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Approved Tech FAE/S-07 Symbiotic Ghost Link

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Manufacturer: Internal Circuitry and Electronics
Type: Communication
Market Status: Closed Market
Production: Mass-Produced
Weight: Very Light
Size: Very Small
  • Intent: To create a new form of user-system linking and control technology to enhance combat potential and reactivity.
  • Image Source: N/A
  • Canon Link: N/A
  • Permissions: N/A
  • Primary Source: N/A
  • Manufacturer: First United Astral Engineering
  • Affiliation:
  • Market Status: Closed-Market
  • Model: FAE/S-07 Symbiotic Ghost Link
  • Modularity: Yes
    • Various Settings and Programming Alterations
    • Systems may be stripped as needed or desired
    • May be installed in any armor, vehicle, weapon, starship, station, vehicle, or emplacement.
      • Scales based on host platform size and class
    • Compatible with power management systems
    • Capable of linking with host platform's sensor suite(s) and system(s)
      • Draws power from host platform
  • Production: Mass-Produced
  • Material:
    • Internal Circuitry and Electronics
    • Various Neural, Droid, Technopathic, and Universal Link System Components
  • Oversight and Administration
  • Information Storage and Processing
  • Data and Information Security
  • Primary Systems and Features
    • Symbiotic Link - A link between the host platform and the user is established via the modular direct interface. The symbiotic link technology amplifies this connection by allowing the user to access and utilize the host platform’s computer processors just as readily as they might think with their own physical brain. Through this connection, the user not only gains direct and intimate access to the host’s systems, but they also have their own physical (brain) processing power supplemented by the processing power of the host platform. Thus, when properly linked, the user can think, react, and process in response to information significantly faster than they could with their own physical brain. In addition, the link enables true multitasking by allowing the user to carry out multiple separate tasks at once, as they are no longer limited by the hardware of their physical brain.
      • The intensity of the user’s symbiosis with the systems of the host can be customized and tuned, based on the needs and preferences. Infantry soldiers, speeder bike pilots, and other users who use their body generally opt for less intense links so that they can maintain control and awareness over their bodies. In turn, gunners, pilots, drone controllers, vehicle operators, and starship operators tend towards full immersion, with their vehicle effectively becoming their body. Finally, the link can also be configured for use with droid operators, individuals with cybernetics, and technopaths.
    • Adaptive Symbiosis - The system quickly learns the habits and neural functioning of its user, which it uses to optimize operation and the efficiency of the link.
    • Modular Direct Interface System - Neural Interface, Droid Interface, Technopathic, and Universal Link Compatibility
      • Secondary Blink and Voice Command Functionality
  • Utility and Safety Systems
  • Condition Enhance - The FAE/S-07 can enhance the capabilities of its users to a decidedly post-human standard without the need for invasive cybernetic augmentation. Users become faster, hyper-aware, and multi-focused while linked with the system, thus magnifying their awareness and lethality in combat operations.
  • Crew Count - Due to the multitasking capability that the Ghost Link gives its user, it allows for drastically lower crew counts aboard warships, walkers, fighters, stations, and other military vehicles or installations. For instance, a single gunner trained to an operational standard can directly aim and fire multiple weapons at once.
  • Training - While the Ghost Link reduces crew counts, it significantly increases the amount of training needed for those crews. Candidates must not only be knowledgeable in the basics of their military specializations, but they must also train and condition their minds for the link, a process that often doubles or even triples training times due to its demands on mental constitution. While this training can technically be skipped and the Ghost Link utilized as a standard neural interface, such a use case is often considered to be a waste of its true potential.
  • Skill Gap - There is a considerable skill gap between novice users of the FAE/S-07 and experts. The need for constant mental conditioning only accentuates this fact. A novice won't get much more out of the Ghost Link than they would a standard neural interface. However, an expert in the system can be ten times more efficient than a novice in terms of productivity—a level which can take years to reach as the brain is progressively conditioned and strengthened.
  • Brain Strain - The link puts considerable mental strain on the user. While the limits vary based on the intensity of the link in question, the mental conditioning of the user, and yet more factors, a typical organic operator can only remain in a full immersion/intensity link for a few hours before migraines and other deleterious conditions take effect. However, less intense links can be maintained almost indefinitely. It should also be noted that droid operators do not suffer from the mental strain that an organic does while using the link.
Representing a logical progression from standard neural link technology, the FAE/S-07 Symbiotic Ghost Link is a linking system that deepens the link between operator and machine to the extent of being virtually symbiotic. In this, the link allows the operator to use the computer systems of the host just as easily as they would use their own physical brain. In the same vein, the link allows the user to interface with the host's systems just as easily as they might use their own physical arm. This results in a hyper-aware and multi-focused user with nigh-instantaneous reaction time and significantly enhanced mental processing capabilities.

Illustrating the capabilities of the FAE/S-07, the system can enhance its users in many contexts and applications, including but not limited to: Allowing soldiers and pilots to see just as well behind as they can in front (provide their armor or vehicle has the necessary sensor suite), allow gunners to directly aim and fire multiple weapons at once, significantly augmented reaction speed, and true multi-tasking ability allowing comms operators to handle multiple calls at once.

All in all, the FAE/S-07 Symbiotic Ghost Link is hoped to represent a landmark in neural interface technology, offering its user capabilities previously dreamed of, without the need for invasive cybernetic augmentation.

Out Of Character Info

Intent: To create a new form of user-system linking and control technology to enhance combat potential and reactivity.
Permissions: N/A

Technical Information

Affiliation: First United Astral Engineering
Model: FAE/S-07 Symbiotic Ghost Link
Modular: Yes
Material: Internal Circuitry and Electronics, Various Neural, Droid, Technopathic, and Universal Link System Components
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