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Approved Tech FAE/P-02 Energized Jump Skates

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Manufacturer: First United Astral Engineering
Type: Basic
Market Status: Closed Market
Production: Mass-Produced
Weight: Very Light
Size: Average
  • Manufacturer: First United Astral Engineering
  • Affiliation:
  • Market Status: Closed-Market
  • Model: FAE/P-02 Energized Jump Skates
  • Modularity: Yes
    • Various Settings and Programming Alterations
    • Systems may be stripped as needed or desired
    • May be installed in personal armor, suits, droids, and other platforms
      • Capable of linking with host platform’s systems
    • Aesthetic Alterations
    • Custom Sizing
      • Intended user’s body is scanned and a fabricator produces a unit sized for their exact physical profile
      • Limited resizing via programmable matter
      • Can be configured for the anatomy of non-humanoid species
    • Various Misc. Modifications
  • Production: Mass-Produced
  • Material:
  • Speed Skater - The FAE/P-02 Energized Jump Skates allow a capable skater to fly just above the ground at breakneck speeds, often in excess of 1530 km/h. Thus, a trained, talented user can harness the jump skates to lethal effect in battle, making them into a hyper-lethal high-speed skirmisher that can engage targets at blinding speeds.
  • Agility - The repulsor boost function allows for sudden bursts of acceleration in any direction on the ground when activated, making them ideal for dodging attacks when needed. In addition, due to the skates’ deliberately twitchy, unstable handling characteristics, talented hover skaters can execute spectacular feats of agility.
  • Extreme Condition - The jump skates are capable of all-terrain and all-weather operation. In addition, their surface repulsor capability allows them to function over deep water, giving skaters the ability to engage in aquatic maneuvers.
  • Disentangled - The integrated, miniaturized gravitic stabilizers allow the skates to maintain operation while in areas subject to repulsorlift jamming.
  • Jordan Pushed Off - In utilizing repulsorlifts, the FAE/P-02 also has the chief disadvantage of the technology—that being an inability to function without a nearby gravity well as the system requires mass to push against. Thus, the jump skates are nonfunctional in deep space.
  • Mechanical Mutation - Like any piece of technology, the FAE/P-02 will likely be susceptible to mechu-deru and other technology-twisting powers if left unprotected. A talented practitioner of such esoteric sorceries could induce a jam or some other technological failure that might compromise the system entirely or demand precious time to fix, leaving the user vulnerable.
  • Running in Heels - The skates are designed in such a way as to optimize repulsorlift output and efficiency. Unfortunately, these design decisions came at the expense of practicality. As such, the jump skates do not allow the user to easily walk while wearing them. Users must resort to either hovering very slowly or clumsily (and slowly) walking on the pointed edges of the skates.
  • Kick Back - Skaters may find that wielding weapons with excessive amounts of recoil to be impractical as the skates do not offer a stable firing platform and thus, controlling extreme amounts of recoil may be rendered more difficult. For this reason, the largest weapons that users typically wield are longarms, with heavy weapons the likes of rotary blaster cannons, launchers, anti-materiel rifles, machine guns, and other similarly-sized weaponry being generally avoided.
Breakneck and radical in character, the FAE/P-02 Energized Jump Skates represent First United Astral Engineering’s entry into the market for repulsorlift skates. In typical company fashion, the FAE/P-02 are ultra high-performance and extremely demanding on their users in terms of both physical strain and technical skill. Thus, the FAE/P-02 are not intended for use by the casual or even the moderately-trained hover skater. The skates’ twitchy, deliberately unstable handling characteristics make wipeouts prevalent even for experienced hover skaters who are accustomed to lower-performance models. As such, these skates are recommended for the exclusive use of professionals who intensively specialize in their use. And often, these users have augmentations, as baseline human and (most) Near-human reaction times are not in any way adequate to maintain control over the skates.

However, for those individuals who persist in their efforts to build their strength, reflexes, and expertise, the jump skates can turn them into an ultrafast, hyper-lethal battlefield speed killer, capable of engaging targets at blinding speeds.

In terms of specifications, the jump skates are rated for a top speed of 1600 km/h. Their flight ceiling is ~5 meters above the ground level of the immediate area (i.e. if a user is skating over on a rooftop, then the ground level is the rooftop). However, the skates can “leapfrog” from a higher point to a lower one, allowing limited flight above the ceiling.

All in all, the FAE/P-02 Energized Jump Skates are hoped to represent the pinnacle of high-performance repulsorlift skates, allowing breakneck feats of speed and agility which for any skater with the dedication and stamina to perform them.

Out Of Character Info

Intent: Create a set of high-performance jump skates.
Permissions: See Body

Technical Information

Affiliation: First United Astral Engineering
Model: FAE/P-02 Energized Jump Skates
Modular: Yes
Material: Agrinium Lattice Underframe, Condensed-Matter Composite - Vibration Minimization, Repulsorjet Components and Systems, Internal Circuitry and Electronics
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