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Approved Tech FAE/S-06 Reactive Targeting Matrix v1.0.1

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Manufacturer: First United Astral Engineering
Type: Electronic
Market Status: Closed Market
Production: Mass-Produced
Weight: Very Light
Size: Very Small
  • Manufacturer: First United Astral Engineering
  • Affiliation:
  • Market Status: Closed-Market
  • Model: FAE/S-06 Reactive Targeting Matrix
  • Modularity: Yes
    • Systems may be stripped as needed or desired
    • May be installed in any armor, vehicle, weapon, starship, station, vehicle, or emplacement.
      • Scales based on host platform size and class
    • Capable of linking with host platform’s sensor suite(s) and system(s)
      • Draws power from host platform
    • Various Settings and Programming Alterations
    • Compatible with power management systems
    • Can incorporate and integrate anti-stealth systems when used on lower-production platforms (Unique and Semi-Unique)
  • Production: Mass-Produced
  • Material:
    • Internal Circuitry and Electronics
    • Misc. Components and Materials
  • Clear the Air - The incorporation of gravity-activated and infrared sensors, in addition to the Targeting & ECM Integration Software) gives the FAE/S-06 a very high degree of resistance to ECM and non-stealth based jamming technologies, making the matrix quite reliable even in conditions of heavy interference. In addition, given the necessary sensor suite, the targeting suite can lock onto sources of jamming and interference.
  • Cover Targeting - The FAE/S-06 remains ultra-precise in cover-heavy environments, being capable of maintaining locks even if targets slip behind cover or of direct line-of-sight. The same can be said for extreme inclement conditions, including the likes of blizzards, storms, and other events which would normally impede target acquisition.
  • Passive Aggression - All of the FAE/S-06’s targeting systems, with the exception of the targeting laser (which is used only rarely), are passive, low-feedback systems. As such, it is significantly more difficult for a target’s sensor warning receivers, lock-threat warning systems, counterdetectives, and similar systems to register that they are being locked onto.
  • Surge - The FAE/S-06’s resiliency against EMP and Ion-based assaults ultimately relies on the quality of the host platform’s defenses. If incorporated on a unit with relatively weak defenses, EMP and Ion assaults can potentially disable or diminish the matrix to varying degrees, depending on the power quotient of the attack, proximity of the initial discharge to the host platform, along with a multitude of other factors.
  • Rampant Bloodlust - The ‘Myrmidon’ Combat AI loaded into the FAE/S-06’s computer brain is highly creative, aggressive, and intelligent. However, it also possesses a burning hatred of all life, which is kept in check with various loyalty assurance protocols and agonizer circuits in order to prevent friendly fire. Unfortunately, this hatred also represents a weak point in the design. Should a slicer or a talented practitioner of technology-corrupting Force powers wage a focused effort to disable these protocols, the Myrmidon could take full, unrestricted control of the FAE/S-06 and begin locking onto and firing on both friendly and enemy units.
  • Energy Vampire - The FAE/S-06 is reliant on the power supply of its host.
Designed for a new wave of technology updates to be incorporated in First United Astral Engineering’s fleet of vehicles, small craft, and larger starships, the FAE/S-06 Reactive Targeting Matrix is a modernized targeting unit which incorporates the latest advancements in offensive technologies. Equipped with an advanced, yet bloodthirsty AI, the FAE/S-06 is designed to deliver creatively lethal targeting solutions for soldiers, pilots, and gunners, with an eye towards countering ECM, target lock integrity in crowded environments, and even the capability to target incoming warheads. The FAE/S-06 is designed to integrate seamlessly with its host’s sensors, drawing on sensor data to improve target acquisition. It is also compatible with the FAE/C-02 Tractor Guidance System, giving users the potential to draw radical, unexpected firing solutions on their targets. All in all, the FAE/S-06 Reactive Targeting Matrix is designed to vastly improve offensive capabilities of the vehicle it is mounted on, potentially establishing itself as an advanced, reliable targeting system that is difficult to foil.

Out Of Character Info

Intent: Create a targeting system!
Permissions: N/A

Technical Information

Affiliation: First United Astral Engineering
Model: FAE/S-06 Reactive Targeting Matrix
Modular: Yes
Material: Internal Circuitry and Electronics, Misc. Components and Materials
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