - Heavy Starship (Star Destroyers, Battlecruisers, Medium Stations, Etc.)
    • FAE/MDW-02-S10 - Super Heavy Starship (Super Star Destroyers, Dreadnoughts, Large Stations, Etc.)
  • Weight: Very Light
  • Discharge Velocity: 120 km/s
  • Ammunition Type: Energy Capacitor
  • Ammunition Capacity: Average - 200 Discharges
  • Effective Range: Personal - Scalable
    • FAE/MDW-02-S1 - 25 m
    • FAE/MDW-02-S2 - 30 m
    • FAE/MDW-02-S3 - 40 m
    • FAE/MDW-02-S4 - 80 m
    • FAE/MDW-02-S5 - 120 m
    • FAE/MDW-02-S6 - 200 m
    • FAE/MDW-02-S7 - 400 m
    • FAE/MDW-02-S8 - 2 km
    • FAE/MDW-02-S9 - 5 km
    • FAE/MDW-02-S10 - 10 km
  • Rate of Fire: Automatic Pulse
  • Damage Output: Low - Scalable
    • The power of an electric discharge increases with size class.
  • Recoil: Very Low
  • Energy Breaker - The projected electricity can disrupt the cohesion of the electromagnetic fields surrounding common energy bolts. As such, the weapon can interdict, disperse, and/or destroy laser, plasma, disruptor, and other types of energy bolts.
  • Fast Response - By necessity, the FAE/MDW-02 is an extremely fast, responsive system. When connected to the sensor suite of its host, it can detect, then intercept incoming warheads, bullets, grenades, energy bolts, and other projectiles all while avoiding friendly units and distinguishing between enemy-launched attacks and friendly-launched attacks. The FAE/MDW-02 takes full advantage of its high rate of fire and fast response time, allowing it to track multiple incoming threats at a time.
  • Intelligence - The oversight computer brain is very intelligent and is capable of making snap decisions with data from sensors. There are situations where it may choose not to intercept a grenade if it is already close to civilians or friendly assets, to allow them time to escape its blast radius (though civilian protection settings may be overridden). Alternatively, it may also choose when to intercept an incoming projectile, in order to mitigate damage to life and property. These are only two out of countless examples of the circumstances and decisions it can operate within under chaotic battlefield conditions.
  • Fast Propagation - The FAE/MDW-02 discharges electricity at incredibly fast velocity, allowing the weapon to intercept especially swift projectiles before they can reach their target. The weapon has a very high rate of fire, allowing it to shoot down mass barrages in ultra-efficient, surgical fashion.
  • Omnidirectional - An omnidirectional projection system allows electricity to be projected from all directions around the host. Thus, the FAE/MDW-02 has the potential to engage, interdict, and destroy incoming threats no matter where or how they approach.
  • Electric Barrier - The electro-active interception weapon can not be used while energy shields or cloaking devices are active. For this reason, users generally install one or the other or they use the electro-active interception system and their energy shield (or cloaking device) separately.
  • Area of Effect - Warheads or explosives with a large area of effect can be an issue if not shot down in time, as their explosive radius will in all likelihood be unabated or possibly even exacerbated by the intercepting electrical discharge.
  • Excess Magnetism - If left unprotected, EMP and Ion-based assaults may disrupt the functioning of FAE/MDW-02 by overloading its systems via ionization energy.
  • Low Damage - FAE/MDW-02 has low damage potential, giving it just enough power to take down incoming missiles, bombs, explosive, energy bolts. However, it won’t give larger, moderately-protected targets much trouble. For instance, the S7 to S10 size classes (which are meant to be used in large warships) might take down missiles, but they won’t give starfighters much trouble. In turn, the smaller S1 to S4 size classes (intended for droids, infantry, and vehicles) can take down incoming grenades, solid projectiles, but will generally only be nuisance to heavy-armored infantry.
Designed by First United Astral Engineering, The FAE/MDW-02 Electro-Active Interception Weapon is a host platform-integrated defensive weapon system designed for use in a light point-defense role. When active, an electrical field surrounds the host, from which electrical discharges originate to strike at incoming threats. The system is almost entirely controlled by an oversight droid brain that marks and engages fast-moving missiles, bombs, bolts, grenades, explosives, bullets, and other projectiles targeting the host. Thus, the weapon is a point-defense system scalable from small droids all the way up to large star dreadnoughts.

In this, the FAE/MDW-02 takes after the FAE/MDW-01 Active Defense Weapon, which was designed exclusively for infantry and used whistling bird-sized nano missiles. However, after the limitations of that approach were revealed in terms of excess weight, bulk, and limited ammunition, the choice was made to use electricity as an intercepting agent in the successor model. To retain the all-aspect, omnidirectional interception capability of the FAE/MDW-01, the FAE/MDW-02 uses an omnidirectional field projection system.

In spite of the upgrade that the FAE/MDW-02 represents over its predecessor, it still has limitations. Warheads or explosives with a large area of effect that are not shot down in time can still harm the host. In addition, the weapon can not be used in tandem with energy shields.

Even with these weaknesses, the FAE/MDW-02 is anticipated to break new ground as a scalable, ultralight point-defense weapon, allowing units to enjoy both mobility and protection.

Out Of Character Info

Intent: Create a next-generation ultralight defense weapon for First United Astral Engineering.
Permissions: N/A

Technical Information

Affiliation: First United Astral Engineering
Model: FAE/MDW-02 Electro-Active Interception Weapon
Modular: Yes
Effective Range: Personal
Rate of Fire: Automatic
Material: Electrical Weapon Components, Reinforced Duraplast, Aurodium, Agrinium
Ammunition Type: Energy Capacitor
Ammunition Capacity: Average
Damage Output: Low
Recoil: Very Low
Ranged Class: Other
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