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Approved Tech FAE/S-09 Active Harmonizing System

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Manufacturer: First United Astral Engineering
Type: Basic
Market Status: Closed Market
Production: Mass-Produced
Weight: Very Light
Size: Very Small
A small craft with its guns set in a fixed position, exhibiting inaccuracy at ranges below or above the set distance. The FAE/S-09 Active Harmonizing System does away with this limitation by dynamically and instantaneously changing the position of the guns based on the distance to the given target.
  • Intent: Expand on a subsystem common to most First United Astral Engineering-produced designs, addressing a common quirk of starfighter and vehicle designs.
  • Image Source: Gun Harmonisation
  • Canon Link: N/A
  • Permissions: N/A
  • Primary Source:
  • Manufacturer: First United Astral Engineering
  • Affiliation:
  • Market Status: Closed-Market
  • Model: FAE/S-09 Active Harmonizing System
  • Modularity: Yes
    • Can be scaled for installation in any vehicle, personal armor, starship, turret, emplacement, or other host platform
    • Various Settings and Programming Alterations
    • Systems may be stripped as needed or desired
    • Capable of linking with the host platform’s system(s)
  • Production: Mass-Produced
  • Material:
    • Internal Circuitry and Electronics
    • Adjustable Emitters
    • Micro-Gimbals
  • Oversight and Administration
  • Information Storage and Processing
  • Data and Information Security
  • Primary Systems and Features
    • Active Harmonizing System - Automatically and instantly adjusts emitter(s) or barrel(s) based on droid brain feedback, targeting data, sensor information, and pilot input. In doing so, this system dynamically optimizes concentration of fire at all ranges, constantly adjusting the position of the weapon(s) so that they always converge at the ideal range and at a single point in space, thereby optimizing concentration of fire.
    • Passive Rangefinder - Passive rangefinding capability is linked to the droid brain. Thus, the system does not require active scanners or sensors to function and can work without the need for a target lock.
    • Multi-Convergence Capability - Alternatively, the weapons may be set to converge at multiple points (generally two, but more is theoretically possible depending on weapon layout and configuration). This could effectively allow one set of weapons to converge at given point, while the other set converges in a different point. In this, it might be possible for a host platform to engage two or more separate targets at once.
  • Pinpoint Convergence - The system ensures maximum concentration of fire at all ranges by constant adjustment of the emitters and barrels. Thus, the ability of a host platform to converge all of its firepower on a single point is effectively guaranteed, along with pinpoint accuracy.
  • Range Optimization - Due to the dynamic convergence, the active harmonizing system allows weapons to use all of their effective range out to the furthest increment, rather than only some of it. Without the system, four laser cannons with an effective range of 3000 meters in atmosphere might only be effective out to 400 meters due to their placement on the wings, being inaccurate past this distance.
  • Damage - Damage to the host platform (specifically damage to the emitters and barrels of its weaponry) can hinder or outright compromise the ability of the weapons to adjust, thus compromising accuracy.
Designed by First United Astral Engineering, The FAE/S-09 Active Harmonizing System solves a problem common to many vehicle, starfighter, and small craft designs—gun harmonization. In previous ages, cannons that were mounted on the wings of a small craft (such as an X-Wing) had to be harmonized at a set distance, typically 1000 meters away. While this ensures accuracy for most typical engagements, severe inaccuracy can result if firing at targets too close or too far away from the set distance. The FAE/S-09 solves this problem by dynamically, instantaneously, and constantly adjusting the position of the guns based on the calculated distance to the target. By doing this, all of the weapons’ range can be used in any given engagement, no matter how close or how far the target is to the host platform, so long as the bolts or projectiles can reach.

Of particular note, a number of systems similar to what eventually became the FAE/S-09 Active Harmonizing System were previously installed in a number of First United Astral Engineering-designed starfighters and vehicles. However, with the formalization and standardization of the FAE/S-09 Active Harmonizing System, installation and retrofitting became significantly easier.

All in all, while the FAE/S-09 Active Harmonizing System is an optimizing system. It allows a given host platform to get the absolute most out of its armament at all effective ranges, thus increasing lethality and versatility. The optimization is such that pilots and gunners will immediately notice the difference, to the point that they might find it hard to return to the older practice of fixed gun harmonization.

Out Of Character Info

Intent: Expand on a subsystem common to most First United Astral Engineering-produced designs, addressing a common quirk of starfighter and vehicle designs.
Permissions: N/A

Technical Information

Affiliation: First United Astral Engineering
Model: FAE/S-09 Active Harmonizing System
Modular: Yes
Material: Internal Circuitry and Electronics
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